2 Post – 74 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

He's gunna be gutted when he finds out xvideos is already taken.

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Must be hard losing to a millennial woman, i mean no alpha points there.

Just a wee selection of my block list: bots, thirst traps, bitcoin bro, invest bros, marketing bros, dating stuff and far too much gambling.

I mean twitter must be down on ad revenue by the amount of gambling sites I block alone. Surely I was just about to sign up and gamble on the big South match between the irresistible Portsmouth v the unmovable object that is Southhampton.

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Council's are understaffed and underpaid, a four day week could easily be the new pay rise.

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You wanna teach firearm safety to a four year old, keep your guns safely locked up and practice using a hose pipe. If that murderer beams you with the hose, don't let them have your gloc because they gunna Bury you.

Is this guy legit going to have a heart attack live on stage whilst ranting spurious nonense?

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Scales canna tell the difference between muscle and fat. If you've being labouring, you likely have developed muscle whilst losing fat.

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That sounds a bit hitlerish.

I'd love a trad wife or frankly to be a trans trad wife? Basically I'd love myself or my wife to be able to not have to work and actually be able to spend time cooking meals and doing household chores, so we actually have more time with each other at the weekends.

I go on twitter now and 3/4 of adverts are AI scams or 2009 click bait with fuckin community notes explaining that remembering a set of politicians names is not linked to hi iq, as claimed by the clickbait advert.

Then there is the 'verified' accounts that are doing genuine harm at misinformation spread.

Yeah I'm not trusting ol musky chuckles with my money. And that's coming from someone who uses traditional banks despite having witnessed their government bail out banks multiple times after they were fucking reckless to the point of needing a bailout.

Ads have gotten way worse in quality. I keep seeing stuff that makes Temu look like top tier. Recently community notes jhave added context noting these adverts are for dropshipping services and there is no guarantee you will get the advertised product.

That and so many funking places wanting my email to send me top tips on life, money, crypto or w.e.

I'm genuinely glad when I see a normal funking advert for pizza or a charity or a film, there's something happening with that dicaprio guy and scorsee director.

Don't email a solicitor to confirm I've made payment. Apparently it costs me 36 quid for them to read my email confirming payment.

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They err seem to be doing fine?

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Stop gate keeping food bruh

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Umm you go to the beach and something about certain grains will be different. Look mate, see how you boil liquid. Do that with milk until just before it boils and that's the milk now pasteurised which means it will kill the things in it that make you ill. Also boil the water before drinking it?

That's all I got. I guess sphagnum moss is good for absorbing blood/dealing with wounds?

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The first thing to go on a washing machine is usually the bearings. Most washing machines now have their bearings attached to the drum, so to replace the bearing, the whole drum has to be replaced. Replacing the drum is near the entire cost of a new washing machine and you will likely have to pay for 0.5 to .75 days worth of labour to have the old drum replaced too.

Yeah fuck these shinty designs to force consumers into buying and dumping otherwise easily repairable and reusable machines.

It depends on who you chat to.

The Rhetoric from Hamas (militant organisation who seek Palestines liberation, also deemed a terrorist organisation by numerous countries and organisations such as the UK), who are backed by Iran is literally we will wipe Israel (jews) off the planet. After having the Nazis and other groups attempt to do that previously, there is definitely an argument that Israel are defending themselves and have the right to do so.

Would you ever feel comfortable with a neighbour who is a murderer of a member of your family even if you owned an arsenal of guns and had the police in a car watching your property?

Palestine isn't recognised globally as a country whilst Israel is a 'Western' country in the middle East and the ally of many countries such as the UK and USA.

Also Palestine and Hamas are not the same thing. Its like sayingb the KKK is representative of all of the USA.

The whole situation from its inception after ww2 to now is fucked.

Nah. New wave of incommers will lead to more defederating drama I'm guessing.

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This is called greenwashing.

I don't know what any of this means. Can I get a dumbed down explanation?

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I wish I could operate at a loss and be given billions of pounds.

What's karma, i was on reddit for 12 years and never looked into it.

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I'm getting adverts for prostate cancer and kids book charities. You are just a perv clearly. /s

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Everytime I use this my WiFi stops working on my mobile.

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In Scottish gaelic the leading T which is grammically applied under certain circumstances changes the sound of word.

Uisge (water) goes from an oosh-gah sound to a toosh-gah when you say An t-uisge (the rain).

Same with chick, which is Isean (ish anne) to T-isean which is the chick (tish ann).

Definite articles confuse me.

In general in Gaelic many words get smooshed together when spoken. You dont usually say agus (and) youd say 'S which blends words together.

Thats common in many languages. As a native speaker i do not pronounce all my words individually, they often blur together, changing the sounds.

Smae with password sharing etc.

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One of the real issues that people will see the immediate impacts of is increased migration. People will not be able to live in coastal areas, Pacific Islands or near the equator.

It's already happened in S.America with convoys of people on foot trying to get to better places but the spin has always been these are illegals and nothing more.

Wouldn't it be just for that missile?

Its a well fit haircut like.

So how do you organise your music?

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In the UK, labour have a real chance of sweeping the next general election yet a whole bunch of their ministers have quit over their leader not calling for a ceasefire.

Lefties are easier target to turn on themselves over right wingers.


I can function at height if I'm on my own but im all thumbs and feel like I weigh 250lbs more. Add any people to the mix and my body starts squatting and the running joke is i look like I'm laying an l egg. I'll end up walking in an odd half crouch crab like way. Common example is being on a raised walkway, by a pier, canals, climbing stairs of attractions like a fire tower or an old building, ramparts of castles etc.

I did a bungee jump once and the worst part was crab crouching across the gangway that was suspended beneathe the bridge,. Once I was in the basket awaiting my jump, i was fine as i could sit down and I was all strapped in, the jump was easy!

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What happened to the influencer guy. He started out selling alcohol or something and then had random videos where he bamboozes someone doing a house clearance and got excited for making 36 dollars off a box of toys, then went on to shill the ever fuck of fungible tokens, it's the future.

Gary z? Gary V?

90pc of any google search is someone thinking im going to watch 4 minute video for the paragraph of text i require.

Old mans war. Come on they take OAP and turn them into super fighting soldiers to fight a whole galaxy of different races. We literally could have Morgan Freeman and Arnold err the terminator smashing aliens.

2008? Jesus I was a b/tard old-fag in those days and the hate for reddit was unreal. I had no idea it was the 9gag of its day.

I'm the same, I routinely filter out anime stuff. Probably the most annoying thing is that I started playing FFXiV and now my in-line adverts are for gaccha anime crap and generally super cringe/bonk horny.

I wish my contractor subby group admin would use discord. We will have several site visits which need up to six people in attendance and there is only the whatsapp for organising it. I often think it would be easier to have a discord with different rooms for each site visit. That would mean id only reveive notifications about my specific not work and not every single interaction.

I've always just scooped water out of the toilet bowl to clean my arse. A bidet seems overkill.