Human Rights Watch says Israel used white phosphorus in Gaza, Lebanon to World – 511 points –
Human Rights Watch says Israel used white phosphorus in Gaza, Lebanon

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I’ll answer that.

No it is not justified.

Can I understand why Hamas would want to do this, sure , because I have empathy by the bucket load and can understand that having your land taken from you over decades and nothing changes could leave them to believe they have no choice.

Is it still wrong? It sure is.

Does that give Israel the right to use white phosphorus on the most densely populated place on Earth? I think not. What do you think?

Thans for at least an answer.

Oh, you asked me a question...

So I haven't checked the whole story on the Willy Pete. I can't conceive of a reason to use it, frankly. The reason the US used it in Fallujah, Mosul, and Raqqa was to clear canopies sometimes put over the streets in that part of the world. I wouldn't think it's anymore terrifying than airplanes dropping JDAM and such. I'll take a look.

I don’t know why my comment is not showing, nor your reply (only shows as a reply in my inbox but not on the post). You didn’t answer my question?

I've edited and answered. This sub seems to have a problem with me

It's probably because you're a dickhead.

Youre not the first and probably not the last. But congrats

Last to call you a dickhead? Nah, I doubt that very much. I suspect you've got at least a couple of thousand of those to go before you get close to the end.