1 Post – 90 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


I hate Twatter so here is an NBC video timestamped to the start. The rest of the show is just Joe talking.

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Ukrain just said that it is the work of saboteurs in Russia. Noice.

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Didn't he say that he wanted cameras at some point?

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As an outsider, there are soo many other indicators. All linked to R politics.

Same here.

Is this a USA only thing?

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Maybe just elect non fanatical nut jobs?

How much are you getting paid to peddle this "EV's BAD" BS?

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Thank you.

Actual context paints a whole different picture compared to the clickbait post.


It's nice to sit on the sidelines watching an increasingly desperate and scared Trump.

If that turd gets reelected, every country that matters will do nothing above minimum to maintain diplomatic ties.

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I like the optimism but I'll just wait and see.

It would help if you said how you are trying to send a message.

Device? Operating system? Application and version?

Do your self a favour and check out Brother color lasers. Prices are quite good and the speed and quality outstrip a jet by a long way.

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Does this qualify as Insider Trading?

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2 people downvoted this. I wonder what colour hats they were wearing?

292 instances listed for the first 9 days this month! That's over 33 per day.

You guys are in the middle of a huge battle. I wish I could assist but it's outside my experience.

if your dad wants your wife you are supposed to give ** it** to him

I do hope that referring to a woman as "it" was a typo. However, seeing the context, I have my doubts.

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Why not useDDG instead of all the weird options mentioned in the article?

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"If you make it, they will come".

It maight not be fast but there is huge potential from what I have experienced so far.

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Newpipe is an app for Android that has a d/l option.

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But mah freedum!

Morons are morons and beyond common sense or rational thinking.

I can't remember the last time I saw anything that made me think "I would like to go to America".

These days it's just another thing to add to the ever increasing list of reasons NOT to go there.

Watching from this side of the pond is entertaining in a sad kind of way.

Trump is a figurehead of something above and below him that is a serious danger to democracy.

We're Corporations are too stubborn. We're They are gonna throw shit into the atmosphere to reflect sunlight.


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"yet" being the key word.

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The other way round for me. Approaching 70 and get my sons old phones. More than happy.

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Is there anything that VLC can't play?

Why waste that on 1 person?

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On Fox 1+1= whatever they want it to.

I remember during my early years there was a world wide fear about the upcoming test of a new Hydrogen Bomb. People feared that it might ignite the world's atmosphere.

Now imagine all of America if he actually got elected POTUS in 2024.

Fortunately he is failing hard.

Unfortunately Chrome is the dominant browser by a long way.

I use Firefox on every PC and device and wish it was more popular but the non geeks don't understand so use Chrome.

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I thought that the party was supposed to be anti weaponised government.

My electricity statement showed the second rate reduction in 2 months. This would explain why.

Somehow I doudt that I received the full benefit but at least it went down which is more than I can say about petrol prices.

Some form of medium sized bag that wouldn't attract the "handbag" stigma. I use a laptop bag due to the amount of stuff I carry with me but it is a bit too big.

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News report with video from a businessman who lost his shop and probably multiple other properties.

I was under the impression that battery packs are watertight so where is the fire starting?

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"trying to set fire to the building". Dumbest arsonist on the planet if that was the case. 1/10, could do better.

Age is just a number, it's where your head is at that counts.

I understand how youth looks on oldies because I remember how I thought when I was younger. I now see how wrong I was.

Smoked salmon looks "raw" largely because it is raw. It has never been heated.

I am curious about the process of smoking without heat.

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