
2 Post – 317 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

"I'm the meat chef...smoking these meats...Sweet Baby Ray's"

I quote this video at least once a week 🤣

OMG this happened to a colleague of mine and they deleted the files from OneDrive without realizing they weren't on their hard drive anymore 🤦

In other news, it is challenging to come up with Mormon puns. Here's what I was referring to:


God I wish I was part of your team

As a fellow non people person

Press X to doubt.

I will never forget the time I did twice as much acid as I intended and it ended up being a heroic dose complete with ego death and everything - not fun. Now I'm very cautious and typically only do microdoses.

This is true. The only caveat I'll add is that not all USB-C-to-3.5mm + power delivery adapters are created equal, which is annoying. I bought this one a couple years ago and it has an audible buzz when plugged into power, so it's basically junk.

That Knights Honor one was pretty tough

The qanon types would say Adrenochrome

Good to know, I guess I'll finally get around to slaying him then! I have done all the side quests, all the shrines, and all the DLC (all on Master Mode), but I have no interest in finding the remaining 400+ Korok seeds

I know it's autocorrect or a typo but it's amusing to imagine Neil DeGrasse Tyson schooling the deceased Cuban dictator on melted whipped cream

Carter tells the paper he has never been a fan of the limelight, somehow forgetting what sort of attention a massive, angular truck would garner him.

Lmao dude bought the fugliest car ever made and didn't think twice about that decision

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Teenagers will often poke holes in a pop can to turn it into a makeshift pipe for smoking marijuana. This artist made a glass pipe to imitate that look. It's ironic because if you had a glass piece for smoking you would never use the inferior pop can method, and yet this is exactly the combination of those two different approaches.

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That and he could be more overweight than it appears but he's sucking in his gut.

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Based off of the meme:

Asian grandma wanted a grandson but got the granddaughter pictured. Apparently the grandmother made a phallus out of bread dough and asked their granddaughter to wear it like a strap-on to imitate a grandson. This caused them trauma and to seek therapy. Their grandma died. Then during therapy their card was rejected for being maxed out, so the therapist brought the grandma and the bread pp back from beyond the grave to undo the therapy she couldn't pay for.

What part of that wasn't clear?

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Grouping tabs just naturally fits so many computer workflows though. I'm often working on multiple things at a time and tab groups help me keep it all organized.

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No one has said a HUD yet? Being able to instantly recall information about objects in your environment, how to use them, red outline for nearby dangers, etc? Wouldn't even have to be Terminator T800 level for it to be immensely useful. Google Glass didn't get there, but maybe Apple Vision Pro can help pave the way.

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So basically hold off of getting the vaccine until late October or early November for the best coverage during the upcoming infection rate peak.

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That Black Mirror episode still affects me to this day shudder

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Nonsense! All you have to do is individually search each channel on the discord server and you just might find a brief thread discussing your issue 6 months ago, and then you just have to scroll for three minutes to find the comment with the resolution


Rizz is stored in the jorts

I just watched The Truth vs. Alex Jones (2024) on HBO and I've gotta say Alex Jones is pretty much the biggest, most vile, piece of shit ever. Yes there are people who have done more harm than him, but he's just as evil as the worst figures from modern history imo

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Are you trolling? It's obvious based on OPs comment that they think moving from Florida to Minnesota was a good decision, to get away from Rick "defraud medicare" Scott.

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Article from 2019

User Num10ck actually said they don't believe that OJ's son did it, and they're just articulating another prevalent theory. If this were a debate I'd agree with you, but this is just casual speculation about an event from 30 years ago.

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You can send rcs messages over Wifi even if you don't have a cell signal, like iMessage. You can also get iPhone emoji reactions to messages instead of getting a text message saying "X hearted this," or w/e

Meanwhile I can't even get my boomer mom to switch to Google Messages from Samsung Messages because she'd "have to relearn how to use it." Then she just continues to complain that she can't send messages over WiFi, and that when she sends or receives pictures over SMS they get compressed... 💢

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"The USPS went on to say they're ready to release the stamps but they're waiting for just the right time."


Ticketmaster came under increased scrutiny in this regard when scalpers crashed the site buying all the tickets to her Eras Tour.


They didn't weigh him at all, that's the lie his pr team put out for him. Your gut was right trump is fat as shit he's probably like 280

  1. You can have tons of tabs open while still being able to read what they are

  2. Moving the tabs to the side of your browser window frees up more vertical real estate which better matches the webpage layout of most websites, which otherwise have wasted space on the left and right sides of the page when viewing them on a computer

Thank you for fixing the headline! 👍

I was in a relationship with a controlling partner who made something very similar to this back in ~2016. I can't remember exactly what was on it, but there was definitely a sexual favor reward for some amount of chores (it was like I had to give her X hour-long full body massages or smth) 💀

Lmao nice. Here's a similarly embarrassing story: my refrigerator light was burned out and I was too lazy to replace it for a few years. When I finally got around to it, it turned out I had the exact replacement bulb in my possession the entire time 🤦. Ofc replacing it also only took ~30 seconds.

Asahi Linux devs go hard.

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Totally! Here's a quote right from the article:

"An estimated 85 percent of Black smokers use menthol cigarettes, according to federal statistics."

The gall to question their listing with an average customer rating of 4.9/5 stars. Sure I only gave them that rating so I could qualify for the warranty on the 3 TB flash drive I bought from them for $8.99, but I'm sure it'll work fine once I use it for the first time.

For anyone else who wondered the same, this Albert Gore is not the Al Gore.


I've noticed this using Spotify. If I manually play an explicit song - either directly or in an album or playlist - I get the uncensored version. If I ask Google Assistant to play the song, I get the censored version.

Former teacher here - this would definitely be illegal where I worked. I'm pretty sure as a teacher you're essentially the legal guardian of all the students and this would be tantamount to endangerment. I know our teachers contract also forebode being drunk or under the influence of drugs while working.