21 Post – 449 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

u/collegefurtrader from reddit, former mod of r/skookum, keeper of the sacred lathe Hamatu.

He overpaid for a piece of shit and ran it into the ground.

Everyone with a used BMW knows the feeling.

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Solid plot for a stupid movie

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I’ll believe it when its not just youtube clickbait.

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Is that a lot? What %?

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Finally! I’ve been waiting for a good enough reason to cancel Prime

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Trump is making Nixon look good. I mean, Nixon resigned when he was caught, Trump lacks the ability to feel shame and regret.

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Because it used to be a nice stable free platform to build a community around your own interests

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Have you tried getting a better mom?

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That depends entirely on the quality of the space ship.

Space shuttle? Fuck that janky shit

Starship enterprise? Fuck yea sign me up imma fuck all the Andorian hookers

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Do the old covid tests still work? Ive had this cold several times this year and always covid negative.

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Theres a lot of places I would gladly insert a lot of things if it stopped aging


Aliexpress has been reliable in my experience.


Digg, get it?

the Justice Department recommended the defendants be released with no financial or special conditions as they aren't a "flight risk."

Being “arrested” is not the way I remember it

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I miss him

Every “pandemic” episode is uncomfortably played out imo

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You just posted about reddit, do you get the irony?

A few decades late, right on schedule

Because for years I’ve been told that “they” target the uploaders, not the downloaders for prosecution. So seeding was significantly riskier that just downloading with uploads disabled.

Anyway, now I’ve set up a paid VPN and cancelled most streaming services, and uploads are fully engaged.

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Do lemmygrad

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In America it’s more likely that we ban the use of radios in cars

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You misspelt “obviously”

Ethically spotless, yet still a crime.

Every mattress store

I disagree about the TV. Unless you are flush with cash a $300 LCD TV is perfectly good in 2023, you won’t lose any life satisfaction from not having the new $3000 OLED TV.

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I personally called the protest a “jr high school style walkout” in the post asking my sub if we should participate, and the response was overwhelmingly “yes, you idiot, shut it down”, and now here we are

So yea, fuck you spez

I’m addicted to the shipping

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If you let the AI feed on its own bullshit long enough it will eventually vote for Donald Trump


Also cook and clean, duh

who doesn't have downvoting? I can downvote everything...

Oh I see now, your home server hides the downvote. other servers can downvote that content, I think.

Stupid fridge 😠

And it always works, unskippable ads for other new releases never pop up, and it doesn’t just disappear when another platform gets the syndication rights for the next quarter.


Mine cuts out only when theres an active lightning storm overhead.

And the ONLY other choice is comcast business at $250/mo

I just posted a hot take about solar power on my sublemmy, how about you comment?

Sorry if that link doesn’t let you comment but I haven’t figured out how to generate a universal link without creating a crosspost

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I think it just means the GPS will be more eloquent as it tells you to drive down the boat ramp into the lake.