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Joined 1 years ago

Yes, they are. My CEO sent out an email this morning about how he's saddened by "the attacks on Israel" and glad "all our Israeli employees are safe". He closed with "we stand with Israel". No mention of any sadness or fucks given for all the dead Palestinian civilians.

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Kids these days are lazy shits. All you have to do to earn $1,000,000,000 by 30 is drop out of school at 15 and work full time 40 hrs/wk with no vacation days. It's tough, but it's possible.

Oh forgot one part: hourly pay needs to average out to $32,051/hr and have exactly zero expenses for 15 years.

I bet the officer reached towards his waistband or glovebox. He thought he had something in his hand. The officer was acting suspicious. The officer had a history of crime, a runin with the law when he was 12.The sovcit felt threatened and had to defend himself! Those are the talking points, right?

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Destin works for defense contractors and he's never been shy about his interest and involvement in weaponry. He has a bible quote at the end of his videos. I seriously doubt I would agree with him about pretty much any politics and definitely not his personal beliefs, but he keeps his channel pretty strongly focused on the episode's subject without bringing his personal views into it. He seems to do the channel because he likes geeking out about nerdy stuff and wants to share that love with others.

I personally feel that the knowledge he's sharing is more important than knowing we probably disagree on some things. If he starts including prayer time or turns his channel into military porn, I'm out. But his channel is a positive influence for now, IMO.

Rober is different. He acts like cool science bro that worked for NASA and wants you to think he's Bill Nye or something. But he seems to be doing it for views and to push the stuff he's selling. He doesn't seem genuine. He's at risk of turning into a prank bro channel if his quality goes downhill.

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They're bots

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You must have forgotten about the Patriot Act. "Terrorists" don't get rights, and we don't have to tell you why we think you're a terrorist. (And that's super fucked up and unconstitutional)

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Do you want crossover episodes? Because that's how you get crossover episodes.

NGL I'd love to see the plotlines of the shows swapped! Planet Express News and Information Services!

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  • Your Device's Internet Protocol address (e.g. IP address), - absolutely necessary for anti-ddos techniques
  • browser type, browser version, - necessary for UX to build a functional website for the browsers that customers actually use
  • the pages of our Service that You visit, the time and date of Your visit, the time spent on those pages, - critical for determining what is popular and what isn't to improve how the interface is designed and what parts are pulled forward and what parts are hidden in menus
  • unique device identifiers and other diagnostic data. - useful for determining how often you switch devices and the performance and other experience metrics to drive making the app more user friendly

I work on web software professionally and this is a pretty minimal list that is completely justifiable for maintaining operations. If you can't answer basic questions like "what are users doing with the app?", you can't make intelligent decisions about how to improve it.

There's a lot of the same stuff here:

I don't know anything about this app or company so I'm not going to defend them, but there aren't any real red flags here. If this amount of data collection bothers you, you really should stop using the internet in general.

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White House national security spokesperson John Kirby told reporters on Thursday that the United States sees no basis for South Africa’s allegation of genocide against Israel over civilian deaths in Gaza.

We're the bad guys... I'm so embarrassed.

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That sounds like good police work. They knew where the person was, went to the area, and used their words to resolve the situation. If only all cops could show this kind of restraint and patience when apprehending a suspect...

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Their game is just to try to make the ISPs liable; they don't actually want it enforced. In fact, failure to enforce is the feature. They paint the ISP as complicit in the piracy then sue the ISP for hundreds of millions in damages hoping for a no-fault settlement. That's a much better revenue stream than suing someone for 10k who can't pay it.

You can't just casually use "shot up" when talking about kids in school...

CICD isn't an alternative to testing your own work locally. You should always validate your work before committing. But then once you do, the CICD pipeline runs to run the tests on the automation server and kicks off deployments to your dev environment. This shows everyone else that the change is good without everyone having to pull down your changes and validate it themselves. The CICD pipeline also provides operational readiness since a properly set up pipeline can be pointed to a new environment to recreate everything without manual setup. This is essential for timely disaster recovery.

If you're just working on little projects by yourself, it's usually not worth the time. But if you're working in anything approaching enterprise grade software, CICD is a must.

I had forgotten what she was fired for and was taking her side in the headline right up till it said "with the help of Elon Musk." Then I knew she had to have done something really dumb. COVID misinformation is no joke kids. Not even once.

Israel responded by blowing up mosques and apartment buildings. They cut off power to everything, including hospitals. They're blockading to prevent any supplies from entering Gaza. Both sides are committing war crimes and intentionally targeting civilians. Nobody is right here. Supporting either side is encouraging a religious war.

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I'm severely lactose intolerant, so you know what I do? I DON'T FUCKING DRINK LATTES. A restaurant is under no obligation to give me a non-dairy substitute at no cost. If you want what a restaurant sells, buy it. If you don't like what they sell or think it's too expensive, fucking don't and get on with your life.

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Do you also support "just say no to drugs" and abstinence only sex ed? Screens, as a concept, are not literally the devil. It's unmonitored and unlimited screen time that's the issue.

E: Damn y'all are dense. "Just say no" was a failed messaging campaign from the war on drugs. The alternative isn't "say yes to drugs"; it's actual education about drugs so you know what they are and the actual dangers they can pose. The "just say no" campaign taught that weed was a "gateway drug" and that everyone that tries the devil's lettuce will start using cocaine, amphetamines, and there's a 100% chance you'll become a homeless junkie and die of an overdose. It was about as ignorant as you can get.

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Why do the Dems have to "help" the GOP? I say the GOP isn't helping the Dems! All it would take is a handful of Rs to vote with the Dems to make Jeffries the speaker.

object reference not set to an instance of an object

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No. They're repeating cable history. The great bundling has already begun. Hulu and Disney are being rolled together. You're going to have fewer options moving forward. You'll have to buy the netflix-hulu-disney-peacock-hbo-starz bundle or the other one with all the rest. Then they can keep cranking up the price because it's all or nothing. Prices will go up until too many people choose the "nothing" option, then they'll start doing a "build your own package" to let you drop half and save 10% just because you want one of the services.

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Anyone making gender or race based claims about behavior is an idiot, mmmkay?

Reports: Bibi missing after hernia surgery

Surgeons: the hernia was quite large, so we had to remove the whole asshole

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Man, I know a woman who got COVID bad and got a double lung transplant. Not a word about any of her doctors or other care staff that kept her alive while on a ventilator for 6 month. Not even a mention once. But it was constant "look at the power of prayer" and "thank the good lord for my recovery" and shit like that.

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Nope, no recording allowed. Best we have is this masterpiece from the courtroom sketch artist (this is real).

I'd say it's more of a context thing. If you're hanging out in a group of people chatting together and you code switch to speak to someone so nobody else can understand, that's rude. If you're just speaking to someone in another language on your own, nobody cares (except xenophobic bigots).

There was a very real economic driver for slavery. Totally morally bankrupt, but it's a reason. This is pure malice for the sake of a culture war.

HR exists to protect the company. When you raise a problem to them, you are the one responsible for the problem being put on record. This means you are the problem. Even if you go to HR and they do something about it, you still lose because your coworkers will steer clear of you for being a narc and any chance at a career is pretty much gone. Either work the problem out with your coworkers yourself, ignore it and keep your head down, or find a new job.

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Epic is just a troll company. They donated to Godot when it served as a jab in the side of their competition (unity). Their entire business model is to inflict Stockholm Syndrome on their users via free games.

The author apparently hasn't been paying attention the last 8 years. Republicans are most certainly not going to come to the realization that Trump is unfit for office and suddenly decide to run a new candidate a couple months before the election. They have no play but to double down on Trump.

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I saw another trans meme this morning. Turned me into a woman. Thankfully I saw this one! Turned me into a man again. Close call!

What do you do any other night you're alone? Do that. NYE isn't special.

Smaller venues with smaller names is where it's at!

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🎶 it's the end of the world as we know it, and I have crippling anxiety 🎶

I believe it's because there's no reasonable conservative option. There's nobody even pitching "fiscal responsibility" or "small government" anymore. You've gotta drink the Kool aid and support The Donald or you're a liberal cuck. There's no room for being just right-leaning; you've gotta go all in.

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Just in case anyone thinks you're being cheeky...

No. It was already widely used, discreetly. She was the first to popularize using it cranked up to 11 as an intentional style choice. It's more apt to say she gave us T-Pain.

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The pope did not read the full address, instead delegating the task to Monsignor Filippo Ciampanelli. “I still have a cold and it’s tiring to read for a while,” the pope said to the participants assembled at the Vatican.

Where's your god now? Can't even give his #1 on earth the strength to mumble his message of hate. Fucking losers.

There's nothing wrong with charging for API access if the price is reasonable. Reddit was intentionally unreasonable to kill off 3rd party traffic. In 2022, the avg reddit user brought in $0.72 USD per year. If they charged just $1/yr, they'd increase their profit!

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I've finally reached the age where I don't ruminate about being drafted anymore. I turned 18 shortly after 9/11 and registering for the SS was terrifying. Now I just have to worry about my two sons coming of age and being drafted into WW3. 😞