
1 Post – 87 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Nah, most of the windows ones don’t get updates any more and the Linux ones can get a script that updates on boot. Takes longer to start up but handles the job itself.

They should still have the debate. Empty podium and all.

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I feel like this repo is bait. The license is bad and violates the TOS but if they can convince a judge that it’s legally binding then they already have over a hundred targets who have forked it. They really messed up by including the shoutcast source and some Dolby code, although the Dolby stuff is questionable.

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My dad had a bunch of these when I was a kid. Super durable and great as back scratchers or just a stick to play with. I bought a few after finding them online and love having them.

And I’m pretty clean each time too so it’s not exactly collecting a ton of dirty. If it’s used for something other than me fresh out of the shower then it goes straight in the wash. Otherwise it gets washed when I do laundry each week.

$10+ drinks is the more likely cause.

I also don’t know which outcome would be worse but I do know which one I really wanted in that moment.

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Yeah, people are just going to keep using it, they just won’t get updates. That means they will be vulnerable to any exploits that come along afterward but most people don’t care. M$ shot everyone in the foot when they decided to limit windows 11 compatibility.

When windows 7 came out I knew people who stuck with windows xp until they bought a new computer with 10 or 11 on it. The market will get a slight bump from EoL but it isn’t going to force everyone with windows 10 to run out and buy a new computer immediately.

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A pod for sleeping at home: 👍 A pod for sleeping in a hotel: 👍 A pod to rent for cheap on vacation: 👍

A pod is your fucking home: 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎

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a union is a legally protected way for works to collectively bargain with their employers. Internally, union dues are used to pay for legal assistance (among other things) that can help the workers. A union can make the affiliated company do things by creating legal agreements and organizing strikes. A company often finds it is easier to give into a unions demands rather than have their employees stop working and hold signs outside letting everyone know that they are being treated poorly. A company can tell a union to fuck off and they often do, this leads to the workers going on strike and bringing business to a standstill.

Almost every right that workers have today has been won by unions, sometimes violently. 40 hour work weeks, weekends off, vacation days, sick days, health benefits, minimum wage, overtime pay, and many others are all from the collective bargaining power of workers unions.

The Linux-libre Wikipedia entry sums it up pretty well:

“According to the Free Software Foundation Latin America, Linux-libre is a modified version of the Linux kernel that contains no binary blobs, obfuscated code, or code released under proprietary licenses.[7] In the Linux kernel, they are mostly used for proprietary firmware images. While generally redistributable, binary blobs do not give the user the freedom to audit, modify, or, consequently, redistribute their modified versions. The GNU Project keeps Linux-libre in synchronization with the mainline Linux kernel.[8]”

Basically; some stuff in the kernel is either not free or not open but is included for convenience.

If your platform and policy are good, you can debate anyone at any time. If your platform is just “other guy bad” then you’re gonna have a hard time.

It was weird. He set up a surprise conference to rant and lie for an hour. I think he is starting to think he might lose.

The duration is different depending on where you view it. I will be in an area where totality will last 4 minutes and 20 seconds so I have a different plan of action.

I appreciate how Valve does this. They ask, they let you know how its used, its not associated with individual accounts, you can view the info submitted before it gets submitted.

I’m sure the cost is already much higher than they could afford. Between the bridge itself, the cost of diverting shipping and the economic impact of said diversion.

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It really depends on which features you are looking for. If you just want a solid editor with layers and plugins then gimp is pretty good. You can also try Krita for something a little less cumbersome.

Unfortunately most of the really nice editors are closed source and only mac/windows

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Why are my CPU temps going up?

I have a simple method for deciding whether or not to use something.

  • Is it a “cloud service”?
  • Is it made by google?

If either of these is a yes, I look for something else

I’ve been on Firefox since manifest v3 was announced. Firefox has its own shortcomings but no dealbreakers.

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Not worth it regardless of the platform. I loved the Diablo games and this game was the end of that love.

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Spoken like a true League of Legends player

I stopped using Ubuntu because of snap a while ago. I tend to run Linux on older machines and flat packs tend to take much longer to load than native apps. I get that they have their purpose but I would prefer to choose to use rather than be forced. I’m currently trying out POP_OS! and it’s a welcome flavor of Ubuntu

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just dont look up.

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I remember looking around when I found my old one in a box. I didn’t get it to work but I’m sure it’s possible.

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I second Debian with LXDE. I run it on much older hardware with no issue.

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Same happened to my wife. Had long haul covid and now has a very hard time learning new things and retaining information for short periods. It’s been hard but she has learned to use better note Tekkno and task management apps to help.

Thats a lot of information to ask for so ill try to be very basic. A port is like a window with a guy on the other side. if you speak the same language as the guy you can have a conversation.

There are 65535 windows available. the open have guys available for conversations, the closed ones dont.

When you open a port on your computer you should have a program that "listens" at that port so that others can use it to have a conversation.

A vpn takes all of the conversations your computer wants to have and sends them to a port on a server and the program listening to that conversation sends your requests to their intended destination and then sends you the result. Its like using a middleman to have a conversation.

Being “not that bad” is still bad. It’s not worth the price.

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He is gonna get the same or better treatment as Trump when he got it. You know, the stuff that wasn’t available for us regular people.

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Profits now are all that matter. The future is a problem for after dividends and bonuses get paid out.

But it is a suitable replacement in a lot of scenarios. Most scenarios. The only time it isn’t is in niche specialty situations.

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I’ve used Linux on every PC except my gaming PC for years. This year I made the final leap because of decisions like this from Microsoft.

Very few games have failed to work, the ones that have are all from Epic and they fail because of their shitty anticheat software. The only other things I feel the lack of are paint.net and the Affinity apps.

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I’m also looking forward to when game companies try to add kernel level anti cheat to Linux/s

This year I went back to 100% Linux for my computers. I’ve kept my primary PC with Windows just for games but with the advancements that Proton has made to WINE it hasn’t been necessary. The only thing I miss in being able to use Affinity Publisher and Designer on the computer and not just my tablet.

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This is why we break up large companies.

I looked up the bug bite thing. Im glad that someone paid attention to the way most proteins in bites/stings break down if heated. I bet it works pretty good

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I thought about trying something like this the other day and quickly reconsidered

I agree wholeheartedly, I would also like to do it without worrying about cops