They really want people to RTO to Mildly – 479 points –

Source- but beware, the site is cancer.


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Sitting at a desk for 8 hours a day is also bad for you so what’s the point. This bullshit propaganda is really starting to get old. Working from home is better for a lot of people. Corporation need to get over it.

I'm betting it's better for more people as well. Eat healthier, take more breaks, move around more as well.

This has been 100% true for me. I started working from home at the beginning of the pandemic and haven’t gone back. I lost 45 pounds in the first year and have managed to keep it off since. It’s all because I can eat better by making my own meals at home.

This article isn't about wfh vs office. It's about not working in bed so you don't disrupt your sleep.

It's amazing how many people who see "propaganda" everywhere can't see blatant spin when all of the evidence is right in front of them.