
1 Post – 1041 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Arrest desantis for doing a drag performance in public. Kids watch these debates too you know

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Maybe he got confused by all the swastikas around these days. It sure feels like the rise of the third Reich down in Florida

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Sounds like avast is malware

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The anti gay part is the whole point. They're not protecting kids, they're protecting Christian control over kids (pay attention to who's actually doing all the child sex abuse)

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I miss the days when crypto meant cryptography

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"Law and order" is and always as been an euphemism for "round up the minorities"

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they already are. it's time for regime change

yes, we do. let's finish the job this time so our grandkids won't have to deal with this shit

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it's fancy speak for "salesman"

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not with my fucking tax dollars you aren't. good on this guy for fighting back

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Spez is a Nazi. Welcome to the resistance

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tax light trucks heavily unless the owner can prove they use it for business purposes, like construction or farming

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Religion is cancer

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everything about mike Johnson is intensely creepy

I want a refund on my taxes. I shouldn't have to pay for this

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he is an internally displaced refugee. that's what it's come to now with all this. we need to liberate nazi-occupied states

so when the entire population of gaza strip gets murdered is your argument gonna be "it's not a holocaust because there were only 2.2 million Palestinians to begin with"

he wasn't complaining about shadow bans in a philosophical sense, he was complaining about them being used against the "wrong" people the whole time. the sooner we realize that right wingers make self-serving complaints and dress them up as matters of fairness or civility, the less likely we are to fall for them in the first place.

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they're so scared of us you can't even talk about us on their shitty platforms. that should tell you a lot

left wing.

these platforms are ran by nazis, musk is just open about it

it's both fucking insane and scary. remember that furry hate has always been thinly veiled homophobia

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This is a plot by Christian groomers to isolate their victims

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it's sad to see reddit decay like this. 10 years ago it was amazing, and it's been a slow decent from then to now.

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Estateware you can't get an abortion and the power grid isn't stable who's only attraction was cheaper rent than San Francisco and even that's not really a thing anymore? What a dumb move

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the cause is the same as everything else: it's too expensive and we're all poor. I'd love to go out more, including to nightclubs, but I can't afford to

Because organized religion is so powerful they can get away with mass sexual assault of children among other crimes. Conservatives don't oppose child abuse, they're afraid the "wrong" people Are doing it

Think hard about why a fascist would want to keep teenagers from accessing information

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I honestly think we should build normal light rail stations with RGB gamer lights and crap and hype it like it's futuristic tech. it works for musk's tesla taxi tunnel so it should work for actually good public transit too. maybe make the bodywork on the trains look like some dumb sci-fi movie

we need to redesign toilet stalls to be more private anyways

they do realize that if they start it and we win, we're gonna have to finish the job for good this time, right? we aren't gonna make the "ending reconstruction early" mistake twice.

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they're mad we're angry about it. make no mistake, this is their agenda. don't be fooled, fight back

Fuck off

stop bowing down to fascism everybody

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I've seen lots of attack ads that seek to protray homelessness as a crime issue, and not a poverty issue

It's poverty. I've got a friend sleeping over because she, in her 20's needs to get away from her abusive mom for a day


Israel might have gone one step to far with the world central kitchen killings

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those people are saying that in bad faith. they're wiping their asses with the memory of the holocaust, not you

Furcons need designated survivor protocols

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Schools are pro bullying and this stuff is part of it