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Joined 11 months ago

The internet is fine.

Listen. The era of algorithms and automated aggregators and what not feeding you endless interesting content is over. Before that we read blogs, we shared them on Usenet and IRC, we had webrings. We engaged in communities and the content we were exposed to was human curated. That is coming back. If we can quit it with the hackernews bot spam on Lemmy, it can be one of those places. You need to find niche forums that interest you that are invite only and start talking to people. The future of the internet is human.

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This should tell you all something about the road you're all going down with this guy. Salivating at the prospect of a mugshot got you losing touch with the political landscape.

This guy's political brand is "the establishment is corrupt and out to get me because I challenge their corruption, the media is in on it." Every single thing you do to counter him strengthens him. You can't mock him because he's an unapologetic bufoon. And he has the perceived image of having tried to deliver on his promises and being blocked by the whole machine, seeing as he has been president before. ISIS destroyed, dollar a gallon gasoline, Israel having diplomatic relations with several Arab countries, this is a hard guy to beat politically, he has positioned himself nicely and branded himself just so that you cannot take his base from him no matter what you do, or what he does. "I could shoot someone in the middle of 5th avenue and not lose a single vote" should make it very clear, this guy is 100% self aware, he knows exactly how he is perceived and he uses it as a strength.

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Anything with added complexity will have a larger attack surface and more failure modes.

11 more...

Meh, this is overblown.

They seized the control servers of the malware operation, used that to send an update destroying the bots, after getting a warrant to do so. In the article it makes it seem like they searched everyone's computer, even though the warrant explicitly forbade them from doing so, saw the bot software and then targeted them. This is not the case.

The warrant explicitly forbade the FBI from searching the computers they for the warrant for. The article implies that they could violate the warrant if they want to. And they could. But by that logic any warrant can be abused, let's just get rid of warrants. And the issue at hand, that the court issued the warrant, is being glossed over on this point. The FBI had this capability, they'll abuse it warrant or no if they're trying to abuse it. The warrant makes no difference. So why even bring up the warrant?

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Open a link in any browser i like. Say "no" to updates. Have a main menu that doesn't look like a kiosk at the mall. Have my habits on my computer kept to myself. Install applications from outside an application store. Not need an antivirus software.

16 more...

I thought deaths on screen were real and that people volunteered to die to create the production and wondered why in the world someone would die just to make a movie.

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They want to make everything impossible to fix. They want to turn our land into landfills and fleece us of our income.

Climate change or no, electric fan or no, anyone with self respect would rather buy a 1990 beater than a new car, they're user and owner hostile.

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The algorithms killed the platforms. They've become vapid, empty holes that only attract people addicted to them like junkies.

The internet can be fun, but you're not going to find it on the platforms. You're only going to find fun in places where people talk to each other. And even then, if you're thin skinned you're going to wind up in an outrage filled circlejerk. If you loosen up and go where the algorithms don't exist you can have a good time.

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No, Israel has declared war. This is a BFD. A couple hundred dead, 1500 injured, Hamas is going door to door executing people. 2000 rockets fired into Israel. They've captured territory. They've captured the general of the Israeli defence force. This isn't some border skirmish like we have heard about for a couple of decades, this was a very competent full scale attack.

Israel doesn't fuck around. Even if you don't agree with them, they're very militarily capable. Israel is about to turn Gaza into rubble in under a week. In the 6 day war, several Arab countries formed a coalition and attacked Israel, and got so thoroughly buttspanked they haven't done it since. Within 6 days they conquered all the way to the current Jordanian border, the Golan Heights from Syria, and the entirety of Sinai, which they returned as a gesture. Gaza is about to get glassed.

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Misuse lol. People need to get their panties out of their butthole. You build a photo generator and get mad when someone uses it to make a picture of Marx with tits. Who cares? Crybabies can cry about it.

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Doing nothing productive with your life, everything revolves around social drama, getting permission to take a shit...

I enjoyed my time at school. But you've got to ask yourself, if the best time of your life was at school that means you've made bad decisions, so what did it prepare you for really? School failed you.

The truth is that school fails all of us.

Well, this is what you wanted isn't it? Your government is protecting you, anyone who can't comply can't serve you.

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I think think that's what this propaganda piece is aiming to accomplish: hopefully it will make them believe it.

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I don't. Popsocket all the way. Even big men with big hands can't one hand these phones anymore.

I want a small phone with an OLED 1080 display that is supported by lineage OS and has a headphone jack. That's all I want, I don't care about processor or ram being mid, mediocre camera is fine, I need decent storage though, or an SD slot.

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There hasn't been a non disappointing android release since KitKat.

But this isn't am age limit, its using an age limit as a hack to basically grandfather in a smoking ban. It is about finding the right approach, and this ain't it.

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Well, the D's know the name of the game is beat Trump, that's how biden got nominated, nobody actually liked him. They'll vote for Biden no matter what just to make sure Trump doesn't win.

The target demographic for this guy are Trump independents, that is, the people that won him the election in the rust belt in 2016, people who lean Democrat but were sick of the politicians and their constant bullshitting. So it's likely RFK is a way to spoil Trump, not the D's.

The KGB killed the motherfucker.

VIN locking and any attempt at anything like it should be illegal, full stop.

No matter what you think of it, someone's going to try to guilt and browbeat you. Support the Palestinians? You're antisemitic and support terrorism. Support Israel? You're supporting an oppressive apartheid state. So who cares whether you're allowed, this is the world we live in, no matter what you think about anything there's someone out there who's going to call you a bad person for it. Just learn about things before you form an opinion, use your judgment and critical thinking and then figure out the truth of whatever it is.

Personally, I don't support either side. I can see how they both kind of brought each other's retaliation on themselves. I just lament innocent people dying and dislike how it affects me.

Seriously, this person has no clue. They're talking about this like it's more of the same old conflict we are all used to. This is of a completely different character than anything we have seen. There will be no concessions, no ceasefire. Israel is fucking mad. And when they get mad they seriously fuck up whoever they are mad at in a very efficient and indisputable fashion. They might offer a ceasefire after they've exacted a very high cost in retaliation. The Gaza strip is royally fucked.

For the same reason prohibition of alcohol didn't work, for the same reason the drug war didn't work, for the same reason prescription requirements for medically useful narcotics doesn't work. It doesn't matter what the law is, people will make their own choices, and if the things are available, legally or not, people that want to use them will use them.

Look at the US. For all it's faults, it has handled smoking very very well. The younger generation basically doesn't smoke cigarettes. They're not banned from it for life, they just were informed about it and so they find it disgusting and don't really do it. You can't even really get a date anymore with someone if you smoke cigarettes and you're under like 40.

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He was a very high profile criminal.

I use Koreader. It's a bit heavy because it has basically any option you can think of, it works on a wide multitude of platforms, and can have weird bugs sometimes but hardly ever. But the way I read, I need some settings that aren't in very many readers and it has them. Try it out.

Being quiet.

I've never seen that. The water usually has a whiteish hue.

Young coconut water can be sweet and slightly bubbly, and the fruit is absolutely fantastic, like butter. You can't experience that without a coconut tree.

Justices can just rule it unconstitutional.

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I have no fucking idea man. I just know that Israel doesn't fuck around. Whatever they do, it will be decisive and effective.

Burn After Reading.

It's not lonely. You might think it is but it isn't. I did a decade in the cities, bar hopping, out with friends, online dating, all that stuff. It was all surface level and dating was like crawling through a desert wasteland eating bugs for survival.

I met my wife and we started a family after I moved to the country. I met her organically, at a pool. I courted her the old fashioned, organic way, no conspicuous spending to impress, none of that bullshit, just good old fashioned being myself, being respectful but persistent, that kind of stuff. She's an impressive woman in basically any way you can imagine.

To have a rich social life in the country, you need to 1) not move to a tweaker town, 2) move somewhere rich with the kind of people you like to be around (I don't mean ideology, I mean age, sex, etc) and 3) go to places where people are and talk to them. Don't judge. Outside of cities you don't have to pay someone to go outside to do something, you just go outside and do it. Everything doesn't cost money.

So if you are just sick of the materialism, the traffic, the constant expenses, the needless complexity, I'd say a small town is for you, ofc provided you pick one that isn't full of 100 year old people or tweakers, and just go outside all the time and don't be afraid to talk to people. If you like looking at the stars you'll do just fine.

Except I think the dude actually likes it.

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Osmand+ doesn't suck.

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It's a testament to the rich cullinary delights of Mexico's culture, even creatures that don't know what it is know that it's delicious. The people should be proud.

Good god you people.

So apparently the barriers were missing "due to vandalism" and it was raining heavily the night this happened.

I am a bit terrified of this. Sometimes when I'm driving at night I realize, to assume the road doesn't end right over the next hill is to put full faith in the state. You have to trust your government to am extreme to go 70 mph over a hill you can't see past. Some people in some places don't have that luxury, and it won't be like that forever anywhere.

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No way.

Earth is the homeland, it's the botanical gardens, the tribal reservation, it comes first.

Now, if you could do it on, say, mars, absolutely.

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Absolutely not.

That's a way to get in to a protracted or heated argument.

It's never going to happen.

Definitely crazy. But when things get weird, they usually get even weirder as a response before settling down. I think things will start to settle down soon, into a new normal where it's not absolutely nuts out there.