3 Post – 207 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

Sex ed’s not gonna help too much with this one.

A handy’s generally one of the safest forms of sex, and I don’t think they tell you where to have sex in school, at least they didn’t when I was around.

I gotta give you a hand, y’all did a great job with these.

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Maybe 2x check that math

Congressional Republicans do love to steal some valor on a regular basis.

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This is all right, I’ll just add that Bowman was among the first to call for a ceasefire in Gaza, basically right after Oct 7th happened. A number of large progressive Dems have rallied to his side (including Bernie and AOC this past weekend), which clearly wasn’t enough.

This was also a D primary, so everyone had a D by their name.

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Not to worry, [🤡] Judge Cannon will make sure that the jurors will never see those!

Let them fight, as said by Ken Watanabe

The Karamo appeal revealed that state Republicans still haven't been able to fully focus on the 2024 election over the inter-party battles.

You love to see it

His name is Stephen Miller

For once, let there be consequences

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“Are you in high school? said Mr. DeSantis, who has faced criticism as a candidate for not being fluid when interacting with voters and journalists, a dynamic that has made for some awkward exchanges on the campaign trail.

The Florida governor pivoted, arguing that if the 2024 election focused on “relitigating things that happened two, three years ago, we’re going to lose.”

That’s not why you’re going to lose, Ron. You’re going to lose because we can all see what a weak and uncharismatic loser you are. This man is the governor of a state, and he’s too weak to answer a 15 year old kid’s questions. What a coward.

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Retire? She’s still got a decent shot in the next senate primary.

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Maybe try teaching the guy more, and caring about his hair less.

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While the Demographia report found Gaza City isn’t as packed as the world’s most dense cities, including Dhaka, Bangladesh, which has over 80,000 people per square mile, it’s more crowded than global cities, such as London, and three times more dense than Los Angeles, the most population-dense area in the US, according to the report.


They’re telling 1.1 Million people to move in 24hours in an area more dense than LA or London. In an area without power, fuel, or food.

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Conservatives don’t want to go to any college these days, and no liberal kid wants to be associated with this wacky school. You’ve made a product with no demographic, congrats Ron.

Somehow he’s an even worse businessman than Trump, the fuck?

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In a discussion of possible responses to this conspiracy theory, he wrote that the “New Right now often discusses a Red Caesar, by which it means a leader whose post-Constitutional rule will restore the strength of his people”.

Dictator, they want a dictator

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Get ready for highway checkpoints for pregnant women, coming to a red state near you.

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His tight-lipped answer didn’t seem to satisfy Brennan, who wondered if McConnell meant he could still serve “at a time when we are talking about incredible dysfunction in Washington?”

“I think we ought to be talking about what we were talking about earlier, rather than my health,” McConnell shot back.

Fox News Sunday’s Shannon Bream also interviewed McConnell. She said in her introduction to her interview that she also asked about his health and he said “he’s doing great, and has a clean bill of health.” She did not air her questioning on the subject or McConnell’s response.

I definitely prefer the CBS model wherein we actually ask politicians questions with follow ups, instead of assuming answers like Fox does.

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They want to make sure that the next jury thinks twice about convicting. Truly chilling and completely unsurprising after Trump has been stoking them with lies every day.

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Imperialism, that’s what this is. It’s a naked land (or, I guess, mainly water) grab for strategic reasons, from land that is already owned by other nations.

For many of the same reasons that we can’t allow Putin to take any more European land, if the world turns a blind eye to China brazenly stealing territory in the South China Sea, what will they take next?

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Dougan, a former Marine and police officer, fled his home in Florida in 2016 to evade criminal charges related to a massive doxxing campaign he was accused of launching against public officials and was given asylum by the Russian government. Most recently, Dougan has posed as a journalist in Ukraine’s Donbas region, testifying at Russian public hearings and making frequent appearances on Russian state TV.

Oh look, an old school traitor. I wish him a swift military drafting by his new home.

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Butler will be the only Black woman serving in the U.S. Senate, and the first openly LGBTQ person to represent California in the chamber.

The long-serving Democratic senator died last Thursday after a series of illnesses. Butler leads Emily’s List, a political organization that supports Democratic women candidates who favor abortion rights. She also is a former labor leader with SEIU 2015, a powerful force in California politics.

She seems like a good appointee, but honestly I’m just glad to have two functioning senators in my state now.

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Whenever I see dumb laws like this being passed, I think about all the problems they aren’t fixing. Louisiana is damn-near last place on all of the quality of life indexes. It’s sad that they keep electing politicians who refuse to better their quality of life.

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Oh the irony if Trump and Hunter Biden both caught gun charges

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Instead, Kaufman said, the tourist was suffering from a mental disorder that psychiatrists have labeled the Jerusalem syndrome. The condition — a form of disorientation believed to be induced by the religious magnetism of the city, which is sacred to Christians, Jews and Muslims — is said to cause foreign pilgrims to believe they are figures from the Bible.

Well that’s a new one

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House Republicans have only gotten more divided since they took the majority. It took them 15 rounds to agree on a Speaker the first time, how many votes is it going to take to elect the next one?

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Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Dick Durbin has refused calls to bring Alito and Chief Justice John Roberts in for a formal hearing on the issue. Instead, he and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, another senior Democrat on the panel, merely asked Roberts to push Alito to recuse himself on cases related to the 2020 election and to come in for a meeting. According to White House aides, President Joe Biden is reluctant to engage on the controversy because he fears that criticizing the conservative justices will undermine the court’s legitimacy as well as the president’s claim to be a supporter of the country’s democratic institutions and norms

We need some politicians with spines in charge

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Trying to erroneously remove someone’s ability to vote needs to be a crime. This is denying citizens their sovereign rights, and people need to be held accountable when this is done fraudulently.

Fake Doctor Rand Paul?

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“It’s brutal and inhumane what they’re doing to their minority Muslim population”

Both countries say to the other

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The IRS has said it won't increase audits on households earning less than $400,000 annually.

Going after rich tax cheats is one of those bipartisan policies that only Republican politicians and their rich donors oppose. Fund the IRS and make these rich assholes pay their fair shares!

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Under Musk’s leadership, X has become increasingly hostile toward nudity and explicit content. This week, X started flagging NSFW posts as “sensitive material,” as Rolling Stone reported, and restricting flagged accounts to limit their reach. Sex workers said their engagement tanked and their accounts no longer show up in X’s search, even if they weren’t notified about being flagged.

Let sex workers be, you weird puritans.

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Elon’s an attention-seeking cretin that will say or do anything to remain relevant. This is equal parts dangerous and desperate

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Vanguard assesses retirement readiness assuming your post-employment income should match around 68% of your annual salary.

Millennials in the 70th percentile of earners are the only demographic on track to come anywhere close to that coveted ratio. Early millennials are expected to hit 66% of their annual salary at retirement, while Gen X lags at 53% and late baby boomers at 51%.

Yay, wealthier Millennials? Way to grind that 401K

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Liz Cheney was probably the last “traditional Republican” they had and they made an example of her. Kevin picked country over party and that led to his ousting. Who’s going to side with the Democrats now?

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Specific concessions thrown out include greater Democratic representation on committees, forcing votes on Democratic bills and spiking votes on certain controversial Republican legislation.

Some great initial ideas. If McCarthy needs Democratic votes to keep his job, the Dems better get something meaty from that coalition.

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The benefits have flowed from Trump’s businesses and campaign committees, according to a ProPublica analysis of public disclosures, court records and securities filings. One campaign aide had his average monthly pay double, from $26,000 to $53,500. Another employee got a $2 million severance package barring him from voluntarily cooperating with law enforcement. And one of the campaign’s top officials had her daughter hired onto the campaign staff, where she is now the fourth-highest-paid employee.

Absolutely nothing to see here, just some classic American cronyism /s

She continued, "The most important thing is that we find a balance between the Hawaiian culture and tourism. Hawaiian people need to be benefiting from tourism equally. And I do not see that."

I think this is the best take. There will always be tourism in Hawaii, but that tourism needs to rebound in a way that will better benefit the local Hawaiians, and not wealthy corporations.

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Incredible that the Japanese government effectively sided with a presidential assassin’s cause.

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Speaking to Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Israel’s actions have extended beyond self-defense.

Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point