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Joined 11 months ago

Teenagers, as a group, are very stupid people.

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As an open platform that's similar to reddit, I'm in favor of it.

The reality though is not that great. And a lot of it comes down to at least some of the people who are here.

There doesn't really seem to be enough content to allow for browsing a curated list of communities yet, so I mainly browse by all. And what I have seen are a handful of seemingly extreme viewpoints with little to no room for nuance and discussion and an attitude from those people that they are absolutely correct in their beliefs and ideas. I'm talking tankies, hatred for Israel, hatred for cars, hatred for landlords/renting, and evangelism for Linux.

I know that having extreme attitudes is certainly not unique to lemmy as it exists all over the Internet and elsewhere. But it does seem to be fairly concentrated here. And again, without enough engagement in the smaller or more niche communities there isn't really enough content on its own.

So instead of actively browsing communities I want which would likely end up with very little content, I have started blocking instances and communities instead so I can still get a mix, but filter out things that I don't like. And that doesn't make for a great experience.

I have also seen some really stupid/ridiculous admin/mod drama that people also seemed to think wouldnt carry over from reddit, but of course it has.

All that to say, I still enjoy it enough to continue to browse. But I don't really participate often. And it has to a degree eliminated at least some of the bullshit from reddit.

Hot Fuzz. I think to me it's a perfect movie. So much great build up, very funny. Just so good.

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But you would also have to be a total asshole and go around harassing strangers who are just trying to get on with their lives.

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This has been quite an exciting past few years in pasta

Well then. Neat.

So, I am absolutely not defending the shooting itself, but everything I have read about this is that he definitely tried to remove himself from the situation but the "prankster" followed him and continued to harass him.

And to make things worse, the so called prankster had already been kicked out of the mall the day before and came back and was specifically trying to avoid security.

So yea, shooting was almost certainly an overreaction, but I do then wonder how exactly you are supposed to deal with something like this when this asshole won't listen and won't let you leave.

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I dunno... Have you ever opened a crab up before cooking it? It's pretty much all goo inside an exoskeleton.

There's way too many people in here that either don't know the difference between succession and secession, or don't know how to spell, or just were too lazy to look at what they were typing or what was being autocorrected.

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I never understood that whole tech/startup culture. I would absolutely hate for my entire life to be my job. And from the outside all these "cool" perks are very clearly designed to get you to spend as much time working as possible. No thanks.

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For what? Being a teenager? Nah. I used to be a teenager. I was very stupid.

Look out!

Then the ninjas jump out of the tree.

Sympathy? What a dumb take.

People still have wired headphones that still work perfectly fine. We used to be able to use them directly with our phones. We also had the option of using wireless too if we wanted. The option was removed, so now in order to keep using some of still perfectly fine electronics with our phones, it requires adapters. That's annoying. What is the benefit to me as a consumer now that the jack is gone? Some marketing bullshit about weight or cost savings? I don't buy it. Phones are larger than ever and more expensive than ever.

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Alright I'll get the AI on the case to see if it can determine those things from your post.

I reported his channel for harassment way back when this all started and I know a bunch of other people did too. So glad YouTube cares...

Like, I agree with you. But you know her supporters either don't care or will come up with some crazy way to justify it.

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Because they removed something that was convenient to try and force people to either spend more money on adapters or buy Bluetooth headphones.

And if you need to charge at the same time? That's yet another adapter.

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It's just fanboys being fanboys. Doesn't really matter what brand it is. I just think there happens to be many many more apple fanboys than there are for other brands.

I'm glad it worked out for you. And I also know that my idea of it all can't possibly apply to every single company that was or is a part of that whole culture.

I just find myself sceptical of it all since I much prefer to have my own time, and my own space as separate from work and the people I work with. And perks like that just very clearly seem designed to get me to spend as much time at work as possible.

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Because there are more Republicans in the house right now and they didn't vote for him.

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I find it's usually best to just avoid any social media around major and divisive news events like this. Specifically where people are allowed to comment and express their opinions. Everyone just gets more extreme in their views, are convinced they are absolutely right, and there is never any room for nuance.

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I'm enjoying it so far. It doesn't have the same user base or niche communities of reddit yet, so for now I'm just doing more general browsing. There just doesn't seem to be enough of a diverse set of interest yet. So at first it was a ton of posts about sync, currently it's a ton of posts about LTT. And it's just full of memes. Definitely could use a wider range of topics and interests.

That said there are a couple of really obnoxious instances that are highly political and as much as I am trying to avoid that, the users of those instances seem to dominate any thread even remotely political. It's quite annoying.

I get the sense that it's really not about people having leftist or non American points of views removed, but that people are sick of the extreme shit they post and their attitudes. And it's seemingly entire instances dedicated to being that extreme, not just some individual users.

Personally though, since users have the tools now to block instances, I don't think there's really as much of a need to defederate unless the instance is specifically doing something more than just posting their views. So I agree with you there. Except that having to go out of your way to block stuff like that makes for an experience that isn't always great. And for me it's been something that doesn't really make me want to participate or use the platform much.

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Soon there will be a new fee, the "listing fees fee"

And how much did you spend for all those ships? Still just the 35 dollars that you mentioned?

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I always thought the big "issue" people were expecting wasnt that the tax returns were going to show anything illegal or noteworthy, but rather they would instead just show that he is worth way less than he goes around claiming.

The results of a war fought about that (and other obvious things) disagrees too.

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My friends and I use golden retrievers as a unit of measurement, would that have been better?

I can only hope history remembers that one time on his first day of his new job when his mom called him live on air to tell him not to do exactly the shit he is doing.

This absolutely feels like a Hanlon's razor type situation especially given what we have learned about Elon musk over the last 5 or so years. The whole evil genius shtick just doesn't fly anymore. He's an idiot who just happens to have made enough good or lucky business decisions in the past to get him where he is now.

You mean when they were telling people not to wear masks so that they could ensure there was enough supply for healthcare workers? And then changed to say we should all be wearing them once supplying them to healthcare workers was no longer an issue? That "wishy washy bullshit"?

That's not being wishy washy, that's making the best recommendations at the time based on the situation not just of the disease, but practical factors too.

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Legally though, does he still qualify as a piece of shit? Cause he is a piece of shit.

He was in a food court in a mall, not exactly near his car.

Again though, I agree with the sentiment here. Guns should not be the answer to something like this, and shooting was almost certainly an overreaction.

But since it is the US there's no way to know either of the prankster had a gun and was potentially ready to use it too.

All of that to say is that while I think shooting was not warranted, I, and a lot of others it seems, feel a lot of sympathy for this guy who was just minding his own business, felt threatened, and has probably had his life ruined because of what he felt he needed to do because of the actions of this asshole YouTuber.

I don't know so I won't speak to that, and no judgement of right or wrong here, but this is the US. Anything is or can be a fireable offense so long as it's not one of a few specific protected things. In almost every state. So making a post on social media pretty much regardless of content can be a fireable offense if the company deems it so.

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So you hate that PCs are more capable and can display better graphics at higher framerates and have rationalized it to yourself that worse graphics and framerates on a console are "how the developers intended".

I can understand not wanting to tinker with settings and just load a game up and know what to expect in terms of graphics and framerate, but I just cannot disagree more with what you are saying here. Building games to console limitations and not even giving the option for fidelity or framerate just seems like a step backward.

I wasn't saying it was ok to shoot this guy. But a large guy starts harassing you at the mall, doesn't listen to you when you ask him to stop, advances on you when you try to leave, could very well have had a gun as well (since this is the US), and you think punching him in the face would have worked? In hindsight, maybe. All that to say is I feel sympathy for this guy even though he escalated it beyond what was necessary.

Come on, you know nobody is assuming the president is "in line" for the presidency. They are just counting from the president at 1 and using the term in line. The speaker is the third person to be president after the president and vice president.

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I think it's much more likely that he's just a bigot with way too much money and an ego so large that he cannot even accept the possibility that he might ever be wrong about anything.

Or maybe the extreme condition known as out of doors

I would say though that it's not really a great choice unless you are already pretty tech savvy. And these days, less and less people seem to even know how to actually use a computer, let alone one that runs Linux.

So then you are really just paying for the label?