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Joined 12 months ago

Or what? Is that supposed to be a threat? Seems to me that if a Republican is warning you not to investigate something then it definitely needs investigating.

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It’s fucking hilarious! This is exactly how you respond to something so utterly ridiculous.

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It’s laughable that he came out today condemning these threats after supporting an insurrection that got multiple people killed.

It’s absolutely insane that he is even allowed to still be in office let alone run for speaker of the house.

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Text messages and phone calls. I don’t need to see my boomer relatives racist posts.

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His dad literally paid for everything when he moved to America. It’s easy to start a business when your education is fully paid for and there is literally no financial risk at all. Acting like he was self made is fucking ridiculous.

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That is because Americans are not seeing the benefits. CEOs and stock holders are.

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Vote because your life depends on it.

I assume this is fake since no one at X is getting a Christmas bonus.

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Sitting at a desk for 8 hours a day is also bad for you so what’s the point. This bullshit propaganda is really starting to get old. Working from home is better for a lot of people. Corporation need to get over it.

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People are always on here arguing about whether pirating is stealing or not. I do think it’s stealing I just can’t bring myself to give a fuck about these large corporations. They have been stealing from the people for years.

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Is this a surprise to anyone? It’s not like the pool of candidates had anyone worth a damn anyway.

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That’s America spyware. I have standards. /s

Humiliation should absolutely not be part of being arrested. You are still innocent at that point. Trump should not receive any special treatment though. We can hate Trump and the police at the same time.

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Trump is loyal to no one but himself. Even if he did sign it he would never honor it.

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Pretty typical. If they win then it is democracy in action. If they lose it’s a coup. Republicans don’t care about democracy, they want an autocracy.

More evidence to support taxing the fuck out of billionaires. No one needs that much money.

My takeaway is that half of our country is dumb as shit if they are considering voting for any of them. The denial of climate change should be game over considering the entire world is on fire around us.

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This is pretty funny but realistically, even with the shortage, he is still getting his. I myself have to take it and I’ve had zero issues getting it. He is certainly on the top of the list of those receiving it.

You reap what you sow. The GOP embraced the MAGA lunatics because they wanted to win and didn’t care about the cost. Now they get to watch the party die because they have no way to control them and they are not reasonable.

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More than just people. Some form of greater intelligence has to be at work since anyone can run a simple experiment to prove it’s round.

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I’m definitely more of a progressive than a democrat and I may not like Biden much, but I’ll sure as shit vote for him to prevent another Trump term. I feel like the media is trying to create a crisis here.

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Just retire already. Her seat is in no danger of going to a Republican and I’m tired of seeing these walking corpses making decisions for us.

What is the GOP going to do when Soros passes? He has been their boogeyman for so long they will need to replace him somehow.

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Her father is an actor and her mother an opera singer who has won Eurovision. They are wealthy.

Is that Ben Shapiro as Snow White?

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I hear you but if I’m honest, and tomorrow America announced it was going to execute every billionaire, I’m not going to put up too much of a protest.

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I’m Gen X and that is not what I associate it with. It makes me think they do porn. We literally referred to them as pornstaches.

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I think you are trivializing it a bit. Just try lying in your bed on your back for 24 hours without turning and you would realize this is not going to be comfortable at all. Add to that the complete inability to tell how much time has passed and you may start to lose your shit. I would probably start to believe that I had been forgotten because my sense of time would be way off.

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If you put an AC/DC shirt in him he would look exactly like Bevis.

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The salesman took no part in making the car. He is literally just the middle man. That guy is an idiot.

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Her career is already over. She just hasn’t accepted it yet.

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Freudian quip?

If you have a bag to put in the overhead compartment then you want to get on sooner since the space is limited. I personally only ever take a bag that can go under the seat. I wait until everyone has boarded regardless of my group.

It’s fucking ridiculous that CEO’s make decisions that make players dislike a game or product yet the workers are the ones getting laid off. I doubt any of the regular employees had a say in the shitty DLC decisions.

It’s not possible to never fart but you can do things to reduce gas in your intestines. Here is an article about it. Sounds pretty miserable to me.

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I just want a place where I can learn interesting new things. So far this is filling the void that Reddit left. Reddit was already starting to suck at that anyway and the social aspect of it was never something I cared about. I’m definitely not look for a recreation of Reddit.

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I’m a big fan of government intervention considering the festering shit hole of a country capitalism has created for us.

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It’s just my speculation but I think it was the shit show from the GOP at the SOTU. He had already announced his retirement in November but suddenly changed it to next week after the event. He then made statements about the party having no decorum. I believe he was already done but that was the last straw.

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I think this is the first time I realized he is now facing 91 felony charges. If he is convicted for even a fraction of them it means a life sentence at his age. I imagine he is pretty desperate at this point.

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I can honestly say that I would just not watch movies anymore.