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Joined 11 months ago

The enshitification continues.

Ha ha! Fuck you Elon. Way to make your shitty platform irrelevant faster.

I mean he’s already been saying it in public at his rallies, so why would anyone be surprised?

He also said from day one he intends to be a dictator. So again, anyone who votes for Trump is voting for literal fascism.

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I still can’t believe that all the rural redneck idiots are willing to start a Civil War for a failed corrupt New York City businessman, who represents everything they don’t stand for in the name of creating a fascist dictatorship and stripping away all of your rights so that the rich people can continue to fuck you in the ass.

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Tesla opted not to use LIDAR as part of its sensor package and instead relies on cameras which are not enough to determine accurate location data for other cars/trains etc.

This is what you get when billionaires cheap out on their products.

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Party of Family Values everyone. And pedophiles, rapists, thiefs, liars, racists, homophobes, and bigots.

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Yeah that’s because they can’t sell your location data to the police.

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Republicans support grooming kids to be christian white nationalists. So much for separation of church and state.

You can’t fix stupid.

/“It's Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.” – Mark Twain

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How about passing internet privacy laws? Or stopping the enshittification and commercialization of the internet? Or passing laws to protect youth from social media companies? Or curbing the reach of advertising companies? How about passing laws to keep our data from being sold to advertisers?

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I wish more politicians would do this, and not rely on corporate lobbyist to educate them or write laws for them.

The only battle we are currently fighting is rich vs poor and we are loosing badly. All the other culture war issues are a farce.

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Is it jail? Should definitely be jail.

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They already are disposable I got news for you.

This is why the Republicans have focused on controlling the courts as part of their schemes for the last few decades. Now that they control the Supreme Court, anything that gets appealed will eventually be overturned by their corrupt cronies.

Does anyone remember that Bill Clinton got impeached for a fucking blow job in the oval office and lying about it on national television?

Yet we elect a president with multiple scandals, including paying a porn star hush, money for an affair while he was married. The hypocrisy in this country is ridiculous.

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The answer to this is people can’t move because they’re tied to their fucking job living paycheck to paycheck.

How can you move out when you have a mortgage and you need to sell your house to move? What about your family? Does anyone realize how difficult it is to move your entire family somewhere else?

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Thanks Twitter and Reddit api increases! You started a trend in fucking over your user base and developers!

No one likes facebook anymore. It’s been junk for over a decade.

So tired of Elon bs posts. Thanks

You mean Brett Kavanaugh isn’t one of our brightest legal minds! Say it aint so!

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Why is this fuckstick still in office?

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You spelled “fascists and racists” wrong.

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Isn’t it so convenient that all these politicians and government officials grow a spine after they retire and are no longer relevant.

So we are just rediscovering what the Atlanteans knew? Power crystals!

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Wtf is wrong with these people?

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Shut up and do what we tell you! This is what’s good for the corporate ruling class! You have the illusion of choice we give you, so go and vote for the two terrible choices we have given you and be happy.

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Fascism always needs a group to blame. Everything has to be someone else’s fault.

Great. More space junk.

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The average US child has lost three to five IQ points from exposure to one flame retardant used in cars and furniture, have shown.

When did we decide that politicians can say whatever the fuck they want without consequences? Same goes for “news channels”

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Pandemic 2: Electric Bird Flu Boogaloo

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Separation of Church and State! No one should care what your personal beliefs are so long as you do your job.

No shit. That’s been his whole platform from the beginning.

Why do people keep adding “-gate” to end of words to signal a scandal?? Can we please stop. The only scandal that that fits is Watergate, because that was the name of the fucking hotel!

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I only accept measurements in washing machines and football fields.

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This is still unacceptable. How fucking long are we letting these traitors roam free?

I guess it’s hard to find Chicken Wraps that are willing to work for $3/hr.

Can we start with Mar a Lago? That would he hilarious.