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I think the reason is less about "i, an individual, am getting my data harvested" (though certainly still a factor) byt more because China is still very much considered an enemy of the US, and they are not only harvesting americans data in a very invasive way - as in, recording pretty much everything you do on your phone, not just in the app - but an adversarial government now has access to all of that. Additionally, because the chinese "free market" has been effectively neutered in recent years, high chance that the CCP is able to influence TikTok's algorithm to affect what people see and push propaganda. People should be concerned about it in the same way people should be concerned about russian bot farm, but more so, because there isn't an audience of millions feeding russian bot farms their personal information.

Rock the vote, let's rock the vote ba-by

Rock the vote, let's tip vote O-VER~

I know that it's probably just some combination of A. His sugar daddies want cheap labor and B. Democrats are leaning onto border controls so now he has to be contrarian, but you know what, if this gets republicans to embrace positive immigration reform, I'm here for it.

Still not voting for him though.

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The Art of the Deal

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God, imagine making almost 300k a year and complaining thst it's not enough. All the while actively making millions of people's lives demonstrably worse, at that

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??? Okay I don't know shit about shit, but isn't having a top secret clearance like, a legal requirement for allowing anyone to access top secret documents? Is she saying to waive that requirement (which, is she even allowed to do that??) or is she telling them to get all of these jurors cleared just so the trial can proceed?

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While I'm not going to blame Biden for the economic situation right now since his policies look more like they've cushioned us against a much worse economic situation by pumping money into state-side manufacturing, I absolutely fucking HATE how out of touch economists are these days. They look at productivity (the value of which barely gets to workers), the stock market, or at spending that's driven by debt and rich people, and say "everything looks fine. Oh, most of you can't afford to eat, or get a job? Sounds like a personal problem."

If the conclusions that economists come to are so consistently out of touch with the experience of the average person, maybe they should fix their fucking outlook criteria!!

I think it was another post on here that had a bunch of [good] economists write a paper stating that if the inflation formula had accounted for borrowing costs like they USED TO, the inflation numbers would match much more closely with public sentiment, after having topped out at 18 fucking percent at the height in 21/22.

And of course there's how, at the height of the pandemic, they blantantly changed the criteria for what counts as a recession at all to say "no worries guys, everythings fine" when we were absolutely in a recession based on the old criteria.

Fuck economists

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Anyone in the market for a printer: Get a Brother (printer, not human)

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ITT people throwing out names of things with 0 mention of what they are or what they're used for.

Like, I appreciate being to look at everyone's recommendations, but man that's a lot of googling

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According to SCOTUS, yes!

HA! Damn her lawyer's good. Trump cases seem to be the place attorneys can really show their legal chops (working on the not-Trump side, anyway).

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Golly gee, for the fiscal responsibility party those republicans sure do seem to be having a whole lot of money troubles lately. Sure do wonder what that all's about.

I guess it's because since the seat was technically empty for a bit it wasn't counting to the dem's numbers and getting it back narrows the majority specifically from that period of time, but yeah super clickbaity way to say it. Wake me up when a red seat flips.

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Hey hey hey fellow private loan victim. I also have had to continue making payments this whole time and also want to say go fuck yourself.

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These media assholes seriously need to start calling things what they are

I wonder how conspiracy theorists rationalize their belief that the elections are rigged with their belief that the opposition needs to artificially drum up support in order to win elections.

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Elementary school we has televised morning announcements where 2 different kids were randomly selected each week to read the script as the "hosts". I got selected one week and while the camera was turned to the flag for the pledge of allegience, the other kid and i quietly, under the desk, started fighting with hand puppets that were on set. We stopped when the camera got back to us, but the music teacher, who was in charge of the whole schtick, decided afterwards to get angry and take me, specifically, off of morning announcements.

That's not even the part I'm still mad about though. When it was time for music class that day, since it was entirely floor seating, I positioned myself under the lip of the teacher's desk to sulk, like is a normal response for a 6 year old who feels like they were unfairly singled out. The music teacher then proceded to pour a glass of water on my head, in front of the whole class.

I can't even remember his name but I hope he had a shit life afterwards. What kind of teacher does that to a child.

who allegedly had sex with congressman as a minor

I'm sorry do you mean statutory rape

I (a software engineer) am a high magician who fixes the spells other high magicians put into the magic box ages ago because the king wants them to do something other than whay they were originally designed to do.

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I'm actually impressed. The Republicans are managing to strengthen my faith in Biden by trying, and failing miserably, to dig up any sort of scandal. While I wasn't expecting billions in China money or anything, I really was just expecting literally every politician to have some level of financial fraud. I was going to vote for Biden again anyway because A. Solid tract record with Infrastructure Act, Green New Deal, and Safer Communities Act, and B. Not Trump, but I would actually even say I'm rather happy with him compared to my (admittedly very low) expectations.

Now, if only I could say the same for a large chunk of congress.

Yeah I'm pretty sure the last time someone tried to do that it started a war.

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Weren't right wing men weirdly obsessed with Taylor Swift a while ago? Specifically in a creepy misogynistic "it's a shame she's not having kids, what a wasted opportunity" kinda way? I remember reading about that somewhere.

If so, good for Taylor for now becoming an enemy to the creeps as opposed to an object of desire.

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Damn, had zero interest before but now I'm gonna go out of my way to actually buy his game

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Tumblr? Is going to become more "user friendly"? As in the "We're going to make money by selling you the ability to spam people with crabs and advertise other's people posts for the entire userbase to see" Tumblr? The same Tumblr whose Twitter account, durring the first Twitter Exodus posted "We have to act normal for the refugees to like us!" immediately followed by " bites you bites you bites you "? The same Tumblr who advertises to their user base with a completely contextless photo of a man in a terrifying humanoid pikachu with glasses cosplay?

That Tumblr?

Alternatively: They are 100% not interested in holding a position of power and dealing with beaurocratic drama garbage nonsense (which makes them objectively a better choice than the people we get)

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I once mentioned "the joys of torrenting" to a friend and they immediately assumed piracy. I mean he wasn't wrong, but the lack of love for more standard use of P2P is saddening.

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Assuming you're a normal person and therefore have a complicated, toxic relationship with your family such that you don't want your estate split evenly between your next of kin, a will with which to scorn each of them one last time.

Don't skip the paperwork for declaring your executor and/or a living will either - you don't want those presumedly slimy bastards making medical decisions for you while you're in a coma.

A piece of paper with a winning powerball lottery number and the date of its pull

Okay, I'm someone who has mostly benefitted here. I got a really well paying job, I snagged a house before the rates started getting too high, moving to an area with a lower cost of living (i.e. lower grocery prices). I'm fully aware that my experience is a lot better than many people who are still suffering from how bad prices have gotten.

The reason I'm upset is because of goddamn motherfucking privitization, and subsequent enshittification, of so many important things. There's been the recent pushes from the right to shutdown public services like libraries, encourage homeschooling or other "alternative education" away from our already insufficient public schooling, etc. We already know how awful things get when they're fully privatized, as in health insurance, prisons, and HOA's, but it feels like while democrats are making good policy decisions, they're completely ignoring this issue. So, the right keeps pulling things down, but the left is doing basically nothing to keep it afloat, let alone making things better.

TL;DR: "Health Insurance" companies can eat my ass

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So this isn't fully what you're looking for, but if you want to cool something more quickly, wrap a wet paper towel around it and stick it in the freezer.

Water has a higher rate of heat transfer than air, so it'll speed up the cooling. Just make sure to check on it occasionally so any sodas you put in don't explode

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Man we don't even need monkey's paw levels of fuckery for this guy to immediately regret his lack of forethought on that one, even a straight-laced wish granting entity will do.

While we're aiming high I want large-scale, modern and fast interstate passenger rail

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Biden has zero chance of winning my state

Hey that sounds like what they said about Georgia in 2020

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Instead, Gore found the materials taught children “how to be a good friend, a good human.”

Honestly, I can respect this. It'd be much easier to pull a Trump and claim that you fixed something that was never an issue by doing absolutely nothing, but she actually went through with it and admitted that she couldn't find the issues she was looking for.

It kinda goes to show that there are actually sincere people (albeit ones that still tend to have disagreeable stances) on the right that just keep getting tricked by the grifters and conmen that won't just bury their heads in the sand when something doesn't fit their narrative.

The optimist wants to believe that makes up a lot of them, but the realist in me isn't so sure.

One of these days...

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No Heely's in the movie theater. :(

Yes, pen & paper notes always. I consider myself a techie, but when it comes to learning or remembering, 100% analog, all the way.

As for the why, it's a bit hard to explain, but the sensory experience of writing - the feeling and sound of the pen or pencil gliding on the paper - and the fact that I write more slowly than I type, which helps me sit with and process the infformation for a bit longer, really helps cement the info in my head.

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It's almost like people have started to realize that "sticking it to the libs" doesn't actually improve their lives in any way.


I'll believe that depending on how election season goes.