2 Post – 219 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Each hand pets the ones on the sides; then kisses to the middle. Not as good as having three hands, but it works.

When I was a young kid, I had a cat that was front-declawed (this was before it was well known that it's an abusive practice - my folks didn't know better at the time). Because he couldn't shred the paper with his claws, he showed his spite by chewing up the roll so it looked like he'd clawed it. Didn't matter which direction the roll was.

I loved that cat. He was so smart.

I remember reading excerpts of the bible in one of my high school English classes a couple decades ago. It was basically part of a unit on fictional storytelling via religion. I'd be okay with that being the requirement.

Right?! After a review like that, I want a pair.

They must still be paying for that one.

I like to think half of the last letter is cut off and it's "free doom," which is, disgustingly, what kids in Palestine are getting.

Tell Gerry to m(e)ander his way out so the rest of us can have a turn in the gay room.

It's simply not the BBC's job to tell people who to support and who to condemn - who are the good guys and who are the bad guys.

I miss when this was the standard for news. Now most (e: major) outlets don't even try to pretend they have no bias and instead push a subjective point. Even when I agree with the point, I don't like it when my "news" pushes it instead of just, you know, reporting.

Give me the info and let me form my own opinions.

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“I’m sorry — if you only want to work four hours, it’s going to be harder for you to get a house,” she said

What a joke. I spent the better part of the last three years working 70 hour weeks until I burned myself to a crisp. I'm much better off financially than many people my age, yet I am somehow still years away from homeownership and starting a family - if I ever can.

Maybe Whoopi should retire and let a millennial do her job for her pay. Not me; I don't think I'd be able to work as hard as her. 🙄

I wish famous people would just shut up if they're going to say stupid shit. I don't want her tainting my TNG rewatch.

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We know why we're hated; it's why those of us who strive to exemplify professionalism, ethics, and civility are so angry and depressed. It's why I've been having a career crisis because I always wanted to go into law, but only to do good, and now it feels like there is so little legitimacy to the judicial branch.

Fuck the people who abuse the rule of law until there is none, fuck Trump and his cronies, and fuck SCOTUS for fucking us. Now excuse me, I have to go cry in a corner.

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Trump, meanwhile, has claimed he made Swift “so much money” and argued she’d be “disloyal” if she supported Biden, like she did in 2020.

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Not really. From the article:

“Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole—that’s going to be the least of it. It’s gonna be a bloodbath for the country,” he declared.

While the context may have been "auto industry," the message was clear.

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C'mon down to Lil Bits

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You bringing socialized health care?

I've left the back door unlocked.

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The Israeli mission to the U.N. in Geneva called the comments "deplorable and deeply concerning" and blamed Hamas for civilian deaths.

(Insert "why would they do this" meme here.)

Hamas is evil, yes, but that doesn't prevent the Israeli government from also being evil.

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Short answer is that it is always much easier to (successfully) sue a private party than a government entity. Also probably to deter the private companies from participating in human trafficking.

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Yeah; I feel like people need to recognize that

Neither side is good


Both sides are bad.

There is one party that is actively unraveling our democracy and it's not the Democrats. I don't have to love them to realize that they are the better choice. And even then, I'd say the Democrats are "good-ish," and many are trying to be good. They're just not great. ¯\(ツ)

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Colton Gilbert, the debate coach at Central High, said [...] “Every day I walk into class and think to myself: is today’s conversation the one that will get me fired?”

Free speech being chilled in real time. JFC.

the Temple [...] named a telehealth abortion clinic after Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s mom.

This is a beautifully poetic insult and I love it.

Excellent chaser to my sleeve of saltines.

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I don't even understand how this could qualify for felony murder (which is what I'm assuming they're going for; the article only somewhat talked about the charges), since it was natural causes and not homicide. Sure, you've got an argument for the first element of resisting an officer with violence, but the second element isn't met; no one was killed.

Fucking bass ackwards Florida.

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Right? Instead of publicizing his bullshit, we should be ignoring him whilst simultaneously hoping he runs into the wrong end of a lawnmower.

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You work with Clarence Thomas?

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An image of the officer wearing the black patch that includes the star and white bars, similar to the Israeli flag, was posted on social media on Thursday.

This clickbait headline didn't specify that it's not the Magen David, but rather a representation of the Israeli flag, which is not the same thing.

Also, Canada has "thin blue line" flags? What do they look like? The Canadian flag only has two thick stripes, so unless they're using the version based on the US flag (which makes no fucking sense - they're Canadian), I don't see it.

For reference, here's the image of the patch (downloaded from another article that actually included it:

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I mostly feel sorry for the man who was attacked, and glad he wasn't further harmed. I also feel bad for the daughter, but I think it's sad that most of the comments on the YT video don't even mention the victim while sympathizing with the daughter.

It's part of the system of checks and balances. The three branches of government were designed to keep each other in check. It's not working so well in practice, but that's the intention.

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If only this also meant that the US would stop sending funds. I'm sick of spending my tax dollars on genocide.

Which is why they should make their decision soon. If they rule he has immunity, then Biden will have time to commit whatever crimes against Trump he can and would then be immune from prosecution for it. Personally, I'm hoping for a public caning.

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Saw this and sat for a second, thinking "okay, vanilla bean and soy bean...that's only two. Milk isn't a bean. What's the third?"

I'm an idiot.

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The order makes him inactive as of March 30, 2024. Here's his California State Bar page.

As a fellow attorney, it was extremely satisfying to see his updated status and the big, glaring consumer alert. He abused the privilege and is a disgrace to the legal community and (what remains of) the justice system.

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Sounds about right, considering ACAB.

What a disgusting person he is.

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If supporting genocide is what it takes to not be an enemy of Israel, then yeah - I guess this Jew is an enemy of the Jewish state. 🙄 Gotta say, I'm not offended. I'd much rather be an enemy of genocide.

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You don't understand, those injuries, like all injuries that occur in the vicinity of cops, were self-inflicted!

Netanyahu is every terrible Jewish stereotype wrapped in flesh. As a Jew, I abhor him. I would hate him if I weren't a Jew, too, but his attempt to represent me and mine with his bloody hands earns him extra spite.

I hope Gantz's visit further empowers those Israelis who are against Netanyahu and his genocidal agenda. Bibi needs to be gone.

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I hate how much I love this.

The fact that he thinks a last-minute, half-assed effort that has little chance of passing because neither party wants those terms after rejecting the Senate's bipartisan bill without even bringing it to the chamber is "be[ing] the adult in the room" would be laughable if it weren't so frustrating.

I think he's out. The MAGA caucus hates him because they hate everyone and the Dems really have no reason to rescue him when he's made a point of reneging on any bipartisan deals.

Yeah, but if it's just men and no bang maids around, they'll eventually run themselves into the ground.

For me, I can't stop staring at the clearly defined edge of his makeup. It's so obvious that I'm beginning to think his (probably underpaid) MUA does it intentionally.

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Would explain some prominent sores on some very tiny hands, too.

And whichever ones of them aren't dumbasses are intentionally manipulating the former by claiming Biden and the Rainbow Mafia are coming for them. The evil leading the dumb.