Trump Turns New York AG Case Against Judge - by suing him directly. to politics – 242 points –
Trump Turns New York AG Case Against Judge

In a frantic last-minute attempt to derail a trial that threatens to destroy Donald Trump’s corporate empire, the former president’s lawyers have turned the heat on the judge overseeing this case—by suing him directly.

Edit: Unfortunately the tactic worked:

An appellate judge has taken the remarkable step of hitting pause on the New York Attorney General’s upcoming bank fraud trial against Donald Trump—granting the former president’s request in a surprise hearing on Thursday that was closed off to the public.


Calling it now. This will be the basis of an appeal against the judge for not recusing themselves from the case.

Which will fail hard because if the justice system allowed that to happen then anyone could use it as an means to derail their case.

Only if you are rich, white, and male. In that order.

Damn, here I am being a white, male, and ri--

Ah shit.

There's never any consequences for anything he does. He's been able to do this since the 80s.

If we had a legal system that held the oligarchy to account this would have ended 40 years ago.

If I sued the judge overseeing my court case would I end up in jail or would I also be able to continue attacking the United States of America?

It depends... Are you subject to the rule of law? You know, the one for the little people.

I used to think that the American justice system was somewhat fair. Turns out it was just propaganda.

My skin has significant levels of melanin in it, and I do not hit 6 digits in salary. I got a good feeling about this.

The biggest thing that Trump has accomplished so far is to show that the US judicial system is a joke and that all you need is wealth, the appearance of wealth or the wealth of others in order to circumvent the law.

These Trump headlines are stupid at this point.

It doesn't show how dumb, arrogant, or ignorant Trump is ..... they just collectively show how dumb the whole country is to allow all this to keep happening.

As infuriating as it's been to watch Mango Mussolini avoid consequences since he's been on the national stage, I'm hopeful that's changing. It seems really unlikely Trump's going to avoid convictions on all of the 91 felony counts stacked against him, especially when acquittals in federal cases are extraordinarily rare. In 2022 less than 1% of federal criminal defendants were acquitted.

Much like your username the US is like an old spaghetti western ..... it tried to be THE GOOD, all it gave was THE BAD, now it's just THE UGLY.

The problem with using such a broad, messy brush is you end up spattering yourself with the same paint you're trying to apply.

None of what I say is against the American people. I'm Canadian and I know plenty of Americans and almost all the ones I know are decent sensible people ... of course all the ones I know are northerner Americans near the Canadian border, although for some reason I know many Floridians.

The problem I see is the American government. It's governed by money and not by the people which makes you wonder why we keep referring to it as a democracy. Yes we have the same problem here in Canada but to a lesser extent. And no I'm not a far right anti-Trudeau fanatic ... I grudgingly support my Liberal government but I do criticize how they are all so easily influenced by big money.

All these problems stem from big money .... and the more we accept that, the more likely we will see how common people have no say in their government anymore, which leads to the thought of what is happening to these so called democracies.

As a fellow Canadian... I think we're at least as bad if not possibly worse than the Americans.

One of the reasons that we're getting fucked so badly on prices here is that the government has allowed so much power of industry to be concentrated into so few hands, and this has only gotten worse over time.

The government - at the behest of industry -literally tried to force tech companies to pay for linking to news articles, despite the fact that those links actually bring business TO said news companies.

The Irving's in eastern Canada are no better than DuPonte or PG&E. There's something seriously dirty going on there.

The Ford's in Ontario, and the current shit-show in Alberta are just as fucked up as any red state.

We're no better than the Americans, just less visible on the world stage as we sit in their shadow.


It's nice to sit on the sidelines watching an increasingly desperate and scared Trump.

I mean, they won this round. This is an article about a successful move, framed by a bunch of disasters.

But this one, they actually got something.

That lawyer team did so much coke before coming up with that plan

It was a delaying tactic and it worked. The American justice system is so fucked.

An appellate judge has taken the remarkable step of hitting pause on the New York Attorney General’s upcoming bank fraud trial against Donald Trump—granting the former president’s request in a surprise hearing on Thursday that was closed off to the public.

Can this shitshow please be over? I mean, just when you thought things couldn't get any stranger, another day comes around.

It's not strange. His whole goal has been to delay. He can't win this, but it seems it will work to delay.

I think we really have to make contingency plans for the USAs fall to fascism. All these old guys in congress are selling us out.

Canada is already doing it

Could the lawyers potentially lose their licenses for this?

I can't imagine what Trump is paying for them to go this far.....

Lawyers can be disbarred and the whole lot of them, including Trump, and be held in contempt and jailed.

Personal attacks on the members of the court, which this absolutely is, shouldn't be tolerated.

I will gladly pay you Tuesday for lawyering today.

No, what they're doing is legally acceptable, though obviously a delay tactic. They're suing him in his capacity as a judge, not as an individual.

But at best its an uphill battle. Judges get immunity from suits just like cops. Otherwise the courts would be bogged down with lawsuits from every case where one side disagrees with a ruling.

Of course. It's not a suit in good faith, it's just another delay tactic.

I can't imagine Trump is paying them, period.

I’d love (and hope) to see this man behind bars but I can’t help but be disheartened by what, to a layman like me, seems like sound legal tactics.

He and his team always know how to leverage the system and kick the can down the road.

Wow, how fucking guilty can you be? Does he really think this will help his case??

No. He's trying to run out the clock until he can be elected again.

Life in prison is too good for this fucking shit smear

This is the smartest move that anyone has ever smarted before! This will surely make him win bigly and won't backfire on him at all! /s

Did his legal team get this from an episode of Suits?

uhhh sovereign immunity?

PLEASE let his last ditch defense be nothing but Sovereign Citizen arguments and how the law doesn't apply to him because he denounced his citizenship.