Dr. Bob

@Dr. Bob@lemmy.ca
2 Post – 191 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Recovering academic now in public safety. You'll find me kibitzing on brains (my academic expertise) to critical infrastructure and resilience (current worklife). Also hockey, games, music just because.

Agreed. These are genuinely difficult problems that aren't going to get solved by our current crop of silicon valley "geniuses".

I'm genuinely not sure that anything has been invented in the 21st century.

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OLEDs were built in 1987 I saw my first VR demonstration in the 90s (and it wasn't cutting edge then). I saw my first AR demonstration then as well as part of an undergraduate engineering fair. And so on. I just looked up maglev trains - in commercial use since 1984.

I don't disagree that there hasn't been refinements, improvements, or commercialization of technology, but there hasn't been a technological leap or invention that I can think of in the 21st century.

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I really despise this kind of both sidesism. Because the sides are demonstrably different.

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Because checkout isn't until 11. It takes time to prep a room between guests. Depending on occupancy and staffing levels you may be able to get in earlier.

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From Robert Reich:

Billie Eilish can't run for president. She is under 35.Arnold Schwarzenegger can't run for president. He was born in Austria.Donald Trump can't run for president. He engaged in and supported an insurrection.It's in the Constitution, folks.

Eta: there was already a post on the Reich quote. https://lemmy.world/post/9894249

You have it backwards. Living in cities (and especially growing up there) move you to the left. You see people suffering and you know it's not entirely their fault. You get to know other cultures, eat at their restaurants, hear their music etc.

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Correct. His latex wings melted and he plunged into the taint.

Three years for a PhD? Must be a Brit or combined degree. Average is almost six at the moment.

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Back in the old days (hangs onion from belt) we could smoke in the office. I knew a 3 pack a day smoker - Canada so 25 to a pack. The only way he could manage to do it is that he always had one in his hand. If he didn't, he lit another one. That meant that he'd often put one down to do something, forget about it in the ashtray, and light another. I occasionally saw him with 3 going at once.

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You gotta vote. The courts won't save you. The ballot box will.

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Memento mori is a caution against excessive pride. We are all equal in the grave and we are all going to die. Memento mori tokens or reminders were carried by powerful people to remind them to temper their decisions and maintain humility. Definitely not the "fuck it" attitude of YOLO.

I used to refer to one my friends as my "heterosexual life partner" when introducing him to people.

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Smith in his appeal to the justices asked them to take the rare step of reviewing the issue before a federal appeals court in Washington, DC, weighs in.

There is nothing rare about the request. It's called "cert before judgement" and the DoJ used it 10 times in the four years that Trump was president.

It's most commonly used in a situation like this where the appeal is interlocutory meaning the appeal stops the trial cold while it's resolved.

As others have said Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt.

It entered tech lingo way back in the 90s when Microsoft was fighting an early wave of Linux on desktop. They would troll and present themselves as a reliable alternative.

They weren't the first to do it. IBM's unofficial motto in the 70s was "nobody gets fired for going with IBM".

No. But it's getting there. In business continuity we used to be advised to keep a POTS (plain old telephone service) line around because it would the last service to go down and the first one to come up. About a year ago we were advised that we shouldn't bother. The copper lines convert to VOIP at a switch station.

You know that while he was incredibly strange, there were never any credible accusations right? There were a lot of people fluffing the stories trying to get a payout but there was never any evidence of wrongdoing.

Leto II was trying to free humanity from the tyranny of prescience. It took a 4000 year selective breeding program to produce Siona who was invisible to the future. It was the undoing of the Golden Path of Paul Muad'dib.

Well yes. Except for the fuckable part. And whispering instead of singing.

Prosecution doesn't need him. Rudy has lied and contradicted himself so often you simply couldn't put him on the stand. His testimony would be impeached within minutes. So his only value would be if he could provide background information that wasn't available through other means. Well they have all of his electronic devices (18 from his apartment alone!), all of his texts and emails, what else can he offer?

God's honest truth. 5 minutes of reading content gets stretched into 30 minutes of &$#@ video.

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Tell me you that you haven't read the books without saying " I haven't read the books".

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Answer: they aren't. It's an influence operation.

Did he put the other shoe back on after losing both socks? WTF is going on here?

Can I help kill it? I hate that goddam thing.

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I remember Carly Fiorina getting hired and almost immediately things started turning to shit.

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I think there are two sets of claims in the article. The first set - women hunt - is blindingly obvious and it was stupid to ever think anything different. The second set - women are better suited for endurance activities is dubious and weakly argued.

Timothy Noakes is as good a scholar as we have in endurance exercise, and he points out that all of the ultramarathon evidence is a bit dubious because the sport does not attract the best runners. So East African runners dominate the marathon scene (especially the Kalenjins) but are virtually absent from the ultramarathon world. Why? No prize money or sponsorship. So the fact that European ancestry dominates the longer distance is more a function of who's running than it is a difference in physiology.

So looking at the role of estrogen in race times requires some deeper understanding of who's running and what their overall potential is. I'll note that the ultra scene is generally populated by an older crowd who are following the " if I can't go faster I'll go longer" approach. So maybe men maintain competitive marathon times later into life so are slower to join the ultra scene?

Noakes also points out that a smaller body size works for women in several ways - smaller bodies use less energy to move, generate less heat, and shed heat more effectively. So without correcting body size, sex based comparisons are not deeply informative.

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Kim Kardashian had a game?

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I was in the field for years. A lot of the mice we had were maintained with one copy of the gene of interest and crossbred to produce experimental litters (there are a lot of reasons for it, some technical, some practical). But OMG the numbers of mice we went through just to maintain the lines. Forget about failed experiments etc.

Are you thinking of Madison Cawthorn? Cause Gaetz is still in there er... plugging away.

A friend of mine used to take all his worst reviews from Rate My Professor and read them out in class. Then he'd add "...and it's even worse than that! If you aren't prepared to deal with it you'd better drop the class." You can tell he was tenured.

I'm outraged that the article skimped on Mr. Shatner's other acting accomplishments including the titular cop on T.J. Hooker, and whatever his name was on Boston Legal. That was the lawyer show that wasn't Ally McBeal. Or L.A. Law.

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It was. Because he felt like a creep buying lingerie for his wife at department stores.

What I find funny is that everything she sings about has nothing to with older men in Ohio, but everything to do with female designers and gay stylists on the coasts.

If they said that, they're wrong. There are very limited circumstances that allow an appeal to the 11th circuit and she hasn't tripped those wires yet...mostly by not issuing rulings. Scheduling is not an appealable matter.

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No. The tiny little gonads will be either gray or orange. The gonads may still be a mixture, but each individual cell will be one or the other. So the gamete produced by that cell will have the same DNA of just that cell even though the organ is a mixture.

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It is not allowed. See Tom Waits vs. Frito Lay. Vocal timbre is considered to part of a celebrities' "likeness" and reproducing it to imply endorsement will get you landed in court. ScarJo is a huge Tom Waits fan so she knows the story.

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Again, you have this backwards. I'm suggesting that exposure to people and their cultures "moves you to the left". Being "drawn to the right" is easier in isolation from other cultures.

If you live in a place and most of what you know comes from talk radio and Joe Rogan you will have a very different view of the world than if you live in a major city.

Uhhhhh it's still a nonviable fetus. And 22 week preemies don't have great outcomes either - 30% survival rate and severe health complications.

Insider threat. My organization archives our town halls with the President. There are hours of video available on the internal site.

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Libertarian. Not liberal.

They are explicitly out in the middle of nowhere because of freedumb.