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Tinfoil hat time: they do know. They are attempting to normalize the U.S. model in Europe to drive down labor costs.

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Eustice, who served 26 years in the Minnesota National Guard, noted that young adults were the military's prime target for new recruits—currently Generation Z, or those born after 1997—and argued that growing up in the internet age had made them used to "immediate gratification."

Oh look, another out of touch boomer. ItS tHoSe DaMn CeLlPhOnEs! Gen Z grew up watching America get involved in, then stay involved in, a deeply unpopular war. Gen Z grew up in an age where you can fact check someone on the spot and it makes it that much harder for recruiters to lie. They grew up in an age where half of the government is trying to drag the country backwards by any means.

I am in the military. I overheard my leadership talking with a woman who wanted to get out. When they asked her why she said it was because of the Roe V Wade decision. "Why would I fight for a country that won't fight for me?" I don't blame her.

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It's a pejorative term to describe authoritarian Chinese government apologists. Historically it was used to describe communist members that defended the use of tanks against civilians during a Hungary uprising.

I thought the same thing. Here's the archived Texas Observer article on it, which is what this article's source seems to be.

Apparently the principal heard from another student that this kid was "making threats" against her. Sounds pretty thin to me.

I'll accept the risk. I need the clicky

I'm torn and slightly confused. On one hand, good on them, I do enjoy some shitposting. On the other, the founder of NAFO is a nazi.

Edit: Also I went to Truth Social and thought it was weird that I couldn't reject their cookies so I clicked in the link at the bottom for GDPR and it gave me a 404 lol.

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"Everyone I don't like is a Communist" The Nazi's guide to being GOP.

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Zelda BotW and TotK are not fun. The stamina system is pointless and the weapon durability is frustrating. On top of that, the world's are just sooo empty. There's really nothing in them. Oh look, an interesting ruin... it's another repetitive shrine. Oh, that geological formation is really unique aaannnddd it's another fucking korok seed. That's all you ever got for exploring. Shrines and korok seeds.

I did like slapping random shit onto my weapons in tears of the kingdom though. All in all to me the games are fine but not really Zelda games.

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Two things here. One is that you are confusing New York and New York City. I absolutely do believe an entire state can manage better than a city. The second thing is that Texas and other border states do receive federal funds for managing the border. Not as much as maybe they require but they do get federal help.

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The antenna looking piece of wire is the ground so it doesn't matter if it picks up anything.

Narrator: He did not.

There is concern that Threads will use embrace, extend, extinguish to depreciate the ActiviyPub protocol. Essentially, they adopt the open standard, expand on it with proprietary additions, then when everyone is using the modified standard they drop support for the open standard and now everyone has to play ball by their rules.

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They aren't going to find out. All the people are going to learn is that it is "ThE wOkE LeFt" causing all of these problems with their radical agenda.

Authoritarian apologists that pretend to be communists. You can find them in the wild typically talking about how great and strong the Chinese government is and how evil and corrupt the "US Imperials" are.

Historically the term was used to describe communist members that defended the use of tanks against civilians during an uprising idln Hungary, hence the name.

My pet theory is that this was said specifically to destabilize the US. As others have said, this is not new. China has been saying this for a long time. But 100% the GOP is going to call Biden weak for not shutting Xi down and instead saying the US supports a "One China Policy " without any critical thought as to what the dynamics are.

This is to fire up the right wing base.

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Stay woke.

They're pretty much the same. I think anarchist took Jolly Roger and expanded on it. Worth mentioning, don't actually do any of the stuff in there. The chemistry is suspect and the tech stuff is laughably outdated.

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I think Del Toro said communists just so Republicans would care. Since they seem to believe communists are at your local food back, or teaching kids in schools.

Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point.

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We should make our own server

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Alternatively, send me down in a shady submarine.

What do you mean? The second Ammendment says "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." That's all there is to it. There isn't any other part of that Ammendment. It doesn't have a single other word as a part of it. Don't look it up.

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To be pedantic: Ethernet is a protocol so mentioning the medium used outside of a historical context is kinda irrelevant.

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I kinda wish the article has expanded on what he said, if anything. Does he still think they are well made games even if he doesn't like the direction?

Like, I don't like the new Zelda games, I don't think they have stayed true to the original Zelda (not you Zelda II) games. That said, I cannot deny that a lot of care and polish went into them, I just don't like the direction.

Sure, the new God of War games are not the original avatar-of-rage Kratos but they are still exceptional games.

How it actually works is that the IRS doesn't known how much you need to pay. You provide your income and taxes already paid throughout the year then the IRS says "yeah, looks about right for what you made" or here's money back you paid to much or didn't pay enough. It only gets complicated when you have huge amounts of money.

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That was my favorite part of his presidency.

Guarantee he thinks everyone laughed because he had such a great response to the question it made the prosecution look dumb.

When Pritzker first got elected I was incredibly dubious. After all, we already had Trump as President and here is Pritzker, another hotel magnate, claiming he could do great things for Illinois. I have since been pretty impressed with everything he has done.

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I hated that article. I don't need all of the charged language or opinion. Here'sthe WSJ article if y'all want to read it of note, the WSJ isn't really making a determination here. Mostly just quoting out of touch executives and labor firms.

I'm all for work reform but how this comes back on the Wall Street Journal is beyond me.

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Yeah but I've gotten some absolutely stellar games for free. The ones that cone to mind are Satisfactory, Subnautica, and Prey. Well worth it

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No, most of the debt is owned domestically by the people

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The geese are there to take back the rings.

Except using the popular vote means that States wouldn't decide who was president like they do now, the people would.

Under the current system if I vote Red in Chicago I just completely wasted my time. Cook County is so blue that I don't have a voice. Get rid of the Electoral College, however, and now my vote worth just as much as everyone elses.

People seem to think that if we moved away from the College that the population of a blue state will 100% vote blue or a red state will only have red votes. It's just not true. The northern half of California or the southern half Illinois votes way different than their counterparts.

The Electoral College is an outdated system designed for a time when the US had relatively low Literacy and the public couldn't be reliably counted on to be informed. There is no excuse for it nowadays.

I'm not even mad. I'm impressed, that's amazing.

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I'm sure it's accurate and all, but it will be a cold day in hell when I click on an Inquirer link.

Edit: Nevermind. I mistook The Inquirer for the much less reputable The National Enquirer.

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Does it matter? Endlessly pontificating about the true nature of reality serves no purpose. If I'm driving and I'm about to hit a tree, reality doesn't give a single fuck if I consider "well maybe the tree isn't really there. How can I truly know?"

Like, I was talking with a guy and he was saying shit about how can we truly know that what I say is the color green is the same as what you see? It just feels mastubatory. It's what words are for. If that guy asks me to go to the store and buy forest green paint from a certain brand and I come back with forest green paint from that brand he's not going to worry about whether or not we see the exact same shade.

I also thought it was hyperbolic until I saw the source. Apnews, along with Reuters, are my gold standards for news. If they are reporting it then I believe it is very real and very serious.

It sounds to me, that the issue is less with people reading, the article mentions that people do read, and more to do with a lack of critical thought about what is being read.

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Mom come pick me up. I'm scared.

I actually had this game pre-ordered a long while back but with the huge upheaval around the developer I canceled it. I haven't played any other games by this developer but I like the concept art. Still, I remain ever apprehensive.