2 Post – 104 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Massive whitespace. So many websites just feel like a PowerPoint presentation with their large-sized fonts and large amounts of space I have to scroll through.

Makes it very hard to find information sometimes.

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Man, I spent 15 bucks to watch it at the movie theatre. Why is the rent option more expensive than that? Even with the popcorn and drink I stayed below that.

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One of the good things coming out of the EU.

I still wonder if Apple will do a split between EU iPhones and the rest of the world, though. Lightning accessories make money.

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It’s gotten so hard to find authentic, useful results that people have started adding the word “Reddit” to search terms

I have definitely done that multiple times.

When people run out of money to pay for a billion subscriptions, companies will have to think hard about their business model. I don't think the current trend can last forever.

Look at the fragmentation of streaming services. Piracy is on the rise again because of it.

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a “Made for Apple” type of cable

That is absolutely ridiculous, but not surprising at all.

You're in luck, I just had this problem today and got it solved! :) Also on Fedora (38) with an Intel UHD 620. Proof:

First I got Photoshop 2020 from m0nkrus, because that's a patched version without the online activation. I installed it with qemu on a virtualized Windows 11 to get all of the files (because the installer depends on an unimplemented mshtml function and is just a white, unuseable window in wine).

Then I prepared a custom wineprefix with all of the neccessary files: WINEPREFIX=~/.wine-adobe winetricks -q allfonts fontsmooth=rgb gdiplus atmlib vcrun2008 vcrun2010 vcrun2012 vcrun2013 vcrun2022 msxml3 msxml6

I copied all of the files in the C:/Program Files/Adobe and C:/Program Files/Common/Adobe directories into the same directories in ~/.wine-adobe/drive_c.

That's enough, you can now run Photoshop with a command like this: WINEPREFIX=~/.wine-adobe wine ~/.wine-adobe/drive_c/Program\ Files/Adobe/Adobe\ Photoshop\ 2020/Photoshop.exe or create a nice looking app shortcut with wine-create-shortcut.

Some things to note: The "new" file open dialogue doesn't work, you have to disable it in settings. Otherwise, nothing will happen when trying to create a new file.

Adobe Illustrator 2021 also works fine, but you need to build your own variant of wine with a patched gdi32.dll. The most annoying part was getting all of the -devel.i686 packages in Fedora, which took a lot of googling around. Haven't documented the full list while doing it, sadly.

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Modern devices not using USB-C.

It's an extreme monopoly here in Germany, too. But the EU will force them to be interoperable with other messengers soon, which will hopefully break that monopoly.

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Tentatively called "Alexa Plus," the paid version of Alexa is intended to offer more conversational and personalized AI technology, said one of the documents obtained by Business Insider.

But the quality of the new Alexa's answers is still falling short of expectations, often sharing inaccurate information, external tests have found.

Do they really expect people will pay for a large language model making up results on-the-fly?

"If this fails to get revenue, Alexa is in trouble," one of the people told BI.

I will not shed a tear when Alexa gets shut off, to be honest.

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Subscribe to - it's the German me_irl.

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They also still seem to run user-testing on hiding these sections for 30 days. I had this option a few months ago, then it vanished and today it was back again. Maybe enough people are still actively hiding it so that YouTube still doesn't fully commit to shorts. Let's hope it stays that way, they are annoying and I couldn't care less about another Instagram cat video algorithm.

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Very similar situation here. Around 2017/2018 I had Netflix and Prime Video. I was able to watch 95% of the content I wanted to watch and only had to download some obscure 90's SciFi series they didn't have.

But the industry had to fuck it up and create too many platforms. We have Netflix, Prime, Disney+, HBO, Paramount Plus, Apple TV+ and many more. I am not subscribing to your service because one or two titles might interest me. It's way too much cost for a lot less value I had in 2018.

I even wanted to make an exception for Apple TV+ because their series are absolutely amazing. But they force you to buy an expensive Apple device to watch the content in 4K on the Safari Browser. Go fuck yourself, Apple. It's not even a technical issue, because they play the trailers in 4K but then switch to 480p with a terrible bitrate.

Don't go to the big media outlets and start crying that piracy is too damn high if you make it more inconvenient to watch your programs legally than just downloading an MKV file from somewhere.

I think he means that the Fediverse is not discussed on Reddit anymore. But why would we actually care, it's amazing here regardless.

I love that Lemmy has a small, but dedicated userbase and much less flamewars than Reddit. Seems like most people are actually here for good content and not just trolling everyone else.

I also like that the feed just ends eventually and I can close the app instead of doomscrolling through the whole night.

And I hope that toxic gamification features like global karma or awards will always stay out of here. The dopamine rushes from those are just bad for my brain and these features are really unneccessary.

There's been an app for that for ages: DroidCamX.

Installing TempleOS in da club

Am I the only one that regularly used "search phrase" on Google? It makes the search engine so much better.

Really bad idea to get rid of this feature.

Users of the chronological feeds engaged less with the platforms

Because there is no endless content. You will eventually reach the end of your feed, close your browser and go to bed, sleeping well and staying healthy.

But of course Meta prefers you doomscrolling through the entire night and feeling like shit afterwards. Just one more ad bro...

Switched to Chrome a few years back when Firefox killed XUL and bundled too much bloatware.

Now I've switched back to Firefox because it's good again and Google is doing too many evil things lately (Web Integrity).

There's an even more extensive filter list for hiding shorts here: works pretty well for me. Their filtering options can certainly be improved, but they have most of the 4K TV series content I need.

The day that happens I can hopefully uninstall this thing already. Most of my friends use it, they're really big here in Europe. Pretty hard to move to another app.

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They'll soon integrate Clippy AI, mark my words.

A good quality version of the "VR.5" tv series from 1995.

It's a TV show about virtual reality and has peak 90's aesthetic. They shot the scenes in "virtual reality"on black and white film and colorized them manually afterwards to create a very distinct and vibrant look. That must've been so much hard work.

Sadly, there is only a 240p VHS rip with extremely terrible quality out there. I've always wanted to watch the whole thing, but it's too degraded to enjoy like this.

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It never quite felt right. We were really close friends sharing a lot with each other and hanging out multiple times a week, so after a while I developed feelings for him. But something always felt off to me, so I let it stay that way and didn't push it any further.

He completely destroyed our friendship in a span of a few weeks by suddenly centering his whole life around one dude and behaving like I never existed. It still hurt to be cut off like that, but I'm happy it didn't hurt more.

Yes, but it's actually an "It's Thursday!" feeling.

The four day work week is amazing.

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After all of the controversy I have no hope for the game to be as good as Bloodlines 1, or even good at all.

I cannot be disappointed when it finally releases, only pleasantly surprised.

That seems to be standard practice, in my case they unbanned me instantly as soon as I added a telephone number.

Gotta collect that sweet, sweet user data.

I have excellent Bluetooth headphones that last multiple days on a single charge. You would think that makes the headphone jack just not important anymore. But I live in a neighborhood with a very satured frequency band which is so bad sometimes that the thing I'm listening to cuts out every few seconds.

Every time this happens I am so happy that I can just plug in a cable and I'm making sure this option will be available to me in future devices. Wireless is not always great.

Add to that, any streaming content that is not available in the original language. Here in Germany, a lot of older movies are only available to stream with the terrible German dub. I'm not paying for that so I'm not paying at all.

Found the game "Descent 3" randomly in a box of music CD's, all the way at the bottom. The CD's were all for sale, so I got it for five bucks.

I still have that box and the game is still awesome.

What a guy!

Joining in from my Postbox on Windows. No ads present (and it also doesn't slow down to a crawl after a few thousand messages).

Turns out that *competent * mail clients can handle the one thing they are designed to handle: emails.

My Thinkpad T400 from 2010 has 8GB of RAM. This was wild back then. But this was 13 years ago. Stop milking your customers by putting insane margins on memory and storage, Apple.

They were forced by the EU to add a browser choice option in Windows XP so users can easily get rid of IE. A few years later and they try the same shit all over again.

insert GTA San Andreas meme here

People talking about Windows 98 and Pentium 3 processors all day long, feels just like home.