2 Post – 437 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I will take “Weekend at Bernie’s” Biden over Trump. Biden should do whatever it takes to win.

Biden doping? Trump must be doing it then. Projection is their bread and butter.

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Star Wars sucks.

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Don’t threaten me with a good time.

Yep, that’s why they created Fox News, so republicans can get away with any criminal shit.

Yeah but some people are more traffic than others.

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I know this is a joke, but there might be an evolutionary advantage to being able to detect some light and movement when your eyes are closed.

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Why would anyone want to work for such a tool bag?

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If at first you don't succeed, try try again.

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I am partial to “Rapist Donald Trump” I hope it catches on, like rapist Brock Turner.

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I'm starting to think this Trump fellow is not a good person.

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If you get it hot enough it will. Wood burning temps are higher than most cooking temperatures.

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Musk gets special treatment because he’s super rich would be my guess.

Well, it’s better than plastic bottles. If you’re at a concert or event, then it’s probably the sensible choice.

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I find women more appealing than men.

Cmon South Africa, don’t you want this tool-bag back? He’s great at rui…running companies and says the smartest things.

I like that I can make a comment and have it seen and not buried under hundreds of other comments.

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If only there was a way to know that the game sucks before you buy it.🙄

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Who does she think is breaking things?

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Don't threaten me with a good time.

Fvck evangelical leaders. Pope should say that.

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Scumbaggery at one of Musks companies? Shocking 😳

How to avoid going on dates 101.

Probably some highly paid executive.

Does anyone use notepad for anything other than looking at config files? I mean, does anyone write documents with notepad?

Edit: Thanks for all the comments. I have used notepad similarly, but doesn't sound like anything that needs AI.

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What a bunch of crooks.

Let the UK come up with their own back door apps.

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I wish we would move past the age question. It's already a done deal. Neither party is going to switch unless forced to. There are more important things to focus on.

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Corporate shenanigans afoot at many companies it seems. I'm sure this will pay off grandly.

What’s the saying? …

Lie with dogs, you gonna get humped.


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The good thing is that you don't have to sign up for all the services; sign up for a few. Once you see all the content that you want, cancel and sign up for something else.

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I’d like to know who we should be voting for, then. The one that will keep things as they are or the one who wants to burn everything down. There’s really no other viable choice. Not voting is the same as voting for guy number two, effectively.

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Why does Microsoft care about this?

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Sounds like there was a parrot 🦜 incident.

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Oh…I thought that you wanted to impale him on that flagpole. Yours is a lot more diplomatic.

What’s the idea behind making your band name illegible?

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Two to invent, one to perfect.

Melatonin laced? Weird way to word it.

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If only someone would have said something!