3 Post – 814 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

"¿Por qué no los dos?" - Uvalde cops.

I'd have an easier time believing Biden would listen to advisors and experts. Trump would want to know the best way to flog the emergency to boost his brand recognition. If it didn't primarily help him or make him look good, it wouldn't get solved.

13 "undecideds" is a poor sampling. Given one of the "undecideds" was basically between Biden or third party, they didn't control for any "never-Bideners" or "never-Trumpers".

Add on this level of ignorance:

Hands down I would vote for a liar and a convict over a person who doesn't seem to be all there mentally.

You're basically scraping the bottom of the barrel to force a clickbait headline and choosing the most bombastic quote from them to include.

You're getting downvotes because it's pretty much never the case of someone honestly and in good faith posting seemingly pro-Trump rhetoric. It always starts out nice, but devolves into the quote above like "I like the convicted felon".

There's also N-1 streamers.

Even Mitch "The Bitch" McConnell was quoted saying:


I'm not dating ass to mouth either.

Depending on where you live a protest vote is perfect. If you live in a swing state, you should vote for Biden or Trump. If you live in a solid state like California, voting third party won't hurt either candidates chances.

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You're not FlyingSquid.

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Or like Alex Jones.

"No no! I'm really broke. I owe mommy and daddy a bunch of money that didn't hit the books until the shit was hitting the fan. That company should get any money owed first."

"LOL get fucked son!" - the court.

I like that the thumbnail is John Fetterman. Like who else could this be almost explicitly aimed at.

18 more...

I'm worried "paycheck to paycheck" is up to the interpretation of the person filing it the survey and how the questions are phrased. Depending on how the questions are worded, they'd possibly include me. My wife and I max our IRAs, 401ks, and HSAs each year. Anything that can be put on the credit card, is (then paid off before any interest can accrue). Like sure if you look at our monthly expenses vs income hitting the bank, we are "paycheck to paycheck". But we could both lose a significant portion of our income and be just fine (provided we scale back retirement savings).

Unless they address that in these articles or surveys, it just sounds like they're trying to get the poor and middle class to just agree to this shared misery while the rich keep fucking the world over.

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I'll never not pronounce his name as "a shit pie".

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In the US just peer through the crack between the door and the wall. Ensure solid eye contact with the current occupant. Determine how much time they've left. Adjust plan accordingly.

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Can't be sued/charged if they can't serve you papers.

Taps temple

And so what if Cletus has a hundred guns. He's only got 2 hands and early onset diabetes. I like my chances.

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Also, "It's too soon after this tragedy to politicize it."

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Isn't that the type of incident you should be immediately going to the hospital for? And to maintain some shitty image of power they just yank him to the back line and have him stand there?

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Elon's response will surely be measured and professional.

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I forget what award show it was but I'm pretty sure Tina Fey and Amy Pohler brought her up and listed a lengthy resumé of all her accomplishments. Then transitioned to "And tonight we're here to give her husband a lifetime achievement award."

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Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not some farcical aquatic ceremony.

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Calling it now. This will be the basis of an appeal against the judge for not recusing themselves from the case.

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I didn't think the leopard would eat my face though.

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But he had harsh words for all of his colleagues, on both sides of the aisle, whom he accused of “act[ing] like they’re in ivory towers with white pointy hats and they’re untouchable.”

So spill the fucking beans! That's true scorched earth.

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Especially with the money he has. He could have a limo on standby and not notice a dent in his accounts. Just use a damn car service.

Weird. I keep hearing the deranged nuts saying it's murder. Are they OK with 2 years for murder? Why are they so easy on criminals?

Our do they subconsciously know it's not actually murder?

37 more...

Your first comment ever and you're going to "both sides" this? Good luck.

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He was a little busy forgiving a child rapist praying over one of their dozen victims.

However it was designed, it shouldn't be allowed to be abused by rich fucks not giving up their millionaire lifestyle while continuing to rack up additional debt/judgements. You know these assholes are proponents of limiting what people can use welfare for (no steak or other "luxury" food styled arguments). Perhaps he should be limited to what a person on welfare is able to afford? You want to continue to pull in an income for "speeches" or whatever bullshit these grifters do for money? All but the bare minimum get frozen by the court until judgements are settled.

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What's the purpose of this thing?

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Well the kids don't have a choice or a vote. Some, permanently now.

"Look! It's the only word anyone can spell with the letters G-I-N-G-E-R!" - some stupid fucking racist probably.

Or they knew to temper their words lest they be dismissed. I imagine some want to be on the jury.

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This with rice? 5/7

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Honestly, I'm ok with Biden not participating in them. At this point they likely do more harm than good to him. Trump will just vomit whatever he feels like regardless of the question. He'll lie and get his little quips in.

The only way I see trump losing any support is if he suffers some major medical episode on stage, or finally drops a bigger racial slur (something like "darker people" would likely get a pass whereas the n word might finally take him down a notch). The incoherent rambling will get a pass. The thinly veiled racism or bigotry will get a pass. And all of that will just be soundbites for his slobbering masses to eat up.

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You broke logic to a chimp fight.

Somehow this statement makes more sense than Gaetz.

I wish reporters would flip this on the cops. "Two officers, with no active warrants, killed a woman."

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I mean, he does know a thing or two about rigged elections.

Fuck that's bad. Though I'm not playing starfield I'm certainly paying attention to shit like this. Before 76 I would have been a fully committed fanboy pre-ordering most, if not all, Bethesda games. Between 76 and other shenanigans they had dropped sharply out of favor. I wasn't going to buy a game brand new until reviews came out (hence why I still haven't played starfield). They gained some favor back with the TV series as it seemed well done for just my kind of interest level. Now they're losing it again.

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This. If it's plastic it should be solid plastic. This kind of failure will happen again.

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I dunno about you, but I'm certainly not voting for Hunter Biden in 2024.