
2 Post – 384 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

What infuriates me about articles like this is that it really should just say that the school Satanic Club had its first meeting, the kids had a great time, here's everything they did and what they plan to do for the year, and here are some kids' reactions and quotes about the club.

Instead, it says the kids had "a great time" and then moves on to the protesters, offering them several paragraphs to spew their vile hate speech, repeating the garbage that their hate-filled signs say, and then even quoting two people. And then it follows that with basically an advertisement for "the Good News club, a Christian evangelical Bible club that meets before school hours."

It's a sign of how biased society is towards religion that an article about a non-theistic after school club gives half of the article to a handful of religious bigots to let them spew their hate speech and then promotes their own Christian school club.

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Crybaby fascist Republicans: "Cake shops shouldn't have to do business with people they don't like!!!"

Also crybaby fascist Republicans: "Disney should have to do business with me no matter what I say or do!!!"

I can't wait to see Disney counter-sue these fuckers for this ridiculousness.

It utterly boggles the mind that it's legal to sell homeopathic products. The word scam comes to mind, but it's so much worse than that because it's a scam that doesn't merely do nothing; it actually causes harm by confusing people and causing general distrust of actual treatments.

Labeling doesn't help either. Apparently the FTC understands the general public is dumb enough that we need "don't drink this" labels on bleach, but they credit them with being able to see through the confusing mumbo-jumbo that homeopathic products put on their labels to disguise the fact that it's just water.

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And he almost crossed the line this time! Don't worry, they've already moved the line 10 yard back to give him some extra space to push the envelope further.

Is there a list of Hamas' demands published somewhere? Cause I don't see it in the article...

I'm genuinely curious as to whether it's an achievable list of demands vs ludicrous posturing that has no chance of ever being met.

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Why the fuck do people let Trump get away with shit that no ordinary person would get away with.

Imagine if we used this same bullshit logic for ordinary people.

"Murderers shouldn't be stopped by police. We should defeat them in polls."

"Car thieves shouldn't be arrested. We should let the American people choose."

Fucking dumb.

And incidentally, we already did that, in 1868 when the 14th amendment was passed. So leaving it up to the polls is ignoring both the law and the will of the people.

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In other words, this asshat thinks that 1-year-olds should be forced to carry a pregnancy to term.

I mean, if you inherit a billion dollars, that's more money than you will ever earn in several lifetimes of actual work... so yeah.

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The Big Mac set in Japan is ¥750 right now.

And Burger King is even cheaper.

It baffles my mind that people would pay $18 USD for that shit. I visited the US last year and while prices in general had definitely gone up since the last time I was there, there is absolutely no justification to pay $18 for McDonald's. It's crazy.

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I feel like most things conservatives want can easily be explained by their consistent desire to harm women.

Is there an actual published list of demands somewhere that is cite-able?

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So... you want the job to get done, but you don't want anyone to be happy that the job got done?

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"And I'm the one to deliver it!"

Why is it that everyone who thinks their god wants to punish someone takes it upon themselves to do the punishing? Is god so fucking weak that he wants to punish us, but can't do it himself? If god wants to punish us, let him do it and Mike Johnson can stay the fuck out of it.

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One party says it was spontaneous consent and the other party said it was not, so how do we as the internet observer what it truly was?

You are a clown.

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The problem is that they're doing it legally.

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Liberal use of the block feature has made the Fediverse so much more pleasant. I can't recommend it enough!

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'Most of us don't have wealth'

God damn it, he's so close.

I suffered through the awkward feeling of telling Gale off

This happens in real life too, though.

And the dialog gives you the options to turn him down, just like in real like you'd have a "dialog option" to turn down a gay person who hits on you. And in real life, it's awkward just like it is in game.

All sorts of uncomfortable things happen in the game. Friends die. Children get murdered. Girls get kidnapped and used as baby incubators. Gnomes are forced into slavery. A hobgoblin fucks a ogre in a barn. As much as people don't want to experience those things in real life, you don't see mods deleting them. Yet people can't seem to figure out that making a special case for the gayness is quite actually gay erasure. They're fine with countless uncomfortable things, buy a bisexual character giving them eyes is too icky to handle??

People need to grow up and stop making excuses for homophobia that they wouldn't make for anything else.

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Real Putin energy here.

Samples of local fish have been collected at two points within a 5-km radius of the discharge outlet, except during rough weather conditions, with the agency announcing its analysis results on an almost daily basis since Aug. 26.

No tritium was detected in 64 fish, which included flounder and six other species, collected since Aug. 8.

I mean... you could have read the article.

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Unfortunately you're right, it doesn't say a whole lot.

While Hamas may appear to have fulfilled its declared short-term goals of deterring Israeli violations of Al-Aqsa Mosque and taking hostages to bargain for the release of Palestinian political prisoners held in Israeli jails, it does not appear to have a long-term end game.

and later

Three days into Hamas’s surprising and overwhelming attack, it is not clear what its end game is and what it can do to reap long-term benefits. Its priority has seemed to be to take both military and civilian hostages to help deter aggressive Israeli retaliation and later exchange them for Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.

Which contradicts the idea in the OP article stating about Hamas' "demands."

The closet thing I could find was this:

The Hamas leadership has said that the objectives of the attacks are ending “Israeli violations”, securing the release of Palestinian prisoners, and “returning to the project of establishing a state”.

Which are certainly objectives, but not specific enough to be demands.

Searching for "hamas' list of demands" online, there are several articles similar to the one above that reference it, but no list of demands that I can see. The closest things I can find are the 1988 and 2017 Hamas charters, which aren't particularly specific other than the original one calls for the eradication of Israel and the Jews, and the revised one just calls for the eradication of Israel... which isn't exactly a demand as much as an aspiration, and is kind of a moot point because it doesn't seem like something that would be accepted by Israel.

So I'm still looking for an actual list of demands...

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Is forgiving $132 billion in student debt the bare minimum of the job?

Because if that's your bar, then Biden is the only president in history who has done the bare minimum. If that's your standard, I'd think you'd be jumping for joy that a president has finally, in the entire history of the US, done the bare minimum.

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being in elementary school

Consider, too, how tragic it is that this has to be in an elementary school.

Nobody was willing to step in and protect these kids from indoctrination and abuse until the Satanic Temple came along. It's depressing to even think about how commonplace this is across the country.

You're the one who replied to me, you cabbage!

This needs to be said more than anything else.

Politics NEVER changes from the top down. You don't elect some absolute newcomer who circumvents all the normal paths and then completely revolutionizes the country. (At least not in a stable, functioning society.) Politics in the US happens from the ground up. Not top down.

If any third party was serious about changing society, they would start at the local level. Then, after proving that they can enact meaningful change and bridge the divide between the huge political span that Americans hold, they would sweep their state elections and federal elections.

All of these pie-in-the-sky parties who think that they will win the presidency and then somehow enact society-changing legislation (_the president doesn't make laws!!!_) are either fools or charlatans.

Snopes' take on this is really weird. They seem to be bending over backwards to invent an alternative narrative for him for some reason.

Listening to the videos, it sounds pretty clear to me that Trump did in fact say "we've been waging an all-out a war on American democracy." Not in. _In _doesn't even make any sense in the context. You wage war _in _a place, like Ukraine or Palestine. You wage war _on _a concept, like terror or democracy.

That said, I can definitely give him a pass that he didn't mean what he said. I can believe that it was very much a gaffe, because he is such a goddamned moron who rambles on without thinking. It sounds to me like he wanted to express that he is fighting in a war that his opponents are waging on American democracy, and he just said it wrong because he's a fucking idiot. It seems obvious that's what he meant to say, and he just said it wrong.

Which is what makes this snopes article so weird... why call the claim false and then defend him in this way? Why not rate this as mixture? Oh well...

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This kind of pedantry doesn't add to the conversation, it takes away from it. "South Korea orders Japan to compensate sex slaves" is a genuinely worse article title than the given one, and contains far less information than referring to them as "comfort women."

Yes, these people were sex slaves. The reason the term "comfort women" is helpful is because these are very specific sex slaves from a specific time, a specific place, and under specific circumstances. South Korea doesn't want Japan to compensate sex slaves, South Korea wants Japan to compensate these sex slaves.

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This is a "look what you made me do to you" sort of thing.

Electing Obama took us back 40 or 50 years on race relations because the racists decided they couldn't handle it. It wasn't Obama's fault, or Obama's voters fault. It was entirely the fault of the GOP.

Go back to your troll cave with this "both sides are the same" bullshit.

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He literally says he will be a dictator on day one, so how the fuck does the media come up with this title?

I swear the fucking incompetent and dishonest media is 100% why he won in 2016, and it's why he will win in 2024.

It's not really hilarious if you're in one of the groups that is regularly targeted by them...

Will the mountains be as boring as NMS?

You're saying you'd prefer the president didn't do his job?

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It's literally following the law.

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Those were the really fun days of the internet.

When surfing the web was actually an adventure and you'd actually discover things.

Not that I could ever go back to dial up speeds, but damn those days were fun.

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I would think a parent this irresponsible would do more damage to the kid being around than not being around. The fact that she showed no remorse for what she did doesn't bode well for how she'd raise the kid.

he can’t pardon himself

Anytime I hear someone say Trump can't do something, I want to wave my hands in the air and point to everything.

Trump will pardon himself because he has no shame, and the people in charge of pointing out that he can't pardon himself will do fuckall, just like every single person with any repsonsibility has done fuckall the stop Trump from doing anything for the past 8 years.

There have been thousands of chances to prevent Trump from doing A, B, C, D, E, F, G, etc. And every. single. person. has done nothing at all to stop him. He truly is above the law.

That would just result in corporations like Disney ripping off independent artists.

Fucking thank you.

The whole "copyrights should be abolished" trope is regurgitated by people who have clearly never created anything in their life. For artists, musicians, and other content creators, copyright is vital to our lives.

If you think Disney is powerful now, imagine what Disney would be like if no other creators had any legal protection at all.

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This guy hits a nerve for me.
So it's OK if I destroy him, right?

I mean, using his reasoning anyway.