1 Post – 194 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Imagine living in the 2020's in the developed world and not realizing that internet access is a basic necessity.

Then imagine being the sort of person who would deny poor people basic necessities

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"Cowards" lol

They literally just ban you if you start to pick apart their bullshit opinions.

Proudly banned from !

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The "War on drugs" has been a colossal failure.

Legalize, regulate and tax.

At least then you can take the money out of the cartels and despotic regimes. You can then use the tax money raised to offset the harm these drugs absolutely do through social policies and rehabilitation programs that actually work

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murdering civilians en masse and then desecrating their corpses seems like a strange approach to recruiting people to your cause.

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Don't underestimate him.

He beat an elderly, uninspiring, career politician against all odds once and he'll do it again. People have short memories, and won't remember the worst of his tenure

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tbf Daniel Radcliffe has been pretty vocal about how he does not agree with Rowlings hateful views

my sister said she craved bleach for her second pregnancy.

she abstained of course but the craving was there

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man, what a fucking tease that was

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this is a thread specifically for complaining about stuff you don't like.

don't be so butthurt about it.

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tax gets complicated

I'd like to see more human posts than just meme posting and news.

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might actually be an achievement if it wasn't a defenseless cargo ship crewed by civilians.

Wake me up when they pick a fight with a vessel that can fight back... cowards

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entered? you spelt "started" wrong

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"That I wasn't basically following God's ideals, which made me cry even more." So a state institution imposing religious virtues on a student? How is that constitutional, something for the ACLU perhaps?

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And yet would still be an improvement on the psychopath currently in the presidents office. crazy ain't it?

£5.99 a month...

i cant believe people actually pay that for what is essentially a forum.

it'd probably be decades before they made that off me in advertising.

They could have had my money too if what they were asking were reasonable and i retained the ability to use RIF

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britbong here, i found it helpful

Ultimately a step in the right direction i suppose but there are a lot of animals that aren't dogs that also deserve not to be bred and slaughtered for their meat.

Ultimately a dogs life is worth no more or less than a pig or a cow...

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I can code a feature faster than i can debug ChatGPTs attempt. so long as it's in JS

ChatGPT is better at bash than me though

i actually thought i would go take a look at threads. when i tried to log in on my PC it told me i had to download the app on my phone before it would let me log in with the account they already apparently created for me.

so i left and havent been back

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I wonder how they're calculating that

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is there a list somewhere including detailed descriptions of the tools needed?

My field is QA but i'm reasonably competent in a few scripting languages (mainly JS, but can also code in python and C#)

they would probably not be browser embedded, at least not at first, but i can dedicate a couple evenings a week to writing tools so long as there is a specification

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all you really need to do is say stuff with conviction that supports a groups politics and sound vaguely plausable/intelligent while you do it. they will then tout you as an infallible expert

where's all the lemmygrad users justifying this and something something shelling donbas for 8 years

Lead of a small team of scripters here. The "Why. Not What" is defo a good way of encouraging cleaner code.

Had to request changes recently on a PR like this, big function with comments telling me what it was doing. When they resubmitted for review they had broken it down into smaller functions with good variable/function naming. following what was going on was much easier

Judging by the number of Lemmygrad users spewing their regurgitated kremlin propaganda all over the place i'd say you should reconsider your position

they dont even have (s)ftp support built into their file explorer

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there are a few but they're all filled with right wing nutters and i doubt their ability to scale effectively

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stupid people breed more, so so long as the birth rate among republicans less the excess death rate outstrips the birthrate plus the excess survivial of the democrats then they will increase their vote share.

whether that's the case or not i don't know but they have other pokers in the fire. attacking education in multiple ways for instance. dragging the next generation down to their level.

Their well documented gerrymandering

Their attacks on the fabric of democracy itself. if you can't win elections, get rid of them.

Their stacking of the courts

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"premeditated murder" is a bit of a stretch

0... bidet

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i've said it before and i'll say it again. give me a spec and i'll (try to) write you a tool.

i'm a competent coder, but i have no idea kind of what mod tools are needed.

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why does florida get three lines?

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you'd be surprised what slips through review

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i named my cum sock after my secondary school english teacher

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dropped it when they sent me the emails about adding ads, gf was halfway through a season of supernatural though so set it to expire at the end of the month.

they just took the next payment anyway and carried on my subscription. i had to go on again, cancel... again, and get a refund.

slimey sneaky bezos had his fingers in my wallet

it would be alright if it were two part time jobs that added up to full time work but i bet it's not.

at least then if you get fired from one for no reason you still have half your income stream

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ignore the problem then. it's the same problem that killed voat

for anyone wondering the pre-ordering "bonus" is early access to a car

so might as well wait for it to be released

also, it's £24.99 on steam atm

I put an orange in my cat and was arrested for animal cruelty. double standards much?