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“Indian” is not a religion. Indian is a nationality - like American, Canadian, Mexican etc. There are no Indian scriptures. It’s like saying American scriptures when you mean to say Bible verses

Media needs to juxtapose this news with the latest from Oklahoma requiring teaching Bible in public schools

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In a matter of hours scotus has has legalized bribery, promoted pollution, and fucked everyone. All because of Republican appointed judges. Next time anyone tells you both sides are the same, do tell them to go fuck themselves.

Satanic Bible here we come!

What happened to “legislating from the bench”? Pepperidge Farm remembers when repubes were against it

You have been banned from Xitter

I’m sure she will be thrilled to meet the fine people on both sides of Charlottesville!

It was actually part of Hillary Clinton’s campaign in 2016. He and repubes attacked her for saying that we should attract and keep the talent from all around the world. Now he shamelessly stole the same idea, all the mainstream media are running wild with headlines like “Trump strikes a moderate tone on immigration” - completely absolving his administration’s atrocities related to immigration. Only for him to walk it all back within 24 hours.

Anyone thinks these racist repubes will do anything better for immigrants - let it be legal or illegal, high skilled or low skilled - is completely delusional. The whole reason immigration is in shambles and border is being overrun is republicans policies over past 2 decades.

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Same people are demanding to bring the Bible in school

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Home many of these commandments their lord messiah Trump violates on hourly basis?

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What else do you expect from uncle Tom’s fishing trips?

Now watch the Republican Party of “Law and Order”nominate a convicted felon to be the next president

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DOJ are you listening? These are the same charges Hunter is being indicted for

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This basically eliminates almost all taxes on the rich, burdens middle and lower class with higher prices, and blows up budget deficit.

So much for FiScAL ReSPonSibiLiTY

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So is he changing name again to XVideo?

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“Law and Order” says the party voting for guy with 2 impeachments, 70+ indictments, and being charged for treason.

Fuck these shitbags

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Christofascist says what?

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This. Jan 6 traitors are getting slap on their wrists and pat on their backs

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Orange calls to extort foreign nation in exchange for election dirt on opponent: Republicans - “We don’t see noting but a perfect phone call”

Joe Biden breaths: Republicans - “ImPEeEEeeEEEECh!!!!!!!!”

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In before a fascist wannabe billionaire buys the weather channel just to destroy any credibility it has and hijack the climate change debate. Even change the name of weather channel to something like “Y”.

Let the enshittification begin.

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Cyber truck looks absolutely shit. The only thing it had going for itself was that it would have been the very first fully electric pick up truck - when it was first announced.

After more than 5 years Tesla is nowhere close to mass producing the ugly while Ford stole the thunder with announcing and launching the F150 Lightning. If I was in market for an EV pick up, I’d no longer consider Tesla cyber truck, let alone the Fascist ElMo’s shenanigans.

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Is it necessary to specify “a mother”?

Do they also mention Adolf Hitler, a son, loving boyfriend, and proud dad to a golden retriever, waged war on Western Europe?

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Susan “I believe the president has learned his lessons” Collins will have to wear bikini with pearl necklace, just to clutch the pearls at every GOP hypocrisy

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Great way to prove your guy is innocent. Imagine if a democrat would have released this information about pending case against Biden or Obama. Republicans vilified the email lady just for being a woman.

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Everything. Is. A. Projection.

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That explains why Elon suddenly came out against drag 😉

Entire Republican Party needs to be held accountable. Not just DJT. Every elected official who objected certifying 2020 election needs to be put on trial for perpetrating the lie and harming the democracy.

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Because “Fuck you, got mine”

“Real pro-life republicans” are now calling for death penalty for women. There was nothing pro-life about republicans. Ever.

Pro Life™️

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Republicans would NEVER want to fix immigration and secure the border. They want those issues to get as messy as possible so that they can run election on those issues.

Same for healthcare - anyone even cares or can remember “repeal and replace Obamacare” anymore?

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Republican take on this news: “Totally peaceful tourist visit. Also, let’s impeach Biden”

My dick is 2 inches long. That’s analogous to 10 inches on Mars.

Eat shit dickhead

The same OLd PeoPLe that vote for these motherfuckers

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Did he try pulling himself up by the bootstraps? What about not having an iPhone? Starbucks coffee? Avocado toasts?

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How is this bitch not registered as a foreign agent?

CNN is literally following their own 2016 election playbook giving him non-stop coverage and downplaying any risk he poses to the constitution and democracy.

Fuck CNN.

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Remember this is the same McQarthy who chose to kiss orange ass at every opportunity he got. He was given so many opportunities to do the right thing but deliberately chose to be an asshole and pack all the committees with Nazi caucus members. He did everything he could to push extreme right wing lunacy and kill bipartisanship.

Now the same Qevin turns around and makes a pikachu face why Dems didn’t save his sorry ass.

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