0 Post – 93 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

(Un)surprisingly, I'm not that funny. Huge fan of Kill Tony and other funny podcasts. RIP Apollo!

I practice quiet shitting while at work. I don't let anyone know I'm leaving the office, and I head down the elevator to the downstairs bathroom. It's a nice break from work. I recommend it to anyone.

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I remember the install CD had the Weezer “Buddy Holly” video on it. It felt pretty fancy

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Fuck Spez, haven't been back since Apollo died.

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Remember the look on his face when he won? He was horrified! Same when he first met with Obama and they had a joint press conference. His body language was like, "oh fuck, what am I even doing here."

I think regret is hard for him though, because to regret something means you have to feel, in some way, you could have done something better or differently. You have to take ownership of bad feelings and in your part of bad outcomes. I just don't think his brain will let that happen. Everything bad is always someone else's fault.

But yeah...maybe in some dark, cobweb encrusted corner of his mind, he wishes he was just a NY scam artist and fake "tycoon." It served him well enough, as you noted.

Touch an entire football field of grass, dude.

Thanks for the update man, I was on pins and needles wondering what you were going to do after seeing this story! Update us later on what you'll be eating for lunch!

Even though there are 100k active users, it still seems slow. I know it'll take time to change, but I have already seen improvement in the three weeks I've been here.

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I wish the narwhal developer luck, but I just imagine his math is off, and when the time comes for a big world event, where power users will be F5-ing and interacting through the app, Reddit will fuck him hard on the pricing. Additionally, power users are going to be his primary audience; after all, most people know the official app sucks, but only the most dedicated will pay for something different. It just doesn't seem feasible.

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Cmon down, enjoy the Fediverse. Management here doesn’t hate users, imagine that!

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Good, well deserved

It was his family, but why did he fight so hard to conceal that fact? Where did they get the money?

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Well that's good

He's likely going to be carefully managed for the rest of his life

Let's fucking hope

How is she homeless ? Why doesn’t she have a home in jail after she was caught embezzling hundreds of thousands of dollars?

What will be the Windows equivalent to "drink verification can?"

This isn't the entire story, just a snippet that was copied from the full story, which is linked in OP.

I agree that this post is dumb, but why is Reddit now trying to bury it? Has the OP of that thread been getting blasted in the comments?

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Don’t get me wrong - I’m absolutely happy that this game is doing well, that people love it, that it isn’t exploitative, etc. those are all great things.

But do we need a daily article essentially restating the same thing?

Apologies to real burning dumpster fires of dogshit

Thanks, man, no offense taken.

.biz always seemed a bit sketchy. Would probably also avoid .nk

Anyone else think the Sake part of the story is really weird too? Like, is that the preferred pairing with human flesh? Who makes that recommendation? A cannibal sommelier?

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And guillotine-pilled

Teddy Roosevelt was shot, and then gave a speech shortly thereafter:

"Friends, I shall ask you to be as quiet as possible. I don't know whether you fully understand that I have just been shot—but it takes more than that to kill a Bull Moose."

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It would be cool if they were all about conserving wildlife, natural features, forests, clean air, and clean water. Or the rights to vote and have privacy.

But no, they just want to conserve the power of a small group at the expense of everyone else.

His fat head would probably slow things down a good bit, unfortunately

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Actually, you're right. I take that back. I let my personal dislike for the game override my thought processes. There are plenty of people who like the game, as odd as I find that fact.

I’m not watching the debate. Was that someone slamming Christie?

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The Model Rules explicitly disallow the type of defense she’s posing, I.e. “my boss told me it was OK!” She knows this, so she’s attempting to shift to a defense of innocent negligence (lack of diligence), rather than willful violations of law and ethics rules. Which, given she’s just agreed to be convicted of a crime or crimes, is going to be a tough defense to put up.

I believe Colorado will start separate bar/ethics proceedings now that’s she’s been newly convicted of a crime. She was not convicted when the CO Bar originally censured her, though the subject of the censure is largely the same.

TL;DR: She’s chock full of shit and hopes the CO Bar is going to punish her for a lack of diligence (which might be a lesser punishment) than for intentionally attempting to subvert an election.

Source: I’m a lawyer barred in two states. Kill me.
Disclaimer: take whatever I say with a massive grain of salt, I’m not your lawyer, I’m not barred in Colorado, etc.

Correct, but I think dude above you was joking


No, but not because he's anti abortion, but because he's a cheap bastard

Ugh. You’ve activated my PTSD.

As an avowed Calibri hater, thank fuck.

This website was posted earlier, it's been interesting :

That's what I'm thinking. He wasn't unable to speak, he just trusted a fart and paid the price. He froze because he knew there were multiple people behind him /near him, and he didn't know how to escape the situation. He changed his Depends in the office and came back.

Wow, so much winning

One possible exception to that, at least so far, seems to be r/nfl. It’s a behemoth on Reddit, but it seems like few made the jump to the fediverse, sadly.

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OP won't reply to this one...


Dude has 216 shares, out of 460.9 million outstanding shares of Target. Even if Target has to pay for the loss of value in share price (they won't), they could pay this dude without breaking a sweat. Also, Stephen Miller is a Nazi.