Supreme Court unanimously rules against government in No Fly List case

juicy@lemmy.todaybanned from community to – 271 points –
Supreme Court unanimously rules against government in No Fly List case

Fikre alleges that he traveled to Sudan in late 2009 in pursuit of growing an electronics business in his native East Africa. The FBI questioned him while in Sudan, according to court filings, telling Fikre he was on the No Fly List and could be removed if he became an informant.

Fikre allegedly refused and moved to the United Arab Emirates, where he claims he was then abducted and tortured for months by the country’s secret police at the FBI’s request. After leaving the United Arab Emirates, Fikre says he moved to Sweden, filed his lawsuit and sought asylum.


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You must have forgotten about the Patriot Act. "Terrorists" don't get rights, and we don't have to tell you why we think you're a terrorist. (And that's super fucked up and unconstitutional)

A terrorist is whoever says something that the current administration doesn’t agree with. And the internet makes it very, very easy to “find” terrorists

Oh yeah, and they've got to be brown too. When white people do that they're patriots or lone wolfs.

Most of the Patriot Act has sunset at this point. Doesn't really exist anymore.