28 Post – 321 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm from Tokyo, so I'm saying this as someone with a direct stake in the matter, but is this really a problem? The Earth is on fire right now, the oceans are literally boiling, it is face-melting hot here. The consequences of the period of unsustainable growth are finally coming to pass. There was a report yesterday saying we'd passed the yearly mark for what the planet can provide, and we'd need 1.7 Earths now to meet everyone's needs. So maybe naturally reducing the population isn't such a bad thing.

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Inner doors should swing inward because in case of a fire or other emergency, you don't want to be trapped inside by something blocking the door that you cannot deal with. Even in something were preventing it from swinging open (like a rope or whatever), in theory the person could still get out because the door hinge would be located on their side and they could simply remove it.

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Nah, it's the other way around, you'd have to be really fucking high to wanna eat human brains

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Facebook never "died", but no one goes there anymore either. Reddit will be the same.

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Which will fail hard because if the justice system allowed that to happen then anyone could use it as an means to derail their case.

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No genuinely, 100%, actually, fuck that. Forget gender, lgbt, and all that for a moment. In a very general sense, a teacher has a duty to society to challenge children and teach them to be better people. Sometimes that will clash with the bigotry and racism held by their parents, and that's a good thing. The moment we prevent teachers from trying to make a better world is the day our society ends.

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A literal move actually. 20 years ago I moved from America to a country with universal health care. That has saved my family probably close to a quarter million bucks in health care fees alone.

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Maybe I'm just a cynic, but this seems very much part of the PR script for any controversy of the past 20 years or so.

  1. Cause controversy

  2. Get backlash

  3. Say there were death threats in basklash

  4. Paint opposition in bad light, claim to be the real victim and bask in all the feel good comments from people saying "it was controversial, but come on, death threats are not cool"

  5. Conversation derailed, continue as planned

Seriously, go look at one of the comment threads on that other site. It's now all about how "deranged indie devs" are hurting honest hard working Unity employees. Maybe it was a real threat, maybe it wasn't, but they're sure as fuck going to milk it for all they can now.

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The only policy Republicans have is "kill people different than me", there is literally nothing else.

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Well considering Trump has a long history of not actually paying his employees, wouldn't be surprised if this guy couldn't afford it

There was a curry place that opened up next to my office that went one step further. The QR code redirected to an app you had to install to place your order. After a month of no customers they almost went out of business, but finally the owner gave up and went to a printed menu. Now they're doing all right, but I was talking with the owner and he was grumbling about the massive amount of money he wasted on it.

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A consensual, monogamous, loving relationship, where they only do it missionary with the lights and clothes on.

I was like "no one is that vanilla, you guys are fucking weird"

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The right to privacy. Just because I don't want someone watching me 24/7 doesn't mean I'm up to no good

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I dunno, maybe this is wishful thinking but to me it seems like a good play. If they rule in favor of him, they're even more likely to win the other trials. If they rule in favor of Trump, they're risking their own necks because they'd be giving Biden free reign to do literally whatever he wants. Threading the needle and deciding something like only Trump is allowed, or only in this specific case it's ok, has no legal justification whatsoever and Roberts isn't crazy enough to attempt it.

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Oh god, please give NATO an excuse to show the world why Americans don't have health care.

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You see, I blame the schools for this. Teachers aren't providing kids with the tools to succeed in life. Every school in America should be REQUIRED to teach kids if you want to kill a man legally, you need to pass the academy exam and get your badge first. Fuck, come on people, this is basic stuff

(big /s in case anyone cared)

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A Short Hike is a great little platformer you can finish in a couple hours.

Super Mario RPG is a classic and can be squeezed into 10 hours if you rush, but probably closer to 12~15.

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Meh, gender is just a marketing term created by bathroom companies to sell more toilets

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That tells me everything and nothing unfortunately. What's pushshift then? What does it do? What does it have to do with reddit? And why are reddit's lawyers sacked?

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The Land Before Time. They're still all going to get hit with a meteor

Agreed. I had to unsubscribe from a lot of them when I realized it was becoming my "daily two minutes of hate"

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Yeah, concern trolling is great for this. "Oh my god, Jennifer's account has been hacked by some bot selling essential oils! Someone should call her up and tell her so she can change her password."

McDonald's outsells the google 5-star rated gourmet burger place down the street from me, doesn't mean I'm gonna eat it.

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the meantime, to ensure that /r/PICS is adhering to all of Reddit’s guidelines and requests, we would be happy to revert the NSFW setting, restrict posting, and remove any and all content that could be considered “offensive” by anyone.

They're gonna nuke the sub next and I'm loving it

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Oh wait, you're serious? Let me laugh harder


"Oh you're trans? Hi Trans, I'm your kid!"

"You won't find any bugs if you don't do any QA"

-Todd Howard probably

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Stupid senile Brandon is at it again, spouting stupid bullshit. Everyone knows if you don't want to be criminally prosecuted you need to put an (R) next to your name. The rule of law only applies to Democrats.

to be honest, I think both are pretty cringe

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Why? That's literally been the entire point of arming Taiwan for the past 50 years. It's even stated in the article, the US gives them enough so that China doesn't get stupid and start something, but not enough so that Taiwan gets stupid and start something.

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America has never had to fight a defensive battle against an invading force, period*. Yes, they're one of the most tactically advanced armies in the world, but they win through sheer force. "Shock and awe" wasn't a joke. Ukraine can't do that. They don't have the equipment for it, but more importantly they aren't just fighting to reclaim, but also to preserve. Yeah they could throw everything and everyone at Russia and probably win quicker, but the costs wouldn't be worth it.

*ok, maybe you could argue the Civil War or the War of 1812, but that was 200 years ago

Sure they did. You went to google and added to your text

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I agree with you, but "intent" is also important when it comes to art. While I'd like to believe he had something like what you mentioned in mind, I think it's 1000% more likely he made that in an attempt to make a "too edgy for you" joke in poor taste.

Can’t we just let people wear whatever shoes they want?

We can if he can. But since he's an asshole about it, anything said against him is fair game. As they say, don't start nothin, won't be nothin

Maybe not the biggest, but the most recent (and easy answer) would be Unity and Hasbro for their licensing bullshit

Are there any relevant projects or ideas that already exist?

Yes there is, it's called a business card. It's opt in, has all your relevant information, and best bit, no phones or proprietary software required.

I've gotten there a few times, and in my semi-dream state I did a bunch of work and cleaned my house. So imagine my disappointment when I woke up and none of that was actually done 😔

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They stole from you first, and the bible don't say nothin about stealing it back

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I really don't know which is which and what does what, so I just click them both

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Yeah, I'd love to see them play the uno reverse and say "all right, we agree, no christian products, no jewish, no muslim, no jesus christmas items, not even a kosher pickle" for like a day or so, search and replace lgbtq with religion, then counter sue him and the "investor" he's representing with the same suit.