23 Post – 1016 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This smells really fishy. They quote her directly when it comes to her taking the side of Palestinians in general (aka, the oppressed population) but when it comes to her supposed support of Hamas in particular, all there is in the article is a paraphrase of THEIR version, not a direct quote.

Sounds like a political hit job.

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Poor guy! Suffering the consequences of his own actions like some non-rich person!

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Add Johnson to this

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I, too, like to immediately violate the likely terms of plea deals keeping me out of prison in exchange for cult clout!

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Whoever is still claiming that Bernie doesn't speak truth to power anymore hasn't been paying attention for the last month or two. Better late than never to return to being the chief advocate for what the people wants but most of Washington doesn't! ✊️

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Not true. They post hate speech from right wing politicians verbatim all the time.

As for the tweets being somewhere else, it seems that it's this:

Can someone please tell the freedom fighters in Palestine to flip their phones and film horizontal

To the inattentive and/or wilfully misinterpreting, that might come off as an endorsement of Hamas as "freedom fighters", but note that she doesn't mention Hamas by name and that Hamas aren't usually the ones filming any of their atrocities.

Add her clarification from a few days later and it's clear she's talking about regular people filming the atrocities of the Israeli oppressors and isn't referring to terrorism at all, unless you define it broadly enough to include the Israeli state terrorism:

I just want to make it clear that this statement in no way shape or form is [inciting] spread of violence," she said. "I specifically said freedom fighters because that's what the Palestinian citizens are... fighting for freedom every day

As I suspected, she didn't do what they said she did. She just had the temerity to speak up against the apartheid regime.

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The initial source (or at least the one linked to in the reddit post) is the vastly inferior microblogging version of xvideos though, so skipping reddit would have been even worse 🤷

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I like that the article consistently refers to Meta as what it is, an adtech giant that also runs social media platforms rather than the other way around.

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AOC speaking truth to power again ✊️

AIPAC is a bigoted propaganda apparatus for an apartheid state and an endorsement from them should be considered as toxic as an endorsement from the KKK or Rick Snyder who deliberately poisoned the drinking water of Flint, Michigan and then lied about it.

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Oh no, did the two huge companies hoarding the rights to the vast majority of popular music in the world while underpaying artists and overcharging everyone else lose some potential revenue?!

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Chuck Norris is a Republican senior citizen, though. He wouldn't feel safe in ANY city.

The "throw police at problems mostly caused by poverty and inequality" reaction tracks too, though.

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So the fact that they, citizens of a country with no extradition treaty with the US currently in a country where extradition is famously murky at best, don't want to be extradited to face an American kangaroo court means that they have no rights and MUST be extradited to face an American kangaroo court?

It's like Orwell and Kafka had a baby and then someone appointed that baby emperor of the world 🤦

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If you think THIS is distasteful, you should see what priests do..

usually without being arrested by the police

That's the good part, though. Problematic drug use is a health problem and should be treated as such rather than a criminal and moral one.

And that's not even mentioning what often happens when cops interact with members of any marginalized group..

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(Almost) all humans are horny. Just look at gestures at entire world

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Yeah, what does he think he is, some kind of big guvmint vaccine mandate coming to take our guns??

See also:

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Remember the good old days when you got ads INSTEAD of directly paying rather than in addition to forking over already extortionate sums to profiteering megacorps? Pepperidge Farm does.

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So basically he wants an American version of the Iranian "Morality Police" torturing and killing people for not adhering to their archaic dogma.

And they thought "Y'all Quaeda" was a joke..

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And what bullshit would that be? Anything that would be a fireable offense?

That's not rhetorical or sealioning btw. I'm genuinely asking since I'm not familiar with her at all other than clears throat some of her early work several years ago..

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Ok, let me preface this by OF COURSE Biden is by far the lesser evil compared to Trump, OF COURSE single issue voting is some Republican style bullshit and OF COURSE Trump would be even more supportive of a fascist government committing genocide, being a fascist war crime fanboy himself.

That being said, people who are outraged by Biden's continued support of and thus enabling of genocide DO have a point. He's supposed to represent the interests of every American who's not a fascist, not those of a fascist apartheid regime currently committing the worst genocide since the Balkan wars in the 90s.

Just because the other guy is a much greater evil doesn't mean that you can't hold your own guy accountable for supporting evil. With Trump the only alternative, voting for him is a given, but giving him a free pass shouldn't be.

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An agreement can be changed to keep marital property out of the hands of creditors.

Given the specific circumstances, that sounds like conspiracy to evade justice. This dude just can't stop criming!

That's a very odd thing to get tattooed..I love it! heads straight to the local tattoo shop

She's so unhinged she doesn't touch any metal that isn't a gun. Just in case it might be a hinge.

Karamo, an (...) election-denying activist (...) has indicated she would not respect Saturday’s vote

Wow, surprise of the century!

Also, the headline is misleading. They're fine with her anti-democratic conspiracy theory bullshit, they just think she isn't good enough at collecting legal (and probably some illegal) bribes for them.

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At first I read it as "Weird Al might destroy mankind" and was extraordinarily confused 😂

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It absolutely IS legalised bribery. That's why the US isn't ranked as the most corrupt of all western countries in every study; doesn't count if it's legal and expected.

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She went on to accuse cheetahs of running fast, mountans of being tall and fire of being hot. Fox news denied all of her claims as hearsay and deep state propaganda.

This just in: 72% of the senate don't give a fuck about the lives and human rights of innocent Palestinians, more than half of which are children.

These despicable genocide apologists need to be confronted about it wherever they go. They should not have a moment's peace until they stop enabling the war crimes of an apartheid regime that brutally terrorizes every man, woman and child in Gaza (and most of those in the West Bank) every moment of every day.

Not to mention that, while objectively a lot of money to most people, $4m is a piss-poor compensation for 18 years of your life!

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The fine means she's been found guilty, Forbes.

Your use of the word "alleged" is unnecessary, misleading and makes it sound like you're taking the word of notoriously unhinged liar Perjury Greene over that of the FEC.

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Even ignoring bizarre stuff like this, it's priced like a Jaguar and has the build quality of a Yugo. I say keep sharpening.

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Why sleep in cotton sheets on a spring mattress for $1 in dues when we can offer this manure-soaked bed of straw for only $5 in wage theft?

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I almost chose lemmygrad because I thought it was a funny pun, but then I realised there was meaning behind it..

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Does what? Speaks truth to power? Opposes insurrectionists and undue foreign government influence on American elections from an apartheid regime?

You've been huffing propaganda fumes without the necessary protective equipment known as common sense and critical thinking, haven't you?

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Actually, Biden can't directly appoint a new Postmaster General. He CAN, however, replace some of the board members that have that ability, though, which he has absolutely no valid reason not to do.

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Republicans, being hoisted: "wtf, that's MY petard!"

This is just an aside, but I love how oversight means making sure mistakes/abuses don't happen too much but also means mistake 😄

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And without letting Israel demolish and "resettle" Gaza, how are they supposed to get their hands on all of that sweet offshore gas that the Palestinians aren't letting them have anymore?

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