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Joined 12 months ago

Up to a month, actually, which is far more time than I’ve ever devoted to a plan.

Smart to put IDELAND and IEELAND next to each other so the programmers and electrical engineers can work closely together.

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  1. Added flies and lice to the wok

Low heat for long time = safe

High heat for short time = safe

High heat breaks down more compounds in meat and makes colors change

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Chicken isn’t meat. Got it.

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Depends on if he’s cuddly or horny.

I mean yeah I suspect most people on Lemmy have. But we’re outliers.

Before the human begins to decompose, the essence of the pacemaker leaves its plastic housing (the “accidental properties” of the device) and goes to a realm outside of space and time to forever keep the pace of the Great Heart for which it was ultimately created. The human, meanwhile, is eaten by worms.

On today’s episode of Stroke Or Drunk

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There isn’t much drinking at swingers clubs. At least not in the public areas.

This just sounds like sexes with extra steps.

Dev and QA costs.

Your car has no impact on them, and neither does your laptop’s hardware since they don’t write native software. But supporting old browsers would be more work for their devs, so they likely have limits there, like not supporting IE6.

How to get assassinated by the CIA in 3 easy steps!

If they’re Mormons, just stop jumping on the bed.

Web protocol? Which one?

I wouldn’t consider http or dns bloated, for instance. And tcp/ip isn’t web-specific enough for me to think that’s what you mean by “the web protocol”.

Are you just trying to say you don’t like websites in a way that sounds techy?

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Then they’ll start calling the drones “robotic police officers” so they can charge you with assaulting a cop, like they do with the dogs.

That’s a rant about the complexity of modern browser engines, not the protocols. The web worked just fine before CSS and JS. The protocols aren’t the problem. Lynx is still being maintained if you want the web without the bloat of features like js and inline images.

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Blow out the dryer duct.

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Javascript dev here. Same.

Next he’ll say he’s Donald of Family Trump, not the all-caps corporation DONALD TRUMP on the docket.

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What’re you talking about?

I haven’t need any

need any


How even dare you. PR denied.


I’ll just do the rest of the thread, since it’s the same every time:

They actually do have to pay minimum wage if you don’t make at least that in tips.

Yeah, but if you try to get them to do it, they’ll fire you!

Being unwilling to stick up for your rights is a different claim entirely

Must be nice being privileged, asshole!

Must suck being too cowardly to stick up for yourself!



Also blow out the duct. So many people don’t even know that’s a thing that needs done. Took me a decade until I learned that, and it was so clogged.

If only Google supports this, the rest can fork it together.

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you’re going to have to say you killed

No, to be consistent they’d have to say America killed them. No need to switch from blaming a country to blaming an individual citizen.

I think a majority of Americans would admit America killed them.

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Taking “If P then not Q” as equivalent to “If not Q then not P” is just straight up broken thinking. We shouldn’t have to preface each comment with a primer on the basics of how to think.

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It’s hard to sing with a full mouth.

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Clean under/behind appliances.

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Safe is a spectrum, I suppose. I eat rare beef and runny eggs, but there’s always a safety warning at the bottom of the menu. Still, the level of “safe” is a function of both temperature and time, at least according to the USDA.

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If I’m with older friends, I don’t mind photos.

My younger friends will put every pic they take on Facebook, geotag it, and tag my face with my full name so Meta can add my face, location history, and social graph to my shadow profile.

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And in hopes of it being useful later, when processing power is better.

Hey GovGPT8, please rank the 10 citizens most likely to organize protests if we institute curfews.

Gee whiz, that pun was basic!

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Give me that on my phone with voice control through my ear bud, and I’ll finally have something worthy of being called a PDA.

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Is there something about search engines, as opposed to other online services, that makes you expect them to be free?

Cleaners because everything else contains the letter “i”.

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In Dune, it was used for thousands of years to build up a desire to spread, to instill a lasting distrust of leaders who would implement it, and to control the genetic trajectory of humanity in a way that would let them survive a foreseen existential threat.

In the real world, the benefits of it are for the ruler, not the populace.

Dominos apologized for having shitty pizza and using misleading product photos, then improved their quality and nearly doubled their market share.

I’m sure it was motivated by profit and PR, but that doesn’t change the fact that it had all the hallmarks of a genuine apology.

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