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Joined 10 months ago

She’s so terrible. Like why does she even speak to the media? Lady shut the fuck up. You literally ruined the country with your hegemonic wet dream.

Fucking loser.

All journalists should get off of it today. Right now. Not tomorrow but now.

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If you have daughters please train them in self defense. Best to train it young and encourage it as a hobby into adulthood. It’s better than weapons and more effective. Breaking an assailant’s arm comes with way less PTSD than shooting someone.

Edit: I am a fan of living a self reliant life. It’s a very wholesome and well rounded way to live. Carl Sagan promoted it and it is a solid way to actually live free rather than under the falsities of the self proclaimed “main stream” portion of society. Self Defense is a major part of that. Self defense also does not mean being a master of it, just enough to get away safely.

Edit2: Yea this post isn’t victim blaming. There are many benefits to self defense including confidence building. You are literally empowering your kids. Idk why people don’t like doing that except to control them. Again, teaching self defense isn’t teaching violence. If you don’t know the difference it would be enlightening to discover it.

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Bob Iger got his lunch eaten by saying the strike was going to last until the writers went to the poor house.

Bob and his classless “class” of elite schmucks look like they’re eating shit yet again.

Congratulations writers you deserve it and more!

There was a Bart Simpson t-shirt my mom bought me when I was a kid. Bart said: Underachiever and proud of it.

It was a total societal bullshit fest during the 90’s.

They erased mental healthcare with dipshit Ronald and then mentally fucked with anyone who didn’t conform in the 90’s.

It backfired but not enough. It’s up to us to push that old bullshit out of society now that the Boomer are all braindead.

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57% is owned by institutional investors who ruined the company.

Scumbag investors have intentionally ruined one of the best companies in America.


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Get a better CEO then.

There is not enough housing in the US and shithead know nothings keep it that way with NIMBY and gentrification attitudes.

People who say that young adults who live in their parents basement are bums are bums themselves.

I build homes and the privileged loser fuck heads who got housing got it from inheritance or getting lucky with their jobs.

The housing market is so fucked up and it’s been under attack by not only the greedy shit head realtors but industry makers and policy makers, investors and Air BnB.

It’s almost as if rich people want the poor to always be on their toes so they can be manipulated.

Housing is a fucking RIGHT. We need to make sure the elites understand that.


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No we are tired of price gouging by corporations. They’re fucking price fixing.

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You better stop that! Rand Paul didn’t go to Moscow to meet his handlers on July 4th, 2018 to hand deliver a message from Trump!

Because liberals are just center of right. If you go too far left things become better for workers and not the ruling shit heads.

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That’s not enough. We want investigations that bring consequences.

Edit: the people who are commenting below about how “we have no control” etc etc, I just want to say, “Shut the fuck up.” Nobody wants you around anymore. Just because YOU have been a weak POS your entire life spouting off weak, sad bullshit trying to divert REAL change doesn’t mean that the rest of the country is like you. Go back to your holes because I promise if you don’t and you keep acting up, we will put you there in finality. The public isn’t stupid, and they aren’t weak. It’s scumbags within the wealth class that are protected by losers like you all naysayers and class traitors who try to make it seem that way. Trump and Biden is a symptom of class traitors turning on the public, not a show of force by the elites. Best recognize.

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The moderator culture in America and probably abroad relies on unemployed people living in their relatives house who get paid nothing but lame perks here and there. That is the bulk of it.

Some people moderate 5+ chat rooms daily without pay.

They are digital slaves. Make no mistake about it. And they somehow have been conditioned to believe it will pay off when it rarely does.

Spez is a shitbag who never did anything but be in the same room with actual important people.

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Only took 20 fucking years.

Word of advice, don’t give yourselves to corporations that pretend to be human. Don’t give yourselves to ANY corporation in fact. They’re trash, the idea is trash, they don’t care because they’re not paid to.

I have been working since I was 9 years old. I have never cared about a company and have always been a fuck you kind of guy to companies since I was a product of child labor.

I have managed businesses and they intentionally fuck over employment. It’s BAKED IN. Every manager that I know goes through being promoted and cutting off your old job friends. It’s a corporate tactic. Get the cool manager to lead and fuck over the employee because they trust them. It turns people into shit bags. And normalizes shitty people. I have watched it and left District managers in the cold several times. It’s hilarious to me because many companies are shit.

I have worked in several industries too. It’s all a scheme to shit on labor. And it’s been this way since before my dumbass parents time. They let it happen because they just “something something boot straps.” Fucking weak morons.

Don’t waste your time. Just do good enough and save your money so you can find something better to do.

Fuck corporations, especially the weirdos who run them. They were never intended to be around forever, the rich have just molested the system to their benefit. Don’t play their games. Record it and report it.

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Yea this is probably correct. The braindead MAGATS think they’re smart. But they’re just incels who know nothing about economics.

Well yea, every area that suffers long wars suffers from that. In Niger 50% of the population is under 15. I saw so many kids looking for work it hurt my soul.

Poverty in the US is a solvable joke by comparison.

Let’s help make Q2 worse! Keep that anti-Musk message going hard!

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The russians did that over 25 years of bot farms and intentionally targeting rural areas assisted by criminal elements. Consistent priming from those entities allowed Trump to do what he has done.

This isn’t magic. Trump isn’t a genius. It was planned foreign attacks for decades.

This is just the result.

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It was always that way don’t be stupid. Do you really think GWB’s conman party was not hostile to minorities? Back then they were just “one of the good ones.” They had more nuance with their prejudices and race conspiracies.

Now the mask is off, that’s it.

Two major companies who have monopolized food. I am shocked.

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The next article headline will be: Feds SLAM Danish company for destroying Key bridge.

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Just what we need, another fake ass politician, billionaire, douche bag lying to Christians.

They should make a reality TV show of his campaign and call it The Weakest Loser and should showcase how small and pathetic he and his party is.

We have broken the bottom of the barrel and are now digging deep into sludge when it comes to political candidates here.

I hope his and the conservative community gets shut down so hard ALL of 2024 that the election just becomes a show about why we don’t want conservatives around anymore and people just abandon it wholly.

That would be a great end to a shit story about what happens when you let human cancer grow in politics.

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It’s sad watching FL turn into a Christian shit hole nightmare but what can you do when it’s run by the mob, foreign criminals, racist hegemonic families, and Donald Trump?

Yea that shit didn’t have the hold on millennials like it did the chain letter sending dummies of the previous generation.

In my day ads were vectors for viruses AND were dumb and annoying as fuck.

Some would agree they still are.

Meta is a shitbag company and I hope we can block their shitbag posts in our feeds.

No shit. We proved 20 years ago they were leeches on society and should be taxed back into reality. What did Congress do? Consistent blank checks to the wealthy, a weaker FCC, a weaker SEC, and a human trash billionaire scumbag who stole an election.

This isn’t new news. Wake up kids. VOTE for yourselves not for the wealthy.

“The organization used to thrive and prosper. It’s truly sad to see what can happen to great opportunities with a surplus of resources when the wrong people are in power.”

People don’t know the difference between “to thrive and prosper” versus “launder and hide” money.

Terwilliger is a high end nursing home in Portland and they have like 2 CNAs doing 24 hour shifts for $12/hr. The company CHARGES $22/hr for the CNA. They’ve been doing that since 2012. It’s a nightmare shift where if two residents needed help, one might not get it.

These people were paying $10k per month btw.

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Bill is a shitbag who failed up and now is everyone’s evil little bitch. What a cuck.

Arlington used to be the plantation of RE Lee and we built a cemetery over it as a fuck you to the Confederates and this is now a fuck you to their kin.

They should have just grown up but instead they plotted revenge by AGAIN trying to destroy our country.

They are condemned to being losers forever.

Good riddance!

Zealot by Reza Aslan is a great read on this subject.

It compares and contrasts between Jesus of Nazareth vs Jesus the Christ.

Basically says that Jesus hated the rich for fucking up the temples and stealing from the common folks.

But somehow that shit got twisted by rich people and now you have prosperity gospel which is basically a lie to take advantage of people who don’t know much.

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You all should check prices comparing dual fan 3070’s to 4070’s they are a $40 difference on Amazon. Crazy to see. They completely borked their pricing scheme trying to get whales and crypto miners to suck their 40 series dry and wound up getting blue balled hard.

Aren’t they taking the 4080 completely off the market too?

Makes sense because only non-starters would vote for a highball douchebag Kennedy like little Robbie.

Nobody wants your brand Rob. Rich, drunk, drug user, crazy, dumb fuck.

Nobody wants that.

Yes and you can check how much a state spends per student and see why.

Idiots from Florida come in at $9k per student where students from NY/NJ get $12-$15k and the difference shows. If you’re hiring out of Florida expect them to suck and have less skill than 70% of the country.

Idaho and Montana have got to have some of the dumbest and most held back areas I have ever seen. Even their construction practices come from the dark ages in some cases.

Don’t even get me started on the South and Midwest as a whole.

Geniuses are rare and intelligence scores are bullshit.

Put money into schooling and fund teachers. You will solve your “everyone is stupid” problem for sure.

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Twitter is dead in 2024 if not by the end of the year.

The fact that most Floridians don’t know this bill existed is staggering.

That state is so corrupted by wierdo racist southerners, russians, the mob, and the cartels it’s crazy.

All shitty losers who the GOP let in willingly while saying the opposite.

Believe me when I say that much of the country hopes that state and everyone in it goes under. It was a mistake.

Trump threatening military with goons is laughable.

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