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She demolished him in votes. You take super delegates out, she still destroys him.

Pretending that you know that it was meant to influence the voters is nonsense, but pretending that this actually swayed enough that it might have made it even close is just downright ridiculous.

Literally all of these have been a long ideological lines. Do you really think she would have appointed conservatives? Are "muh both sides"ers really this out of touch with reality?

So you are saying that millions of people were swayed by super delegates? It was extremely early, NH early, that people started getting pumped that sanders could win. The media hyped up the race despite it never being close.

It's grasping at straws to claim that this is why she demolished him.

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But both sides are the same.

God damn it, i wish Clinton had won so bad. It would be the exact opposite and corporations wouldn't be getting this free reign. Fuck.

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Holy shit i can't believe someone is trying to both sides this. Trump got three nominees, and put 3 far right wing people on the court. If Clinton had put three people on, this would have all gone absolutely been like left wing of the court now, and these people would have gone the other way. And we still have morons clinging to the nonsense that it's the fault of both sides. Amazing.

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If they push Biden out and DONT pick Harris they’re literally telling the public that this presidency is not legitimate.

The rest of your post makes sense, but if they choose a new person to run they aren't admitting that this presidency is not legitimate. How the fuck do you even get yourself to this point? And how does this nonsense even have any upvotes?

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It's like you didn't even read the article or what they said and are trying to pretend they said something else. Amazing that you would pull the term "gaslighting" out, it's almost as if you know what you are doing.

To reiterate he article, they were turned off by Trump's lies and repeating the same things and avoiding the questions. None says they were inspired by Biden.

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I’m not murican, I only know that the US supreme court has at least 9 justices.

You should then also realize how little you know about it and not use it to make sweeping generalizations about America politics.

But no, you're still trying to both sides it. Fucking wow.

Do you feel like it's a mess now? I'm not voting for Biden because i think he is a good debater, I'm voting for him because hes done a perfectly fine job as president during some tough times. He's smart enough to let the systems that have held together for decades continue to function and to take advice from experts.

Trump wants to dismantle the government and fill it with trump loyalists, which adds even more incentive to make sure Biden wins.

This is why it has to come from the bottom up. All of the people saying "im sitting out of this election" or "i'm voting third party" are just acting in vain. It's all vanity as they want to pretend they are doing something while not actually doing anything. If you want this system to change, you have to go out in local elections and push for people who will change it to ranked/star voting, and then have that move up. Then you have people who have won under those conditions voting for it, which makes it a ton more likely.

One of the earliest was NH, which he did very well in, and which gave rise to "sanders has a chance!" And really shocked everyone.

He probably did way better because he was hyped as having a legitimate shot after that, he even though it clearly wasn't the case.

She demolished him. The order of the voting had little to do with it, if not possibly even helping him.

And before stack overflow, we used books. Did we need it? No. But stack overflow was an improvement so we moved to that.

In many ways, ai is an improvement on stack overflow. I feel bad for people who refuse to see it, because they're missing out on a useful and powerful tool.

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According to hexbear you would have to have some deranged lib mind to believe any would want to.

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I think it's important to point out here that you aren't talking about gender identity (physiological), but the social construct aroundgender roles (socisl/cultural).

Gender identity is not a social construct, and I believe this is more what we are talking about when it comes to gender because the person in the article is talking about how they were born female but identify non binary.

I'm sure you'll be able to provide me with a sound study confirming this.

I'm a senior dev, and copilot as a productivity tool usually pays for the monthly license multiple times per week.

Whenever I hear someone say it's useless, that tells me they are either some godlike dev who knows everything already (lol), they haven't actually used it, they are not good at integrating new tools into their workflow, or they simply haven't learned how to use it yet.

Which is, of course, true for every source of information that can point you in a direction.

but for beginners? They will have a lot of bugs in their code.

Everyone has lots of bugs in their code, especially beginners. This is why we have testing and qa and processes to minimize the risk of bugs. As the saying goes, "the good news about computers is that they do what you tell them to do. The bad n was is that they do what you tell them to do."

Programming is an iterative process where you do something, it doesn't work, and then you give it another go. It's not something that senior devs get right on the first try, while beginners have to try many times. It's just that senior devs have seen a lot more so have a better understanding of why it probably went wrong, and maybe can avoid some more common pitfalls the first time around. But if you are writing bug free code in your first pass, well you're a way better programmer than anyone I've met.

Ai is just another tool to make this happen. Sure, it's not always the tool for the job, just like IoC is not always the right tool for the job. But it's nice to have it and sometimes it makes things much easier.

Like just now I was debugging a large SQL query. I popped it into copilot, asked if to break it into parts so I could debug. It gave a series of smaller queries that I then used to find the point where it fell apart. This is something that would have taken me at least a half hour of tedious boring work, fixed in 5 minutes.

Also for writing scripts. I want some data formatted so it was easier to read? No problem, it will spit out a script that gets me 90% of the way there in seconds. Do I have to refine it? Absolutely. But if I wrote it myself, not being super prolific with python, it would have taken me a half hour to get the structure in place, and then I still would have had to refine it because I don't produce perfect code the first time around. And it comments the scripts, which I rarely do.

What also amazes me is that sometimes it will spit out code and I'll be like "woah I didn't even know you could do that" and so I learned a new technique. It has a very deep "understanding" of the syntax and fundamentals of the language.

Again, I find it shocking that experienced devs don't find it useful. Not living up to the hype I get. But not seeing it as a productivity boosting tool is a real head scratcher to me. Granted, I'm no rockstar dev, and maybe you are, but I've seen a lot of shit in my day and understand that I'm legitimately a senior dev.

The sign is funny on its own, this caption is just terrible.

Ultimately I'm not sure where I fall on this issue, but the fact that you just mindlessly claimed that this person wants to see tits and clits, when they said nothing of the sort, just exposes how fully you realize you can't defend an actual position.

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Common or not, they did not make the argument. You presumed a position and then used that made up position to launch an ad hominem.

The problem right now is one of supply and demand, not because corporations are buying up too many properties. It's the other way around where corporations are buying up properties, because due to not increasing supply, and demand continue rising, it's a good investment.

We need more high density housing all over the place. I live in a nice little town right outside a large US city. We have a train right into the city, and a nice little downtown area that could certainly use more business. They have been trying to put up apartment buildings, but the NIMBY-ism is through the roof. It's like every little attempt to add more housing, people start whining to high heavens how it is killing our "small town" feel. I mean, I get it, I moved here for a reason, but something has got to give.

I can only imagine what's happening in more rural areas where everyone wants their big lots and single homes.

So I don't really oppose increasing taxes per home, but I don't think it's really going to solve the issue of increasing home prices as that's not the root of the issue.

How do you deal with the constant spam of "suggested for you" in your feed? Like you, I have a few reasons I stay on Facebook, but man it's gotten to be such garbage that when I open it up it's ad, suggested for you, ad, suggested for you, ad, ad. It's frustrating because all I want to do is see what some friends are up to or check/post to the buy nothing group around me, and I have to deal with like 5 "best comic funny of the day! 😂😂😂" Posts within the first 10.

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You're a better man than I because those things drive me fucking nuts.

Did those people just put the lyrics in? I've used udio a bunch, but not suno, but I just did it here and I and to generate the lyrics first. I could have put anything i want in there.

But even with that, at least the maria Carey one is really bad.

Because you were like the fourth person to tell me to get takeout after I explained it in the comments multiple times.

My bad. I did search for "drive" and "pick" and saw nothing. But apparently I didn't scroll down so all of the comments weren't loaded.

That’s functionally how the homestead exemption works already

Unless I'm mistaken, that's just a small tax break you get on the taxes on your primary residence. After that, it makes no difference the number of properties you own, their taxes stay the same.

I'm not saying to be tolerant of intolerance. This thread is filled with people shitting on people from rural areas, and being extremely prejudiced.

I didn't say the playing field was level; I understand that I've been granted many benefits due to my race and sex.

I said they are both bigots. Are you really arguing that a black guy saying all white people are pieces of shit is not a bigot?

This is what people don't seem to get. Human nature is when things are bad we band together, when things are good, we compete against each other. Capitalism leverages the latter while communism just tries to ignore that it exists.

Capitalism certainly has its flaws, but it's a far better starting point.

Remember when all the conspiracy theorists were cheering elons take over of twitter because it meant free speech? I do. Also remember how pretty much none of them is complaining about his control of the platform now. It's almost like they never really cared about free speech in the first place, but only their own.

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I was originally a chip designer. Then I shifted into embedded development. Now I'm mainly a C# guy.

But when I shifted into embedded development, I also shifted into doing power engineering. I grabbed a couple of books on the topic at hand, taught myself a lot, and designed the electronics to meet the need. We sold the product to city utilities.

I remember one time I was in a room with probably 10 engineers from one of the utilities. After having described the product to them, and went through a lot of our settings and stuff, I was explaining the difference between two of algorithms we put in (because different utilities use different algorithms, and I just wanted one device that could do both). At some point I was like "which of the two algorithms do you use?" and one responded "well, which do you recommend?" So I talked about why I thought one was better than the other.

They all started looking at each other and nodding and saying "Yeah, that's the one were going to use." I realize I could have said anything at that point and they would have agreed. They thought I was expert. And that was my "last two frames" of this comic moment.

Now as a senior dev, I've seen enough shit to realize that most people have no idea what is going on, and are flying by the seat of their pants. So I figure my ignorance is a little less than theirs, and that gives me a lot of confidence, but I also realize that I can learn a lot from most people.

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I feel like this joke would have landed better 5, or maybe even 3 years ago. Every even remotely fancy restaurant I go into has jumped on the mocktail bandwagon and offers plenty of options for people avoiding alcohol.

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When I got my security clearance, one of the things they drove home was reporting people who were having money problems because, as this points out, having money problems makes you prone to being bribed, and thus a threat.

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It's worse than that. Vaccines are not 100% effective and some people have legitimate reasons why they can't get a vaccine...and those kids are getting fucked by other parents' poor decisions.

Non medical exemptions need to go.

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Funny, just yesterday probably I was arguing with someone in another thread that was saying the people here don't actually think Boeing had these whistleblowers killed, it was just making "implications and jokes."

And here, very clearly, with a massive number of upvotes we have someone claiming that Boeing had them killed and that resulted in brave souls coming out afterward. lol

However, this also exposes another huge complaint I have with your typical lemmy-er (lemming? lemmite? what do you call a user of lemmy?): Almost no one reads the fucking article.

This isn't about new whistleblowers coming out, but their lawyer claiming he is afraid that current whistle blowers will be "scared away."

But, of course, what I've learned on reddit and even more so on lemmy is that the facts don't matter, only the narrative.

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Sorry you're right, I misread the post. I thought the poster was saying that we feel outrage by their clubs. On reread it's clear I interpreted it wrong (my own fault) and agree.

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They had her anywhere between a 70-90% chance to win. If you predict 90% chance that something will happen, and it always happens, your prediction is wrong because you should have predicted 100%.

When I hear someone say "you can't trust the polls because they got 2016 'wrong'" they are just telling me they don't understand statistics.

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Because the liberal justices are being consistent in their rulings, while the conservatives justices all of a sudden forgot that they think these things should be deferred to the states.

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This is just nostalgia.

Case in point, you can still play all of these old games. If you are willing to pirate, you can get access to thousands of games, most you never even played before, for free. You never have to pay for another game as long as you live and a still be playing new games from this era of "better" games.

I've done this myself. Played for like a month, and then for bored. And basically noone does that. I have the Nintendo switch access to old nes games. My kids never touch it. No one can really say because there is no novelty.

You know why? Modern games are way better. This isn't to say these isn't some annoying shit that goes along with them. But the old days weren't some magical time of gaming. It seems magical because it was new, especially to the people living during that time, and simply due to nostalgia.

I know I won't be popular, but I love modern gaming. I throw a game I'm interested in in my steam wish list. I wait for it to drop to below 20 dollars, and then I buy it.

The most recent games that I've put a ton of hours into are bg3 and anno 1800. No micro transactions, unless I missed something.

I also played a ton of supercell games: coc, cr, and bs. Many entertaining hours over years. Never spent a dime. Micro transactions other people paid allowed me to play for free. How is this not amazing?

I'm open to hearing competing ideas, but if you do you disagree with me, expect me to ask why you don't do the things above, and just answer the question in your post. If that's ignored, it will just indicate to me that you realize I'm right.

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