McDonald's order is carried into Manhattan court during Donald Trump's $250 million fraud trial to politics – 376 points –
McDonald's order is carried into court during Trump's fraud trial

Donald Trump's court battle over claims he inflated his property values by $2.2 billion doesn't seem to have deflated anyone's appetite.

A large order of McDonald's was lugged into the Manhattan court on Monday during the lunch break in Trump's $250 million civil fraud trial.

Staff in dark suits were spotted carrying the brown paper bags into the Centre Street complex after the former president listened to prosecutors accuse him of decades of 'lies' over his business empire.

It's not clear who ordered the haul of fast food, but Trump is known to enjoy an occasional meal from the Golden Arches.

His favorite meal is a Big Mac, Filet-O-Fish, fries and a vanilla shake.

Earlier this year, he told the workers he knew the menu better than they did during a visit to a McDonald's in East Palestine, Ohio.

He then gave burgers to members of the community devastated by a toxic train derailment.

One of his most famous White House events was when he gave the National Championship-winning Clemson University football team an order from his favorite fast food venue.

The court food order followed a dramatic morning session where Trump's lawyers said he was actually worth more than amounts prosecutors claim were fraudulent.

Trump's team also said Mar-a-Lago - which prosecutors said should be valued at as little as $18 million - is actually worth more than $ 1 billion.

In a combative defense opening statement Trump lawyer Alina Habba said: 'There is a person out there who will buy that (Mar-A-Lago) for over $1 billion. That’s not fraud, that’s real estate.'

Earlier, Trump, 77, scowled and shook his head as prosecutors accused him of 'lying year after year' to exaggerate the value of his property empire by $2.2 billion to obtain favorable bank loans.

In extraordinary scenes inside New York Supreme Court the judge Arthur Engoron grinned for TV cameras as Trump sat looking sternly on, at one point muttering under his breath.

Habba told the court the amount prosecutors claimed was fraudulent was 'frankly less than what they (the Trump family) are worth’.

She said the true value of Trump’s net worth would include his personal brand from shows like The Apprentice.

'There’s a lot of people in this room that probably don’t like that but it’s a fact,' she said.

Habba claimed Trump’s Florida golf course Doral was also worth over $1 billion, sparking laughter in the public gallery.

She said it was ‘one of the best golf courses in the country’, and praised the Trump Organization as a ‘beautiful company’. She added: ‘Real estate is malleable but there was absolutely no intent to defraud, no conspiracy’.

The case set a ‘very dangerous precedent for all business owners in the state of New York,’ she said.

Just before entering the courtroom a combative Trump delivered an explosive tirade in which he railed against the 'rogue' judge and 'racist horror show' attorney general Letitia James, who brought the case.

Trump could face up to $250 million in fines and the potential loss of his licenses for buildings including Trump Tower in New York.

'This is a continuation of the single greatest witch hunt of all time,' Trump said before going into court. 'It's a scam. It's a sham. There was no crime. The crime is against me.'


His favorite meal is a Big Mac, Filet-O-Fish, fries and a vanilla shake.

Friendly reminder that when he was booked in Atlanta they listed his weight at 215lbs.

He's 6'3", I would have assumed he was much heavier than that. He must have zero muscle mass to be that wide at that weight.

Trump’s booking record declared the former president’s height to be 6-foot-3 and his weight 215 pounds — nearly 30 pounds lighter than his disclosed weight at the time of his last official White House physical. source

Or perhaps the stress of looming inevitability is causing him to rapidly lose weight?

No the cops just wanted to be nice to him because they all love him.

Yes but he could also have very little muscle mass, dude thinks working out shortens your life because you only have a finite amount of energy to spend before you die

He thinks you have a finite number of heart beats,and the way he eats he's certainly trying to prove it.

They didn't weigh him at all, that's the lie his pr team put out for him. Your gut was right trump is fat as shit he's probably like 280

That's around the age when my grandparents began to lose weight. And noticeable cognitive function...

I'm not nearly as portly as him, I'm 5'10" 200lbs. There's absolutely no way he's 215

I'm watching my calories (need to drop a few pounds) and my first thought was: Do you know how many calories are in a Big Mac, Filet-of-Fish, fries, and a milkshake?!!!

Of course, I had to figure it out. Assuming a small fries and small milkshake (and let's be honest, be probably gets the biggest ones not the smallest), it would be 1,652 calories. The average person should eat 2,200 to 3,200 calories a day. So this lunch would be Trump eating 52% to 75% of his daily calories in one meal.

That's why homie has a dump truck of an ass

Edit - hilarious , I thought I should cite my claim, and found this jewel, I legit made my statement before finding this page

Trump seems to abuse stimulants that would presumably up his calories burned. The crew from The Apprentice claimed he snorted Adderall, and he seemed to be cranked up on something during a few of his debates.

That is why trump is fat. Does anyone think he is actually in good shape?

Given how he eats and how he thinks that exercise "depletes your battery" and is thus actually bad for you, it's no surprise that he's so heavy.

Who the fuck cares, how is this news 😂

If you read the entire article, it's pretty clear that this is a fluff piece for Trump.

They order McDonalds to give an excuse for the story, then The Daily Mail can just repeat Trump's propaganda. For example, they talk about how Trump served McDonalds at the WH, but not about how poorly that went over.

They say that "the prosecutor" is saying that Mar-a-Lago is worth only $18 million, but those are numbers that came from Trump's tax filings when he was defrauding the government to pay less in taxes. Those numbers came from Trump.

They quote Trump and his lawyers over and over, but don't bother posting quotes from people critical to Trump.

So no, this is not news. It's propaganda.

Thank you, I refused to click it on principle.

They could've mentioned several other food stories related to the cheeto, such as when he declared that he would buy everyone's food in a restaurant and then promptly left without spending a dime, or the time he ate a taco bowl to try to win over hispanic voters.

The Mail continues to be a fucking rag.

Precisely. And this is how Trump wins. Dumb shit like this filling the news, TV, and internet every goddamned day. It's how he beat out all the other candidates in 2016, it's how he beat Hillary Clinton, and it's how he's going to win in 2024. Constant free news coverage from a fawning media that care more about ad clicks than the society we live in.

This is news because one of the single biggest con men in American - perhaps world - history is trying to get away with crimes that are fully in the public record, and half of the political might of the country is willing to go along with it and shield him from repercussions because he’s a populist autocrat without whom they cannot win.

What the fuck does that have to do with his weird lunch order lol

Maybe run that story instead instead of this moronic swill, this is right up there with Tswift attending a sports game in terms of newsworthiness

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People. People care. You’re not the only one that lives here. You would do well to understand this.

You deadass care that someone famous ordered McDonalds for lunch?

I “deadass” care that he’s making a mockery of our judicial system.

If you don’t, move on.

I do too, maybe give the headline a read bud 🤣

Your comment history shows you “deadass” care about a lot of dumb shit. Maybe remove the evidence of this before commenting here about what others should care about.

Not only do you care about someone else's MacD's order, you're trying to comb through my posts like it's some kinda gotcha XD

You seem to have wayy more passion invested in fast food lunches than I ever would, so I'll stop here. Have a lovely night bud! 🌙

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"They got McDonald's for lunch" is a fucking newsworthy event? FFS

This an article from the daily mail, I don't think it counts as news.

Nyc One of the greatest places in the world to get lunch. Every type of cuisine in the world. Chinese, japanese, italian, indian, jewish deli, He coulda gotten a pastrami sandwich from katz’s, a slice of margerita from lombardi’s The eggplant parm from parm, anything from eataly Moo shu from shun lee dynasty, the curry from brick lane, Dumplings from mr dumpling, pierogies from veselka, Sushi from nobu

But no He ordered from mcdonalds. He should be indicted for THAT.

Stop gate keeping food bruh

Stick with the Tofu, Bub. It suits you.

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It at the very least plays to his base, who likely have a McDonald's in town. Where as the curry from brick Lane likely wouldn't sit well with his followers, let alone his own digestive system.

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The IRS should take notes everytime his lawyers exaggerate his net worth, then bill him for the appropriate amount of taxes.

In a combative defense opening statement Trump lawyer Alina Habba said: 'There is a person out there who will buy that (Mar-A-Lago) for over $1 billion. That’s not fraud, that’s real estate.'

So... fraud.

There is a person out there who will buy Mar-A-Lago for over $1 billion. That person is an Eastern European national involved in the international human trafficking of Eastern European teenage girls under the guise of "modeling" who's massively overpaying in order to launder money.

Left or right aside here, it’s laughable that these people can commit fraud of the highest order but god forbid someone steals a sandwich and catches a charge.

Or tries to pass off a fake note and gets murdered.

Or any number of tangible examples.

"Look he is just like me and eats McDonald's!"

Seems like a pr stunt

Except I think the dude actually likes it.

Remember the mcfeast at the whitehouse. Fuck mcdonalds aint even the cheap fast food anymore, atleast get a some taco bell or something.

taco bell isnt even cheap. chipotle has cheaper burritos now. at least last i had checked. its fucking absurd. each "new" item taco bell releases is like 2 dollars over what it should be. like a chicken taco thing was like 4.50

You guys both need to stop eating garbage and start cooking your own food. It's cheaper, it's fun and you get to eat something that isn't made of garbage.

Eh, Taco Bell is pretty much the only vegetarian option out there for fast food that isn't completely garbage. And sometimes you just need a meal quick, having opinions on fast food doesn't mean you eat nothing else.

last time i went to taco bell was a week ago and last time before that was june. yeah i really have a serious problem and only eat garbage right? or should i tell you how often home cooked meals are?

My god, his poor colon. I know he's horrible, but what did his colon do to deserve this sort of torture?

Think of his poor gut microbes. They are the only the intelligence to be found in the meat sack, occasionally referred to as Trump.

What heinous acts could they have possible committed to be reincarnated into such a vile host

How ridiculous is Trump?

He's "fascist being dunked on by the world's #1 fascist fan zine, The Daily Mail" ridiculous! 😲

I feel like this may be one of the most critical points in Trump's story.

If they rule he was undervaluing his brand, it will will amount to: "Nah bruh. You ain't worth shit"

Flip it: If he's able to do the business thing and convince them he's that valuable. . . He kind of confirms it.

Either way, we'll get some kind of answer to a fun question: Exactly how valuable is Trump?

It's a catch 22.

If he somehow wins this, then it means his worth is what he said on loans, and proves he under paid taxes.

But losing this isn't an automatic win on his taxes, because in all likelihood he lied on both.

Mmm cold McDonald's fries.

What? He didn’t invite a champion sports team to enjoy it with him this time?

Why is an alleged criminal allowed to order food i. Court?

No one has been able to confirm who ordered it.

Part of me hopes it was just some rando ordering it as a joke to make it seem like he ordered McD's. If so, that's hysterically funny to me. If not, well, it's still funny - just in a more pathetic way.

I guess no one ever said that a court of law can't be a food court...