It’s fun seeing all the classic subreddits pop here to – 94 points –

Hello Marijuanna enthusiasts


Hello weed people

Hello weed person

I’m having Chemdawg right now. What are you having?

"Super Boof."

I'll be honest I don't pay too much attention to strains I just smoke and get high lol.

I think if you boof superboof you’ll see things differently

Black lemon just got delivered today taste really good in a dry herb vape

What kinda vaporizer are you using?

Not who you asked but I miss talking about this stuff so I'll throw mine out there: POTV one.

It's my only vape but it gets the job done. After my battery died last night I think I need a second one though..

Very neat! I haven’t seen that one. I’m a big fan of the Arizer Air 2.

After reading this post I'm keyed on the arizer solo2. Their having a sale right now, very tempting.

POTV one work great but i would go with a xmax pro v3 the swapable battery make the dead battery go away and they are kinda of the same price ( plus potv one capsule work with it )

Yeah the lack of dosing caps and built in battery with proprietary charger are big downsides with the solo 2. I'm a pretty basic guy and usually just go with the flow though so as long as vapor is good and it lasts me a few years I'm g2g

Some Blue Dream. Need to reform CultoftheFranklin here now, lol

Oo I love blue dream. Haven’t had it in ages though.

+1 to that! I come from the type 2 trees sub and I desperately miss that community..

Gonna go rummage through my box but tonight for sure I'm hitting blue cheese #23.

yo dawg wassup!

i have a question for anyone here, we gonna get a growing community set up? I'm a lazy stoner with an aversion to responsibility but i know some of you are not. do people here now grow? ive got a couple of plants but i love little micro grows and space buckets

do we just post that shit here you think?

[0] bout to change that tho

I was noodling it. Anyone know the laws about growing weed in Florida? I have a valid medical card.

unfortunately i do not

i live in a weed mecca (colorado) so im super lucky with our pretty lax laws. as a rec user im allowed, i believe either 6 or 12 total plants with only half in flower (and im pretty sure its 12 with 6 flowering) and med users get double that

but thats why the space bucket is so ill and why i started out that way

super stealth grows

Yeah I was going to be sad to see some of the funnier subreddit names dissappear so I'm glad they're migrating over!

I really want the nootropics sub to pickup here. It was heavily gimped by Reddit so it would be cool to see if it can take off here.

Whats it about?

I might be oversimplifying it a bit, but supplements and drugs that are supposed to make you "smarter". i.e. Help with your memory, attention span, just some aspect of brain function.