1 Post – 44 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yeah no shade intended, just more reason to explain it to people. Ernest is a G.

IDK why is everyone making accounts on the 3-4 biggest instances.

How do you expect a newcomer who has no understanding of content federation to find these low-pop instances? Of course everyone's joining the main handful, they don't know anything else exists.

I'd imagine most people coming from typical social media don't even realize that instances are a thing when they sign up on one. They've heard about lemmy or kbin or whatever, so they go to lemmy or kbin or whatever and sign up. Once they learn how it works, they've already established a profile on that instance; they're not going to start over on a new one.

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Everyone's trying to kill reddit, but that isn't something we have the power to do. There is no offensive action we can take that will bring reddit down. I wish that idea would dissipate already.

What we can do, the only thing we can do, the sole action that is within our power, is to do nothing. Walk away, close that chapter, allow reddit to fade. As we have seen time and time again, reddit is perfectly capable of killing reddit; we have only to step back and watch it happen...

...without actually giving them traffic, of course.

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To use a topical example, look at Digg. Digg "died" a long time ago. Despite this, you can go browse right now.

Reddit is not going anywhere any time soon, and Huffman is still going to be a prick next week.

I don't understand how YouTube results from Google are so fucking useless. How is it not returning the same results you'd get if you searched on YouTube? Who designs this shit?

What the hell is the point of a car that can't do more than 25 mph? This thing can fucking fly, but it's as capable as a golf cart on the ground?

I'll believe this when it actually exists (the thing they're promising, not a skeletal prototype), and I'll believe that the FAA is cool with flying cars when I see them on my commute. None of this currently passes the bullshit check.

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Many ActivityPub services allow you to seamlessly transfer your profile from one instance to another. It even sends messages that let your followers update so they follow you at your new address. Moving profiles isn’t a big deal. It’s Ok if they join a big instance at first, and move later.

But do people know that? Not a rhetorical question, I only have direct experience with kbin and only a week's worth at that. I had only the very foggiest idea what all of this was when I came to kbin and signed up. I've learned a lot more since then, but I'm still brand new to this.

If I have no complaints with kbin, why would I be motivated to look for a new instance? Should I be looking anyway? What compelling reasons exist to shop around, as it were?

There are compelling reasons why new folks join big instances and it’s not definitely a bad thing

Seems like the natural progression of this sort of thing, no? Has enough time even passed to tell if this is a problem or not? This is a bit of an aside, but I feel like there's been a lot of doomposting the last few days about imagined future problems. Have we really had enough time to make any actionable observations?

Multiple accounts is not the same thing as abandoning your profile and instance to start over somewhere else. I have more than one profile right here on kbin, for example.

Regardless, you’ve ignored the entire rest of my comment, and kinda the whole point; people don’t know. How could they know? Where are they going to learn if not here, and once they are here, why leave?

I think we agree more than you realize.

If I take up the task of fostering engagement in a bunch of mags that interest me, does that then justify my complaints in your eyes?

That is what I'm saying, yes. If you were doing the work while the owners and/or mods did nothing, you would absolutely be justified in your grievance. You would be more deserving of a lead position for that mag than they are, and I would stand behind you if you wanted to take it over.

'Shut up' is not an argument.

Debatable, but my argument was 'Shut up if you're not willing to contribute.' I really don't think that's a wild take. If I'm not willing to put forth the absolute minimum effort of posting an image or a question or something, I have no business bitching about a lack of content and engagement.

people who took the time to create the mags should take a few more minutes to slap an icon, a description and a welcome thread. Basically not appear dead. If you think that's a stretch, then we can just agree to disagree.

I don't disagree. I actually agree with just about all of your gripes, people who create a community should take ownership of it or hand it over to someone who will. What I have a problem with is doomposting about a situation that the poster has done nothing to remedy. We're all equally capable of contributing. I have even less excuse than you do, I have a couple mags that I need to work on. They have icons, at least a basic description, and general rules, but that's it. I'll find some time this weekend to flesh them out, been a busy week for me.

Look, despite my name I'm really not trying to be an ass. I admit I may be a bit charged about this. This week is very likely the first week I've completely abstained from reddit in the last 12ish years. It's not that I miss it, it's actually the opposite; I really really don't, and I really don't want to see those parts of reddit manifesting here. This is a brand new place, and it's not reddit. I feel that we should go into this with few expectations, just see what it becomes. Content federation is a whole new thing (I mean it's not, but for the purpose of this get my point), so let's not expect anything from it or try to force it in a direction just yet.

No hard feelings dude, and sincerely this time, peace homie 🤙

they're only 4 admins and don't really have the capability to moderate that well right now

We know, they continually remind us.

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Yeah that shit's kinda just sad. Chronically online, I suppose.

No idea, homie, I got here from All on kbin.

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Nothing you said refutes anything I said. My point was that reddit has value even if all the humans leave. Digg was sold, implying value, yes?

There will never be some end of the road, flipping the giant breaker on reddit's servers movie scene death. It will live on in some form no matter the outcome of the current drama.

Of course is a wildly different place today, the entire world is a different place today...

I'm referring more to the suggestions of subreddit vandalism, brigading, mass vote manipulation, turning off automod. That's pointless, anything moderator hooliganism can be undone immediately.

Personal history is different. I nuked all my shit on the 12th. Edited and wiped with Redact before deleting each account, all I can do as far as I'm aware. I took measures to obfuscate my activity on reddit anyway, multiple accounts, never keep one longer than a year, if I'm giving a personal anecdote, the unimportant details will be wildly different and wrong every time I tell it, that sort of thing.

I make an effort to protect my anonymity on the internet in general. My personal post history on various websites definitely falls under my data which I will control as much as I possibly can.

How does that not defeat the entire purpose? You're suggesting one global 'sublemmy', as it were, with one global team of moderators. How is that in any way different or better than what we just left behind?

I've never really agreed with the Lego comparison, it's...not like Lego at all.

Here's another perspective though, I trust myself a hell of a lot more than I trust shipping companies. If my main concern is protecting my investment, those parts have a much better chance of reaching me intact if they are each in their individual packaging.

I don’t know why you are pissed off at me

Probably because you came into a science forum, made some asinine claim with zero supporting evidence, and now that you've been challenged, you're acting like a victim. Without evidence there is no argument, no discussion, no anything. Evidence is the only truth that we have. If you do not have evidence, your claim is inherently bullshit. It's not even worth discussing until you have some factual basis upon which to build that discussion.

"Some humans aren't monogamous, therefore humans are not monogamous." isn't good enough. That doesn't even make sense, I can't believe you fuckin' said that.

You made the claim, you carry the burden of proof. Instead of acting like a fucking child, you could have been looking for papers that support your argument. I just glanced at Google Scholar for all of 3 minutes and scrolled through no less than 5 pages of papers on the topic of human monogamy. What's your excuse? Go find some proof, or shut the fuck up.

This is a ridiculous comment. Are you intentionally missing the point? Why are you applying airplane design principles to a car? It's not a's a car.

Glide coefficient? In what scenario do you imagine this car gliding? Do you see wings? They didn't "make it VTOL" because they couldn't design a functional airplane, they designed it as a VTOL from day one because a flying car that isn't VTOL capable wouldn't be viable. The very concept of a flying car is based on VTOL. It can only work as a car if it's VTOL. A fixed-wing flying car would be asinine, where the hell do you expect people to take off?

Look I am not a supporter of this thing. It has too many glaring issues, like the fact that it doesn't currently exist. You cannot, however, criticize this vehicle based on its merits as an airplane, because it's not an airplane.

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and bar are the trips that need fixing (...) and the fact that we encourage and sometimes even force designs where you NEED cars to make those trips is madness.

It's utterly baffling to me that bar culture is so alive in America where we have to drive everywhere. It seems like a fucking obvious problem that everyone just ignores. Under what circumstances is a person driving themselves to a bar, parking there for a while, then leaving unimpaired? People should be protesting this in the streets; why does no one seem to care?

A continuously variable transmission (CVT) is an automatic transmission\_variable\_transmission

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Not with those mods we don't lol

Please explain how is the wrong community for discussion about Lemmy apps for Android.

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Hey same lol

Fuck that dude

No disagreement here, I have a lot of gripes with the state of UX design. I don't understand why the majority of my 1440p screen is empty space when browsing the web, to give an easy example. One of my displays is vertical, which seems incredibly useful until you try to use it and realize nothing scales in any usable manner on a portrait display. I digress...

Then I guess it's a good thing I didn't say EVs have CVTs then, isn't it?

Don't argue with something I didn't even say, homie. I was pointing out that a CVT is in fact a type of automatic transmission, nothing more.

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Fair enough

Idk, was it necessary to make your name a reference to reddit? My fuckin' name is assbutt, dude, the bar isn't very high here. It's pretty fuckin' weird to call yourself 'snoo' while you go around decrying the evils of reddit.

By which decree?

Come on, are you fuckin' serious right now? If you create 'SnooFuckersAnonymous' then abandon it next week, what the hell are the admins supposed to do with it? According to you, they have to leave it there, empty and unused, forever, instead of letting someone make something out of it. That is asinine beyond words.

For someone who loves reddit enough to adopt the name of their mascot, you sure don't seem to understand how it worked. You're acting as if subreddit requests were exclusively hostile takeovers. Part of requesting a sub was proving that you had made every attempt to contact the existing mods.

Transferring ownership to new mods is basic maintenance in a place like this. Nobody is suggesting we steal communities from their owners and hand them out to trolls.

Yeah, Hitler had a lot of justifications for slaughtering Jews too.

How can you be so blind? It doesn’t matter what banner you claim, if you pursue your ideals through death and violence, you are not the good guy.

Didn't ask for a lecture, homie, I was simply agreeing with you. You and I have different perspectives on what is and is not appropriate on the internet, and there's nothing wrong with that. Much like I don't need that chronically-online fucker up there telling me what kind of content I should consume, I don't need you policing my tone either.

Have a good night dude.

Couldn’t agree more, old chap!

...Then why are you talking to me? I'm referring to the people who are blatantly and shamelessly celebrating this. If you are not doing that, then you're not one of the people I'm talking about; my comment wasn't about you.

I know he fucked up, he fucked up in just about every way you can fuck up, and he did it knowingly, willingly even. I fully support the investigation and exposure of every single thing that went wrong and why; that is how we learn from these things. We can do that while still showing basic decency and respect for the dead.

Oh my goddamn give it a fucking break already. You can say the same about any other son who spent time with his dad when he probably didn't want to. The fact that they were rich doesn't make it evil for a father to want to spend time with his son. It's not like he knew they were going to die; he didn't intentionally drag his son along to his death.

Goddamn, I've never been more disgusted with the "good guys." Coerced into death, are you fucking serious? Can we just investigate and analyze this empirically without making up reasons to hate the people involved? They're dead, dude. Let it be.

K well there are a few key differences between cars and airplanes... If planes could drive around on the road, nobody would buy a car. That's kinda the whole goddamn point, that's why people want a car that can fly.

I take issue with a "flying car" that's not a fucking car. What the hell is the point? If you're spending $300k, why wouldn't you actually become a pilot instead of buying some half-baked car that isn't actually usable as a car?

Okay, then I'm going to criticize you as an airplane. You're a fucking piece of shit airplane, dude. You don't even have wings, what the fuck are you doing? You can't produce thrust, you can't generate lift, what good are you as an airplane? Get outta here, stop wasting everyone's time.

See how fuckin' stupid that was?

Yes, there is an inherent risk associated with aircraft that cannot glide. What's your point? Cars can't have wings, it simply isn't viable, so what do you propose? You want them to design a car-shaped object that can magically glide without wings? Think about it for more than a second and you'll see the issue there. What you're suggesting cannot exist within the currently-understood laws of physics. In order for flying cars to become reality, there is a certain level of risk that must be accepted.

Saying "its a VTOL, so it doesn't matter" puts you on the same safety standards as that submarine guy.

You don't know a fucking thing about me, so how about we steer clear of character assumptions? Maybe show me the courtesy of just arguing facts on this one?

That guy knowingly and intentionally broke all of the rules. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm not suggesting any rules be broken or any safety standards be forsaken, I'm simply pointing out that you cannot judge this concept based on a fundamentally different type of aircraft.

It's a vehicle that flys.

Ever seen a fuckin' helicopter? Hot air balloon? Blimp? Turns out there's more than one way to get and remain airborne. Think...

This isn't just kbin, that's kinda the whole point. A name based on kbin is short-sighted, because kbin is only one small piece of this thing.

Instead of instantly doing the same shit we did on reddit 15 years ago, why don't we do things differently this time? We don't have to call kbin users anything. In any case, please god not "keebinetter."

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Well said. Speaking ill of the dead says more about the speaker than the departed. It's disgusting, and it's extremely disappointing how many find it acceptable to say terrible things about someone just because they were rich.

Death is the equalizer. No matter who are in life, we all die the same. Those rich people didn't get to take their money with them, they're just dead. It's like gloating to someone you just beat in a race. It's over, and they lost. Show some goddamn respect.

Nah I had no idea, thanks for educating me ಠ_ಠ

Yes, I am aware that PC parts are expensive. I am also aware that anyone with functional hands and eyes is physically capable of assembling those PC parts into a working computer. I know these things because I've built PCs before. It really is just as simple as we keep saying it is lol

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It's extremely common for people to go on forums/subs and claim they cannot build a PC. In the overwhelming majority of those cases, there is no reason the person couldn't build a PC on their own. Usually they've just decided for whatever reason that it's beyond them, which is ridiculous.

I don't know your situation, just pointing out that that particular scenario is extremely common in PC-building forums.

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They didn't ask for one, ramrod, slow your roll.

Since when does Edge flag bots? I legitimately have no idea what you're talking about. I can't find any information about anything that sounds even remotely close to a baked-in bot flagger in Microsoft Edge.

You said your work computer, do you know what extensions might be installed?