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Like those kindergartens.

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Correct. In capitalism one must profit off the necessities of life.

Also, when you buy a house, the cost of the mortgage is locked in...assuming you don't do an adjustable rate mortgage which were never designed for long term homeownership.

And that kids is how I ended up I owing my soul to the company store.

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They want to remove nimby laws. I don't know how to read that as more regulations.

These articles are speculative on the cause. I don't see any data on the supply increases.

Some of these cities, didn't increase supply. For example San Francisco saw similar decreases it they offer to exploration there.

The rents decreases are year over year but are flat over a two or three period of time, it's just as likely the rent increases were a bubble that popped and not because of some unspecified change in supply.

It's one thing to build a house and sell it, it's another to build it for the sole purpose of renting it at peak market rate.

Corporations use to build company towns and rented them at higher rates than they paid the workers.

People fought to stop this but there are always people who insist on relearning these lessons the hard way.

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Google's death spiral will take a while but it's clearly circle the drain.

It will likely never completely die the same way IBM never died but it will stop being the desired placed for new graduates.

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if it can’t reach deals with generative AI companies to pay for its data.

There's your problem, Reddit, you think it's your data.

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His only talent is convincing the wealthy to invest in his schemes. I don't understand how he does it, hearing him speak is painful.

He got lucky with Tesla becoming a meme stock.

SpaceX is being run by a competent engineer while its competitor, Blue Origin is being run by a megalomaniac. This is possibly Musks only competent move in business.

The rest of his ventures have been failures. To any one not blinded by greed, it's clear he long ago peaked. He's playing a shell game now but people will happily invest hoping luck will strike again.

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Literally the point.

This is how Mormons operate. There is no give without at least guilt. They record tithings. They will use this against you. They think this is acceptable.

Remember Digg? It's like that except it's mostly bots.

Hanlon's razor.

Either way, the only resolution is disbarment/impeachment.

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You sound jaded.

Don't let the billionaires wear down the will to fight.

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Excellent counter example to anyone claiming that we need patent and copyright to innovate.

This man made nothing on his invention and was not motivated by money but fame.

There are endless of examples of how those who do things for money hold back the creativity that leads to innovation. This is one of them. It almost didn't happen because his pursuit was not seen as profitable.

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Ignoring the humor of this to throw down to facts.

There are brownie pans that have multiple cells such that each brownie is a single serving with four edges. Basically a cupcake pan but with squares.

This is only 2-3 edges per brownie; an inferior experience.

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The dilemma being that anyone who acts this way probably shouldn't own guns.

Placing gun ownership over all other personal freedoms is an unhealthy obsession.

People who think they need weapons in case are not so different than those who think the rapture will occur in their lifetime.

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Republican voters need to stop littering our politics with their trash.

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The irony here is it not being highlighted.

School board bullies unanimously agreed to bully anti-bully activist by removing him from anti-bully event.

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This meme is so over done, the search results for Trump rule 34 are almost entirely just references to other versions of this meme.

You can't just make the meme, you have to put the work in to create rule 34 content first.

Rule 34 Donald Trump gets slightly more relevant results but all quite tame compared to what was around for the meme wars I participated in during his presidency.

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What the fuck is a "nasty cat blanket"

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From the article:

“And I just want to clarify that, through these changes, people feel it on the ground and sometimes people write back and say, ‘Thank you for simplifying.’ Sometimes we have a complicated, duplicative structure”

Employees think leadership is out of touch. This statement from the CEO proves this problem exists and starts at the top.

Bullshit. The military didn't make him an asshole. There are plenty of sane military folks who aren't right wing tools.

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If he didn't want it to affect his ability to attend his son's graduation, he shouldn't have pushed the trial date out with his delay tactics.

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He's not feeding them. He's call them out.

At a minimum, time they waste on this is time they can't use to come up with novel ways to fuck over Americans

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Weekend at Bernie's...another remake no one asked for.

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But companies will have to lay off workers! Oh wait, they're already doing that despite record profits.

Companies will stop giving raises! Oh wait, they've been doing that for decades.

The economy stopped working for the average person. It's been going on so long now that it's normalized. People are afraid. We need to wake up to our exploitation.

And I say this as a person who is well paid, at a company that treats its people well. I've worked enough other jobs to know how abnormal my situation is and will gladly fight alongside those who aren't as lucky as me because I refuse to accept the "fuck you, I've got mine" mantra.

Quiet unionizing?

All I hear is, "I'm sorry and concerned a recording of my fellow officers went viral"

1% of the world's population is 80,000,000 people.

There is too much variance in a population that large to make any reasonable statements or suggest adjustments.

We already know that people living on pennies per day aren't the problem.

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Those of us that left don't give a shit.

Stop straddling the fence and the problem goes away.

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The company didn't invent it. A person did. The company almost stopped it from being invented. They didn't spend millions inventing this. A person spent tens of thousands of hours inventing it.

That the funding is only available from a company is a result of the patent system. It does not spur development, it perverts it. Any ideas to the contrary are propaganda.

People have been inventing shit longer than corporations have existed. People have been inventing things without any guarantee on return on investment for most of human history.

Capitalism is bullshit and the capitalization of ideas harms humanity.

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It's more complex than that.

In the real world we're not all working on the same assignment...even if it feels like it sometimes.

Blacklisting people for exercising their first amendment rights is going to get you sued.

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I'm not saying anyone should murder this guy or other politic figures like him but if a mob of people did, I can't imagine being upset. They can't ignore mob violence and not expect it to bounce back in them.

Not intent.

Mode of operation.

It's what they were doing until the voters got fed up.

So projection of sorts.

The right is masters of it.

Keep it in mind when one of them accuses the left of being pedophiles.

No one becomes an informant just because. Curious what illegal activities he was caught up in.

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This is what the pro gun movement has given us.

More guns, more gun deaths.

I hold the entire movement responsible.

There is no body count high enough to change their minds.

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Nice of them to offer target practice.

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It's not rape if you're married.

Gotta stay married if you're pregnant.

Some states have codified: pregnant, bare foot and chained to the stoves


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