5 Post – 209 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I experienced the same at “regular” beaches out in Greece. Topless women and Speedos were just as normal as any other beachgoer. It was really rather relaxing thinking back to it now.

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Someday I hope to build up the courage to visit/participate a nudist beach. It seems far more comfortable and “normal” in Europe than in the States from my travels. Remarkably humanizing.

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I would say it’s a war against knowledge and critical thinking. Those two things threaten their control and reasoning. Why else fear books or competing ideologies?

It’s one thing for the deer to see headlights coming at it. It’s another for it to know what it means and what it should do.

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My god. This deliciously tasty excerpt:

In various campaign biographies, a résumé and interviews, Mr. Santos said he graduated from Baruch College in New York City, where he was a volleyball star on a championship team. He boasted of working at Citigroup and Goldman Sachs and amassing personal wealth. He claimed to be descended from Holocaust refugees; that his mother was in the World Trade Center during the Sept. 11 attacks; and that he lost four employees in the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando.

None of those claims were true.

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I’m discovering levels of brown nosing I’d never have thought to exist.

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My. God. The pearl clutching and oppression of the female body these days. We may as well go back to corsets and chastity belts.

I’m not going to encourage a HSer to twerk, but c’mon! You’re going to punish her for having fun at an unrelated and offsite event? Get real.

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The part of the speech that was removed:

“History isn’t history anymore. Truth is not truth. Even facts are being replaced by alternative facts and driven by conspiracy theories and ugliness. In Florida, young students are taught that slaves developed skills which can be applied for their personal benefit.

The entertainment industry isn’t immune to this festering disease. The Duke, John Wayne, famously said of Native Americans, ‘I don’t feel we did wrong in taking this great country away from them. There were great numbers of people who needed new land and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it for themselves.’

Lying has become just another tool in the charlatan’s arsenal. The former president lied to us more than 30,000 times during his four years in office, and he’s keeping up the pace in his current campaign of retribution. But with all his lies, he can’t hide his soul. He attacks the weak, destroys the gifts of nature, and shows disrespect, for example, by using ‘Pocahontas’ as a slur.”


The actor appeared onstage at the ceremony on Monday night for the presentation of the Gotham Historical Icon and Creator Tribute to Martin Scorsese’s Killers Of The Flower Moon, a film distributed by Apple that focuses on a series of murders targeting the Osage people in Oklahoma during the 1920s after oil was discovered on tribal land.

I’m just waiting for Omni Consumer Products (OCP) to open in Detroit.

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In response, Trump's defense attorney, Chris Kise said, "Based on my understanding this was truly inadvertent."

"The Truth Social post was taken down when the court asked," Kise said. "Truth Social was taken down and Trump never made any more comments about court staff, but it appears no one took it down on the campaign website. It is unfortunate and I apologize on behalf of my client."

Whoops! My bad. All good here, nothing to see.

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I did now and I realize I’m an ass.

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The original prompter of the trans women thread posted a chart purportedly showing that Grok was even more left-leaning than Chat GPT, which led Elon to say that while the chart “exaggerates” and that the tests aren’t accuarte, they are “taking immediate action to shift Grok closer to politically neutral.”

See this is the part of AI, like search engines and digital bubbles, that is actually terrifying. When an organic result is manipulated to fit and amplify a narrative without the users knowledge. Where your data comes from matters.

But if the food we eat is any sort of bellweather, most people won’t really care or will be so far removed from the source that we’ll be oblivious and just happy to consume.

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They’ve already shored up the courts. They’re not far off.

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And even if it stays small, the quality and community here is thriving. Sure, we have our trolls and junk but they don’t have nearly the influence or visibility as…ahem…other familiar platforms.

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When you’re too crazy for the crazies…

Not only unbiased, but completely relatable and down to earth. I’m sure he lives just like the rest of us.

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he said employees had kept working from home because “they didn’t work as hard, regardless of what they tell you” and also due to the savings they make on their daily commute, lunches and work attire.

It’s almost as if people enjoy having extra disposable income!

…I really need to get tested for ADHD. This community has single-handedly convinced me.

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The internet has ruined us, hasn’t it?

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Vivek would make a perfect Parks and Rec politician.


The interviewer tried really hard (and failed) to hide his incredulity.

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While we’re at it, let’s spend on teacher salaries and classroom materials. Y’know, so that kids can learn from talented and impassioned individuals.

On one hand, it was inevitable. 23andMe is one sweet pot. We’ve always known genetic data would one day be used for nefarious purposes and consumer were warned back then to be cautious with what they were signing up for. On the other, how in the world did they not better safeguard and isolate user data? I’d expect encryption and safeguards on par with a password manager like 1Password.

The company said its systems were not breached and that attackers gathered the data by guessing the login credentials of a group of users and then scraping more people’s information from a feature known as DNA Relatives

I know I have the DNA relative feature enabled but I would’ve never imagined that was scrapeable and a vulnerability.

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Ngl, started reading the headline and thought this was going to be a tax on heavy people to combat the threat posed by obesity…

In principle, I like the idea and yes, it's humorous. But truthfully, missing a paycheck (or several) hits different when you have savings and a decent salary. Congress isn't living paycheck-to-paycheck or just above it.

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For the door to blow off? I agree

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I’m just here because you’re giving Voyager the love she deserves. God I love that ship.

This is exceptional levels of irritating and hilarious.

I don’t know a thing about adult industry financing but are there investors? Are the moneybags telling them to clean up their image?

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making Jordan his “assistant speaker.”

Now we’re really just making sh** up…

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Maybe not you but someone out there might. Age has taught me the world takes all types.

Contrary to the incel narrative, the study found that extreme misogynistic views were driven by a psychology of dominance and status-seeking, which correlated with having many sexual partners.

That’s the real problem. They’re not necessarily sexually frustrated, that’s only a piece of it. It’s a distortion of their value and self-esteem, projected onto women. “If I matter, women should sleep with me.”

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Or E-Corp

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So you’re saying they should secede from the Union and be an independent world superpower because they don’t need the rest of us, right? Right?

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Ha. I just came here to post this too. It’s an interesting angle they’re taking by attacking the way Apple’s ecosystem works better together, naturally locking consumers in. I’m an Apple sucker myself but frankly the Apple-exclusive features (Siri, Handoff, iMessage, Airplay) are, at best, gimmicks that would be much better if they had broader compatibility.

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Audacity aside, wtf is the difference between the $1.99 and 3.99 gold???

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Here's another taste of how hard-liners are responding to this vote: "Every single Democrat in the House, except for one, voted for Kevin McCarthy's ploy to continue Nancy Pelosi's budget and Joe Biden's policies," said Representative Matt Rosendale of Montana. "Are we sure Hakeem Jeffries is not the speaker?"

Hilariously shitty thing to say lol.

And yet, they still only managed to kick the can a few weeks down the road.

God damn it. I envy the effortless wittiness of some of you.

“It’s so long overdue,” Kading told the Associated Press during a recent interview. “People have been yearning for him to be arrested for a long time. It’s never been unsolved in our minds. It’s been unprosecuted.”

Glad they stayed committed to this and brought some closure to the case (assuming it sticks). Not hip hop’s biggest fan but Tupac was brilliant. The industry might’ve been a different place today.

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Oh no!!! What entitlement spending scapegoat will the GOP turn to now?

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