Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 reveals its first clan, the Brujah, four years after it revealed its first clan, the Brujah to Not The – 45 points –
Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 reveals its first clan, the Brujah, four years after it revealed its first clan, the Brujah

After all of the controversy I have no hope for the game to be as good as Bloodlines 1, or even good at all.

I cannot be disappointed when it finally releases, only pleasantly surprised.

I still have hope emotionally but intellectually I fully expect to be disappointed. Development hell of this magnitude can't be healthy for the end result 😮‍💨

I think that we usually don't change the original article title when posting here

Thanks for the reminder, I need to add that to the rules.