
2 Post – 648 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

"Terrorist". Having the images doesn't mean they liked them, they used them to terrorize a whole community though.

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When you have a loved one pass away... and you get forced to pony up $10k for a basic service, cremation in a nice casket, and a pretty expensive "basic" urn for the ashes, because the funeral home won't let you use anything cheaper like a pine box or a shroud, with the only choice being between an "eco gas" cremation in your own city vs. a $2k cheaper "non eco" one a city over... you'll understand why people call funeral homes parasites and look for alternatives.

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f u/spez

Hm... it's not the same.

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nursing home with piles of corpses

Funeral home. People tend to come already dead in there.

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Fundamentalists running from people not letting them be as fundamentalist as they wanted.

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it's like watching two children fighting over who's sandcastles can be built in the sandbox

Welcome to war.

And what do we do if children can't learn to share? You take away everything and no one is happy.

So is that what this is going to come to? Do adults need to intervene to quell the infants?

That would be nice... only there are no adults.

PS: any adults 👽 out there... whenever you're ready, we welcome you 🛸

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This seems to bring LW closer to Reddit. /s

But seriously, what is the point of all of this? It only seems to overcomplicate things. Now a user will have to:

  • Follow the ToS
  • Follow the CoC
  • Follow whatever rules a community's sidebar states
  • Match whichever mod's interpretation of all the above

In that order, or any other order? I see nothing about protesting the breach of the ToS by either the CoC or some community, or some community's mod... so which supersedes which?

How is this going to be communicated to users commenting/posting from other instances? Or is this only applicable to users registered on this instance? In which case, what is going to be applicable to federated users?

What are the user's rights?

  • Users Responsibilities: 4.x
  • Our Rights: 6.x
  • Users Rights: none?

If you want to establish this as a legal document, then you're missing at least a section.

If this is about giving as many reasons as possible to remove/ban content/users, it's all unnecessary, just say "mods can remove/ban whatever"; it's a private instance, you can do that.

If this is about having a ruleset that protects the users from arbitrary mod decisions... I see none of that in there.

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Low effort.

At least pick some real sounding ones, like "Przemysław Mądrzykowski", or something...

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You can still go to the instance and read it, subscribe to it from a non-defederated instance, or even create an account there directly.

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Or rather... the tokens were held on a sidechain created in collaboration with FTX... yes, that FTX, the one that "misplaced" a bunch of billions of dollars, and for a long time it took a somewhat elaborate way to convert Reddit community points (Moons, Bricks) into USD.

A couple months ago, after the API debacle, the tokens got listed on Kraken... and their value took a quick nosedive.

They "IPO-ed" them, and it failed, so now they're slashing them.

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16-year-old boy [...] struggling to see the logic

What logic?

had gone through thousands of changes of seasons [...] 300 years old

300 years is only 1200 seasons.

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Funnier yet, when you go to https://𝕏.com you also end up on x.com which redirects to twitter.com.

People can re-invent and re-discover things. It still happens all the time in this day and age of worldwide massive communications. I'd be surprised if the right angle theorem didn't get discovered thousands of times throughout history.

what genders of nonbinary are/aren’t welcome

Like, intergender is fine, but genderless is not...? or the other way around?

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Ok, hear me out: crypto, based on "proof of training an AI"

If it takes so much power, it must be secure, and this way it wouldn't be "totally wasted"...

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If you still live in Northern Gaza to this day, after all that's being going on, and all the warnings to GTFO... you better keep your cats and belongings pre-packed and ready to be several blocks away in 30 minutes, don't even wait the 2 hours.

Wait until you hear about how many times we've come how close to a nuclear world war... or why GPS became available to the public in the first place and now Russian pilots can tape some receivers to the dashboards of their planes.

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My "long COVID" symptoms are on month 16 and counting... they've gone way down, but still there.

the voices ordered Smith to eat the victim's brain so they would get a better understanding of human behavior and the eyes so that they could see into the "spirit realm."

"Disassembly reveals useful pathways"...

Local account and disabled as much as I could

2023-08 Cumulative Update Preview for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems

Why are you running updates for beta testers, if you decided to disable as much as you could? Those "Preview" updates will install everything you're missing and more every time, that's their purpose.

Switch to stable updates only, and you won't have that problem... or at least have it way less often.

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1,060 seconds, or over 17 minutes... nice stamina.

Isn't that how it works anyway?

Person A: "I am a [whatever]"

Person B: "What do you think of [some thing about "whatever" I've recently seen on TV, and is possibly the only thing I know about it]?"

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In a combative defense opening statement Trump lawyer Alina Habba said: 'There is a person out there who will buy that (Mar-A-Lago) for over $1 billion. That’s not fraud, that’s real estate.'

So... fraud.

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Here in Spain, you "are legally allowed to use a pinewood casket or just a shroud"... at the same time as "only a funeral home is allowed to perform a cremation or burial"... and they all refuse to do businesses with you unless you also pay for a much pricier casket and some extra services.

Nice tiny loophole, ain't it?

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then force full integration.

Don't be silly, China is a democratic country... they would hold a vote, like they did with HongKong: 99% for, 1 against. Totally democratic. 🤫

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Will any of our writings be found in 2500 years? Are we a myth...?

It seems to be a case similar to Socrates, or Jesus. Nice how Pythagoras was supposed to perform miracles, and stay a month "dead" just to later come back to life.

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Free pet for a day, free roast for the next... /s

I live in a city area next to the end of where it got developed, there are several "colonies" of abandoned cats nearby. My mom used to take care of them, we ended up with 16 cats at home just from "emaciated rescues" that we managed to bring back to health (not all made it) and didn't manage to place somewhere else, about 20+ in a couple nearby colonies, some 40+ in some farther away ones... all the time working with a "capture, spay, release" program... and I got livid when she sent me a photo with 5 kittens in a box someone had left next to a dumpster, asking if she should take them home.

If you wanted kittens, I could find you so many kittens, that you wouldn't have the time to make videos of all of them.

What you really should be asking though, is: what did they do with the grown up cats?

A well fed and cared for house cat, can live 10-15 years. Where did those YouTubers put all those kittens, for the next 10+ years?

Should charge extra for the ability to hide them 😆

Is this a repost? Has lemmy already entered the repost phase?

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you have a responsibility to not immediately react to any pecieved fear by whipping it out and firing it off

What about "immediately" after telling the guy to stop 3 times, trying to retreat 3 times, and trying to swipe off his phone off your face?

So if you're not an American you're free to sabotage the US as much as you want and it's not a crime?

Two points.

First, US laws apply on US soil, or to US citizens. If you're neither, then cooperation and extradition agreements apply, if there are any.

Second, not sure where you got the "sabotage the US" part from:

  • the request came from Ukraine
  • from the beginning, Musk has been sabotaging Russia by disabling Starlink outside of Ukrainian borders, this was supported by both Ukraine and the US
  • the Ukrainian request was for removing part of the sabotage so Ukraine could attack Russia with Ukrainian drones
  • it wasn't a US request, it didn't involve any US assets, or any US operations

Maybe Ukraine should have asked the US, instead of asking a private non-Ukrainian citizen.

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oppression, theft of land, and brutality isn't a way forward if the aim is to stop bloodshed from both sides.

Unfortunately, the aim is to:

  • from the one side, to have a State of Israel on land promised by the British to the Arabs
  • on the other, to have an Islamic State on land taken by the Zionists from the British
  • on another, to have the Armageddon begin and trigger the second coming of Christ
  • on still another, to have all the infidels exterminated and have the whole world convert to Islam

Stopping bloodshed is not part of either side, some of the sides are actually asking for more bloodshed 🤦

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  • Reduce... no, we don't want them to buy less!
  • Reuse... still not good enough.
  • Buy more and Recycle... now this, we can support. Add a recycling charge to it for good measure.

Well, actually... Chernobyl has shown us how to establish a long lasting war-free zone.

Most peaceful place on Earth, even while surrounded by an ongoing war, self-preserving whether soldiers know to not dig trenches in the red forest or not, great for nature and wildlife, and it's going to be like that for the next 20,000 years or so.

If evangelicals have their say, they might get something similar going on in the region:


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when you stop to look at the powder keg they created

Wait until you expand it by a few more years:

Reddit was valuable

Indeed, it "was".

Do you subscribe to games and memes communities, read Local, or the All feed?

Keep in mind there is no automatic filter to clickbait you in All, it's up to you to "be the filter".

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Out of curiosity: is this an issue of federating content from feddit.nl's communities, or an issue of feddit.nl's users messing with LW?

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There is no Twitter anymore, it's 𝕏 now... just a twist away from the good luck charm 卐 /s

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