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Joined 1 years ago

That. I never understood the usefullness of twitter anyway so i won't find Threads usefull either

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Stop making it smell so damn good and maybe i'd think about it

Except brain

Even more so that is was probably a really cheap investments Republican would exchange what left of their moral and ethic for a half eaten apple and a glass of dirty water.

Their names will be know soon enough as they probably be the GOP new heros

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Make sense i mean the only goal of tiktok is china data collection and propaganda so as long as people use it they won't care if it become only cooking video or kid eating grass

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No spoon needed they eat it at the source human centipede style

Thanks from a lazy person who still like to learn things

Was the test a mirror?

2024 if going to be the year of Layoffs in anything creative that AI can do in gaming.

Have i not seen a article already talking about how they use AI to replicate voice of video game actor recently?

But since most of AAA are shit now anyway wont change much

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And religious extremist lead the GOP to children rape and to all the laws against women to keep the supply of young kid so if i have to choose ? Let a guy marry is turtle

If everything around you is harmful maybe you are the harmful one google

We beleive in second chance here so welcome !

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Just to be sure we don't tell him by accident what is name and contact info again?

Forgot something if you were a lawmaker you probably had so much money from those company that you would not care.

The goal here always been to make it look like they do something usefull not actually do it.

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Different name same bullshit

Let try it out? It's not like it will be hard to find one religious shit are everywhere

Did anyone really believe starbuck was using ethical sourcing ?

Next step you have to use L33t speak to be able to post on X

What do people expected from a china state own massive surveillance and propaganda app?

Lucky you i don't think a toddler can grow a mustache might get a grape juice one tho if someone forget to clean him

Time to call a crackhead

Most of them are extra special snowflake i don't think they will survive long in a real authoritarian country anyway

Pentagon humor or secret signal to the swifties? /s

Because they did before ? I'm not from the US but i would not associate legal and coherent with the Gang Of Pedophile

That sound like someone with a trench coat selling chip to kids on a dark corner with flickering light.

It's nice i can see where my Pc broke and where i got my steamdeck also say i played 42 new game this year but i remember only 4 so i might want to get my memory check

Someone should make rainbow hat with Making America Gay Again conservative will lose their fucking mind

Get them yound and keep them dumb shocking to no one republican and most religion have the same game plan.

He shall be followed for the rest of is life by a mexican ( to remember him about the wall ) who only job would be to throw lego under is feet when he don't have shoes on

"Forced labor camp"

I wonder how many people told him is parent should have abort him

All big company are the same i worked for wal-mart canada for way too long and the simple rumors of the word Union in a manager ears would bring paper like this on the breakroom table and sometimes even a little video on why union are the reason of everything evil in the world even the end of dinosaurs.

I don’t even agree with these folks> if you sit at a table with 7 nazi that table contain 8 nazi

Yup build by thief for thief

Black lemon just got delivered today taste really good in a dry herb vape

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I play it with a keyboard and mouse using my dock work fine mostly no lag otherwise too small a screen for me for that kind of game

To use the accountant exemple AI right now or at least the way corp seem to use it is like asking someone without any accountant or spreadsheet knowledge to do the job of 5 accountant sure it might work but for how long and how many accountant you gonna need to repair and clear the problem later but that part don't interest them only short sight profit is important

Is dick so small one term presidency was not enough to compensate for it he have to try for another one

Yeah at least make the corruption worth it but it's hard to up the price when the guy next to you would take a trip to Delaware to vote the way they want