1 Post – 89 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

It’s really great when you put on some calming music for sleep that’s 8 hours long and has an ad break every 5 minutes.

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Iran are not wrong though, Israel need to chill.

It’s really annoying how the mainstream media is like yeah this is cool, when they’re commuting atrocities no better than Hamas committed.

I don’t know what it is with Israel that makes the world walk on eggshells but they have committed horrific acts and they should be called out on it.

Fucking monsters the Israeli government are.

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Probably paid for with the money they made not paying $29B in taxes over the last 20 years.

We ain’t even playing the game with the same rules and they don’t even need to pretend anymore.

Isn’t it a waste of time trying these scams on lemmy.

I could be wrong here but I would argue the vast majority of users are somewhat tech proficient since it’s not reached mass adoption and the user base is well, just us nerds?

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Im torn between giving an upvote for asking a question or giving a downvote for your following sentence given the answer was in the comment you were replying to.

Also, if you ask a question wouldn’t it be wise to wait for the answer before also passing judgement on something.

“Why is this like this? That’s fucking dumb.” Doesn’t quite work does it? How can it be dumb if you don’t know how it works. Why should we trust your assessment on its dumbness if you’ve already conceded you don’t know.

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I heard it coined as they use the send button as punctuation.

I have another question. Why is there so little anti-Israel coverage in the MSM?

They’re committing atrocities just as bad as Hamas, yet we are supposed to applaud them?

Why when Hamas kill babies it’s Hamas’ fault, but when Israel kills babies that’s also Hamas’ fault.

If you go by the logic that Hamas’ actions have given Israel no choice but to indiscriminately kill people. Then it could be said that Israel keeping Palestinians in an open air prisión gave Hamas no choice couldn’t we?

I get that the situation is fucked, but I think we should have a little consistency. Like is it ok to kill babies or not? As if it is I know some right annoying babies that I wouldn’t mind you know…

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Gotta admire the misplaced condescension.

So you can check the United Nations for reputable repeats or condemnation of Israeli actions here is one suck link, but you can search more on the site. .

You can Google Israel using white phosphorus and again find reputable sources.

Also, listen to content from more liberal Israeli’s that are willing to call out their own government.

Again, I want to be abundantly clear I am not defending Hamas, peering pointing out that Israel are just as bad if not worse.

I’ve been very active this morning so stalk my profile to see all the posts I’ve been on and follow those sources and make up your own mind as we all should.

Don’t just believe me. I, like everybody on Earth, has bias.

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Really shows how much can be made from handling search queries doesn’t it.

I think what people are missing here is that although a new phone comes out every year, not every consumer is on the same upgrade schedule.

If I keep my phone for five years then that’s four phones in not getting.

Excellent use of your empathy there.

If I have to do it so should everybody mentality.

If some humans can handle lactose and others can’t. Some suffer from migraines whilst others don’t etc. you don’t think it’s possible that we also have different circadian rhythms.

Perhaps you could exercise some critical thought. Maybe go read any of the various studies on sleep and make an informed decision rather than a knee jerk reaction.

Also, positive intent. Just assume people are being truthful for the most part. Life is easier if you’re not looking to shit on people.

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One psychopathic government that has no issue committing atrocities against civilians and children sending another ship to defend another psychopathic government that’s committing atrocities against innocent civilians and children.

And the MSM goes this is fine. We will condemn Hamas for killing children, whilst we will also blame Hamas for Israel killing children.

Fuck Hamas, fuck the Israeli government, fuck the us government, fuck outing Putin and fuck my own (uk) government whilst we are at it. All monsters of the highest order.

I can’t lie, being accountable to nobody is pretty damn good. Like any action I take I don’t need to consider someone else’s feelings.

Not OP but mine is 00:00 - 06:00.

I can’t fall asleep at 22:00. But my ideal schedule if I work permitted it would be 02:00 - 10:00. When I’ve kept this schedule before it’s literally night and day how better I feel.

I could go to sleep however early you like but I’d still be wrecked at 06:00.

Undoubtedly, there are people dead today who would be alive if hammers didn’t exist or if manufacturers had made them softer.

Undoubtedly, there are people dead today who would be alive if paracetamol didn’t exist or if chemists had done more.

Undoubtedly, there are people dead today who would be alive if cars didn’t exist or if the auto industry didn’t lie for years about the dangers of leaded fuel.

What exactly is a Biden defender?

Do you believe people deserve carte Blanche defence at all times.

Or can people do some things you agree with and other things you don’t?

Left or right aside here, it’s laughable that these people can commit fraud of the highest order but god forbid someone steals a sandwich and catches a charge.

Or tries to pass off a fake note and gets murdered.

Or any number of tangible examples.

I’ll answer that.

No it is not justified.

Can I understand why Hamas would want to do this, sure , because I have empathy by the bucket load and can understand that having your land taken from you over decades and nothing changes could leave them to believe they have no choice.

Is it still wrong? It sure is.

Does that give Israel the right to use white phosphorus on the most densely populated place on Earth? I think not. What do you think?

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I rage quit Google search the other day over that damn captcha

There is going to be lots of contradictory news sources for the next few weeks. Once the dust settles we will get a fuller picture of what have gone on.

That said you can find videos from Gaza and photos showing what appears to be white phosphorus being used.

The guardian article I saw said that Israel denies using it, which isn’t so much the guardian saying it didn’t happen.

Not that it matters but it’s a fact they used it in 2009 and so why wouldn’t they use it now? Again to be 100 we have to wait a little longer.

Things we do know though is they bombed Gaza and turned of the power so the hospitals couldn’t even help and there are dead Palestinian children thanks to Israeli retaliation.

Which is terrible, particularly since they condemned Hamas for killing Israeli children.

All I want is that Israel to be called out on their horrific acts just the same as we do for any other group, without being called an anti-Semite. Just because they had one of the best worlds worst things happen to them in WWII doesn’t mean they’re above criticism and if anything you would think they of all people would not perpetuate the same level of hatred for a group of people.

Well if my employer drives me to suicide you best believe imma a make a mess for them. I’d do it in the conference room.

Like a Reddit bot but on Lemmie.

What’s a Reddit bot?

Like a discord bot but on Reddit.

What’s a discord bot?

Jokes. It’s a program that makes comments on posts. They could be for tldr or any other use case. For example a spelling bot can catch mistakes and post a reply. Reminder bots can remind you etc.

I guess hubris can be a factor too.

It depends what you’re using it for as to whether you need to fact check stuff.

I’m a software developer and if I can’t remember how to do an inner join in SQL then I can easier ask ChatGPT to do it for me and I will know if it is right or not as this is my field of expertise.

If I’m asking it how to perform open heart surgery on my cat, then sure I’m probably going to want several second opinions as that is not my area of expertise.

When using a calculator do you use two different calculators to check that the first one isn’t lying?

Also, you made a massive assumption that the stuff OP was using it for was something that warranted fact checking.

I can see why you would use it. Why would I want to search Google for inner joins sql when it is going to give me so many false links that don’t give me the info in need in a concise manner.

Even time wasting searches have just been ruined. Example: Top Minecraft Java seeds 1.20. Will give me pages littered with ads or the awful page 1-10 that you must click through.

Many websites are literally unusable at this point and I use ad blockers and things like consent-o-matic. But there are still pop up ads, sub to our newsletter, scam ads etc. so much so that I’ll just leave the site and forego learning the new thing I wanted to learn.

You can leave now.

Bro every day I open edge at work and the home page is just scammy adverts, ad revenue farming top 10 slides, or garbage about which dog are you.

I do think they should be held to account over what they show on there.

Even with tools like Let’s Encrypt, people are still not implanting implementing HTTPS?

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Exactly this, for me at least.

I was a failure relative to my peers in my late thirties, got diagnosed with ADHD and it’s insane.

So before I always wanted to be a software developer but I couldn’t finish shit, and just procrastinated and kept learning but never progressing.

Afterwards, I am now a software developer and working from a massive spec sheet has kept me engaged the whole time. I still suck at planning but give me a plan and I’ll knock it put the park.

What remains to be seen is if I still have the same vigour, 1 year, 2 years in etc.

Check this, I worked at Apple on the bar for 3 years and every year we would wear blue for most the year, red for Christmas and get this, green for Earth day.

So they would ship shirts around the world every year for these. You could use your old ones but they always gave more.

I brought it up to a manager that the green one is laughable as we are celebrating earth day by shipping green shirts around. I’m pretty sure they stopped it now but it always struck me as insane.

I also, had some discussions about how well we got treated in the UK but my American counterparts not so much and my Asian counterparts even less, but I always got the we don’t control the Foxconn stuff etc.

It’s all words really and their bottom line is making money.

I feel like this was a joke that nobody got.

No. Trust is lost.

If Apple can exercise positive intent as a core tenant of their business then so could yours.

Assuming everyone is out to get you is how you end up bitter.

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Why should it be illegal?

It’s perfectly legal to photograph strangers in public. You’re in public you have no reasonable expectation of privacy.

I don’t see people assaulting CCTV cameras for instance.

Sure some weirdos might I use it for nefarious reasons but if it didn’t exist they would still be weirdos using something else.

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This is by design. Helps to stop any competition as they will now struggle to get the same amount of training data.

That ain’t healthy bro. You can’t catch up on sleep.

I don’t really complain about seeing ads in apps i didn’t pay for, but I do complain about seeing ads on public transit and in the world in general. I don’t want the world plastered with ads.

Hell they’re on the motorways here which seems ludicrous.

You do realise that something being widespread doesn’t really matter here.

If a stalker wants to stalk people then they’re going to find the tech to do it, whether that be an Amazon tracker or an AirPod.

Do you actually believe that since Apple released AirTags that regular people thought yes I can finally stalk people now.

I can’t work out if your take is just based on naivety or just bashing Apple because it’s in vogue to do that.

There are plenty of things that Apple are actually responsible for that you can call them out on. You know like using cheap labour at Foxconn, their greenwashing of their reputation, there stranglehold on their OS with terms of targeted ads, their pricing, etc. AirTags is such a none issue that you take away from the actual shitty stuff they do.

That’s from someone who owns an iPhone and used to work for them. Give it some thought and let me know your thoughts.

I guess I can’t reason you out of a mindset that you didn’t arrive at through reason in the first place.

With that said have a nice day and try to be better!

Tu eres aburrida.

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The key is the phrasing reasonable expectation of privacy.

A bathroom is such a place where you would reasonably expect privacy.

Yes yes Linux is better I know this, you know this, we all know this.

But… I’m a software developer that is dealing with nerdy stuff all day long. At the end of those days I just want a simple life and not have to be a nerd.

That said if this continues to happen, I guess I’ll have to go back to Linux but it’s been a minute and I’m just not ready for that rabbit hole as inevitably it will stoke the nerdiness and I’ll have to set it up the way I want otherwise what’s the point haha