
3 Post – 825 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

You have to understand that this isn't ironic to them. To them, this was not a legitimate trial and trumped up charges, if you'll pardon the pun.

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Levying valid criticism on someone is not scapegoating. You can criticize more than one person for the same thing.

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Found the senior dev

It's wild to me that after the last six years or so, people are still happy to conclude this must be a troll or fake. Like damn, what is it going to take to convince you that racists are fucking brazen?

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Pretty sure that they are fine with that, they are actively trying to get rid of you.

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4GB is an absolute fuck ton of text. Like, solid chunk of Wikipedia would fit in there.

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Isn't a 34 year old probably exactly the kind of person that would be listening to Limp Bizkit, given they'd probably been introduced to them as a child?

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That's literally the legal defence they are using.

There is no ethical consumption under capitalism.

Don't let perfect be the enemy of good.

If valid criticism of a candidate causes someone to decide not to vote for them, then so be it. That's how democracy is supposed to work. What's important is that people vote for who they want to lead them, period.

So far, zero confirmed.

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Not to mention the rampant misogyny.

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Tangentially related, but Empress is a bigot.

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I know it was a joke, but honestly covid will be a concern for a long time so having this technology is yeah, actually good.

Uh that seems like a pretty absolutist world view. You can simultaneously think that the invasion of Ukraine is terrible, and care that a Russian man is being jailed for nearly twenty years by a kangaroo court.

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You mean like he did on the forums about three hours after the GN video dropped?

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Mr sparkle!

America's government might.

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Interesting, cause I was thinking jail time.

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Here's an idea, how about it gets polished before release.

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Last month, the Colorado GOP called for parents to pull all children from public schools, claiming Democrats use schools to “turn more kids trans.”

Colorado GOP, I ask you... To what end? Why would democrats benefit from this?

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On kbin (which you are) you can go to /d/theinstanceyoudontlike and there's a block button, just like every user page and magazine page.

But admins had previously said that reddit should be for the communities, and the communities voted to allow NSFW.

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Meh. Anyone who continues to use reddit and browse those communities, many of which voted to go dark in the first place, deserves whatever reddit serves them.

Personally, I'm proud of having more empathy and humanity than a billionaire.

... Why were you doing anything remotely like formatting a drive while drunk?

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Sorry, there needs to be evidence of this? It was broadcast live on international news.

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I won't lie, I checked it out from curiosity. Scrolled for maybe five seconds on their homepage and found a woman in a yoga pose with her head full on backwards on her body, completely 180° around.

Honestly the market for this kind of thing is pretty sad.

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Felt like it had been a while since I read about a mass shooting in the USA.

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It'd be funny if it wasn't so frustrating.

Might be worth saying what country this is for. In Canada, they never went away.

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He'd have to do it 16 12 times for doubling to touch just 1% of his reported net worth.

(I have zero interest debating what his actual net worth is. Don't @ me.)

Edited to correct math.

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I could care less

Ah so you do care at least a little.

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My comment should not be read as an endorsement of Hamas behaviour, because it's not.

This isn't about hardware, though. The experiment was performed on a Switch.

HP does an ink subscription thing. They will try to trick you into it, too, so I'm sure lots of people sign up without realizing just by trying to use their printer software. Anyway, that ink stops working if you stop paying.

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The people who use tools like this are in the minority. The majority (probably the vast majority) of people use Windows as it is out of the box.

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How is this at all liminal?

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What claim? You want me to prove that it hasn't been proven?

Nintendo has always treated online as an afterthought.

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