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It's only outdated to the rich families who can afford brand new games for their kids. Excluding discs is a great way to force many out of the market.

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Do these people have the memory of an earthworm?

We've had regular testing of alerts over the radio and TV, as well as regular testing of sirens for decades.

There's nothing that says it can't be done. But I'm sure SCOTUS will have something to say should a case make it to them.

Constitutional amendment would be the best way. Not sure if it would be easier via Congress or State Legislatures given the implosion on Capitol Hill.

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Whataburger, Winco Foods, insomnia cookies, Denny's, and other diners come to mind. Since covid, hardly anything is open late anymore.

You might be able to find some other places local to you that we won't know aboht, if you satay up late and use the "open now" option on Google maps.

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Tactile buttons

Once I get my next phone, I'll miss the headphones jack.

Battery life, even with massive batteries, modern phones only last a day while older phones could last up to a week between charges.


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Even with his mental health declining, he's probably still against mental health care for US citizens.

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Not only does the love triangle not make sense, but it really only serves to erode the significance of friendship of Legolas and Gimli. They were supposed to be first friendship between an Elf and dwarf in a long time

There were even people waving the battle flag of the Confederate army/navy when the neoconfederates invaded Congress on January 6, 2021.

I still can't believe that these people are getting such light sentences for taking up arms and invading the Capitol.

Did you roll the Mint into the manager's office with a note "looks like I'm rolling out of here!"

Really? I've never heard that and I'm in Texas

Some districts have high school start early, so that they can work in the afternoon. They also have to stagger school start times for the bus schedule to work. Without enough drivers, the bus has to pick up and drop off HS students and then go pick up other students.

I can understand the homework, as there has been some research suggesting that it isn't as beneficial as we believe.

There would need to be a different schedule for students in many school activities, like sports, music, and theater among others that need some before or after school practice.

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In Texas, they would ask whether you want sweet or unsweet and you'd get a glass of iced tea. The closer you are to Louisiana, the sweeter the tea.

You have to specify hot tea, if that's what you want.

Is there a brand that's better for LED? I get migraines and the stroking effect of LED bulbs can be a trigger.

LED christmas bulbs particularly bad. It felt like walking into a rave at the Christmas store.

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How do you give a shit about minority lives? You're defending Pinochet who led the coup in Chile and built concentration camps for political opponents. He followed in the footsteps of the nazis.

Edit: fixed weird autocorrect

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Academically, make sure to start off each semester well. It's much less stressful to have some As and Bs at the beginning in case something comes up or you bomb a test, rather than starting with an F and attempting to climb out of it.

Socially, be fun and get to know people but don't be a drunk asshole. Your peers may interview you for a job one day and it would be bad if they remembered you as a drunk asshole.

Financially, start off in community College. You can still find some that are only $1-2K for tuition and books per semester. It's so much cheaper than starting at a 4 year university. Also check the pricing for living somewhere near the campus vs the dorms. At my university, the dorms were about 2.5 times more expensive than living with a roommate 5-10 minutes away.

Explore a bunch of different paths by taking different electives. Also don't put all your elective classes in the first 2 years, life will be much easier in your last year of college if you only have a couple high level classes and a PE class or an elective class that you can enjoy and relax with. Finally, don't be afraid to change your major.

Many of those that move out are conservative and want to be with their kind.

In 2018, native Texans voted for Beto 51-40 and people who moved here voted for Cruz 57-42.

The US was founded by Christian fanatics that left England because of their extreme beliefs.

The Spanish came to the Americas and established missions to convert the indigenous people.

Depending on location in the Americas, religion was either first or a very close second.

Sure the founding fathers created a government that wasn't directly controlled by the church, but religion has been a major contributor. Don't forget that the church used parts of the Bible to justify slavery, which was a hot topic starting with the founding of the US.

It'd such a bad feedback loop. Employees don't always feel safe being honest at exit interviews, so they say what they think HR wants to hear and HR just takes it as fact. Then they build training like this based off what Former employees felt safe telling HR and the cycle continues.

The ping ping table at least lasts longer than a pizza party, but it's no more significant. When retiring, nobody wishes they ate more pizza or played more ping pong at work. They wish they had been able to grow and make more money so they'd be better taken care of.

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I think it's wrong to assume that man=financial duties and woman=domestic duties. That worked in the 50s because of rampant sexism, but that train of thought is long-since outdated. I get that power dynamic is ingrained into straight culture, but especially in the scenario you're talking about only serves to make the woman inferior to the man by making her clean for him even when they are both working. I always thought it was weird that men wouldn't learn to cook, if you really loved the ither person wouldn't you take the time to learn to cook at least a couple dishes to help out?

The two of you need to have a conversation about how your relationship will work. Talk about how the finances will be handled and how the chores will be handled. What works for tv couples may not work for y'all.

A lot of rural districts are going down to 4 day school days (although some are 10 hour days) in an attempt to attract teachers.

Not sure how well that is going for families, given that it's difficult to have one parent at home when the kids are home an extra day.

Only for his lawyers to send the prosecutors a copy of every text message that he sent and received for the last 2 years. Haha

From how he's spoken through his campaigns until now, I wouldn't be surprised. He has a tremendous difficulty remembering the topic of a conversation and veers off wildly, often cutting off his own train of thought.

Sounds like you learned a ton about straight sex, especially given that most sex Ed programs only tell students to abstain. You learned something about condoms, which I assume means that you learned how to put one on.

In most of the country, sex Ed is one video about puberty and then in health being told to abstain from sex to avoid pregnancy and STDs with detailed descriptions about the pain and torture of STDs.

It would be superhelpful if sex Ed programs were expanded upon your curriculum to dispel sex myths, like women can't get pregnant if they are on top or take a shower right after. It would also be good to discuss how to prevent harm during vaginal and anal sex.

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The last part isn't always true. When I stopped teaching, I was able to get a plan from the same insurance company with a lower premium and with a deductible that was about 20% of the deductible that teachers have.

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The US was founded by some crazy cult members who had extreme views about sex. The Mormons came out of such a cult, but were pushed out of the country. Most of those old cults are still around to this day.

The religious views from these cults lingers on in our social conscience, probably most notable in our sexual repression and sexual censorship. Those old cult views instilled the idea that sex was depraved and not something to cherish and enjoy. So we still, at least subconsciously, hide sexuality out of a sense of righteousness and politeness.

This tenant obviously is close to having the means to owning their own home. They blew ~50% of a down payment on a house that they don't own.

The smart thing to do, would have been save the money and use that towards a house of their own.

I had to read that headline twice, at first I thought it was specifying users on ecstasy. That's such a bad name

The right has always been very organized. The church helps keep then organized. Fox News keeps them organized as they are all fed the same crap. Politically, the Tea Party helped organize the neonazis and neoconfederates, giving them a louder voice and recruited more of the like. Then the Tea Party rejoined the Republican party shoving it much further to the right. Around that time, they also figured out social media, which gave them an even louder voice.

When Obama was in office, the news wasn't as focused on them, so people that were living in Blue states weren't as aware. In the south, it was still a battlefield as you lived next to people with these beliefs.

It's their level of organization that has made the Republicans such a force to deal with. Before social media, the fringe groups stayed on the fringe of society and weren't given a voice through various forms of media. Since social media, they have a much stronger voice and we have discovered how easy it is for people to be manipulated, like with the Jade Helm scare in TX. If you don't remember this, there was a social media scare going around that Obama was going to take over TX and imprison those who didn't vote for him. The posts claimed that there were a bunch of Walmarts that had been emptied and were going to be used as makeshift prisons. The posts also claimed that Obama was hiding his plan from the public by claiming it was a training exercise named Jade Helm. So effective was the scare, that Greg Abbot (who still remains governor of TX) ordered the TX National Guard to watch the US army perform its training to prevent the army from arresting civilians. In reality, the US army was just performing practice exercises around Fort Hood, which is a little north of Austin. Years later, it was revealed that the scare was the work of a Russian troll farm experimenting with social media to see how disruptive they could be.

No, the Constitution says, "The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services, a Compensation, which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office." in Article 3 and in Article 1 "The Congress shall have Power . . . ] To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof."

It could be said that Congress is mandated to pass a law defining Good Behavior, so that the judicial branch can execute its powers as defined in the constitution.

Overturning Roe didn't push the left to vote though. 2022 had terrible turnout, not that 2020 was great.

In TX in 2020 when everyone was rallying to vote out Trump, only ~52% of the Voting Age population cast a vote. Then in 2022 after Roe was overturned and knowing that all of the legislative branch and a large chunk of the judicial and executive branches were up for election, only ~37% of the Voting Age population turned out to vote.

I know that major elections without the presidential vote get less people, but that's a huge drop-off with everything at stake. That's even with 40 years of early voting in the state and a recent expansion of early voting where polls are required to be open at least 9 hours in week 2 and at least 12 hours in week 2 and the final day of voting.

I'm really concerned that we're going to have a republican president in 2024, there was at least some action from the left in 2020 to get rid of trunp (even if it wasn't enough to keep the house) but all that fire is gone.

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Depends on where you go in Dallas. With all the megachurches and conversion camp HQs around the metroplex, it's also known as an evangelical Christian hotspot.

The motto of the US is in god we trust, which is why it's on money. It became the motto in the 50s when Christian nationalism became a prominent position, which is the root of the evil that is the gop. The gop would need to be a minority in government in both houses of Congress in order to change the motto, unfortunately.

It's a change that is definitely needed, however the Christian nationalists are controlling the conversation, as was designed by McCarthyism. In TX, schools are required to hang a poster that says the motto if it is donated by a citizen. In the last legislative session, there was also a bill that would have required every classroom to post the ten commandments.

It is going to take an effort to go vote by the populace at large. In 2022, only about 80% of the Voting Age population was registered and of that 80%, only ~46% cast a vote despite the fact that it was a major election. A large portion of the judicial branch, almost all of the executive branch, and the entire legislative branch of TX were up for election and we only got 37% of the Voting Age population to the polls. Even with polls open for at least 9 hours a day the first week of voting and 12 hours the second week and final day of voting. Being the first state to have early voting, it's common knowledge that there is virtually no line during early voting, but we still don't have turnout.

Anyway, on top of needing people to go to the polls, we need a cultural revolution that rejects far-right ideology. McCarthyism purged centrist and left leaning ideology from the country and we are only in the last couple decades starting to see more centrist policies come into play.

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It's a play off Friend of Dorothy.

Night owls still need groceries and it's best to shop when you're more awake and alert. When I worked a graveyard job, Winco was a lifesaver. I thought if better to include more for those who might be interested.

Potatoes aren't native to Europe. Europeans first discovered the potato after traveling to the Americas.

That boost in price is minimal compared to how much they raised prices in the last 2 years.

I haven't seen a deductible that low in a very long time! As a teacher, I think our lowest deductible offered was 4 or 5K.

Taking a hot or cold shower, depending upon which temperature helps.

A little Lavender essential oil on the temples or back of the neck can help slightly.

I find magnesium glycinate to be helpful as well and may help yours if tension is a trigger for you.

The only medication that I've really found helpful is sumatriptan. It's more helpful stopping a migraine just as symptoms start, but can still help once a migraine develops.

A massage gun can help knock out some tension around your shoulders, as well as breathing exercises. Here's one that I find helpful. Sit up straight and tall (if you're able) and take deep tummy breaths let your tummy relax and allow the breath to go down there instead of just to your chest. After a couple breaths, feel your diaphragm (located just below your rib cage) lower as your lungs expand and raise up as you exhale, then in the next few breaths notice your neck slowly expand and contract with each breath, then turn your attention to your sinuses slightly expand and contract, and finally for the last few breaths feel the top of your head raise slightly with each breath. This should help provide a sense of calm, I like to picture that calm as either a serene place in nature or you can think of it as light. Then notice a spot on your body holding tension and lightly press it with a finger. Then imagine that same serene natural location or light entering that tense spot and take a few deep breaths. With enough mental focus putting that peaceful place into the ball of tension, it will release.

That breathing exercise doesn't immediately knock out a migraine always for me, but makes them a lot more bearable and can shorten the length of the migraine.

A roommate of mine suggested taking a prebiotic called acidophilus for nauseau and seemed to help with that symptom.

If light or screens are a trigger for you, I have found that glasses lenses with FL-41 tint to be helpful. You can find some at theraspecs and they offer both prescription and non-prescription glasses and sunglasses.

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I hope for their sakes that they are, the names and addresses have already been circulating social media according to an article I read last month.

I think it's talking about emails in the Promotions tab with the word "ad" in a box at the beginning of the subject line.

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