Tomb Raider 1, 2 and 3 getting remasters early next year to – 181 points –
Hey Young People, The OG Tomb Raider Games Are Getting Remastered

When I hear remaster, I now hear Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition.

Don't ruin my hopes and dreams. I've been waiting for this remaster forever. 😭

There is a video already from the Nintendo direct so you can see already how it looks graphical wise.

It's not the graphics I'm worried about.

The GTA trilogy had shoddy performance.

Remaster as in upscaled graphics and leaving the janky controls untouched and unoptimized?? Or as in a whole reimagining that bastardizes the source material?

The new world has to be pretty similar to the old, given that the article says that one can flip between the modern and original graphics.

Talking of nostalgia, all three games are being released with an option to switch between the original blocky polygon graphics, and lovely patched-over modern designs. If it’s anything like the Monkey Island remakes, this means I will spend the entire time obsessively switching back and forth, unable to cope without knowing how every scene looks in each incarnation.

So, like HaloCEA and Halo2 Aniversary. But these work fine because the originals already had decent geometry to work with. TR1-3 though ? The levels are basically cubes upon cubes. Not sure how they'll make that work

The Halo remakes were shit because they made the “original” version look way worse than it actually was on the original Xbox. The main reason is a handful of clever texturing techniques for bump mapping that they didn’t bother replicating in the remake. The result was much flatter-looking textures.

Interestingly- I've found a few people not only think that there won't be a new control scheme, they actually hope that they don't add one. To their point, I guess the game would fall apart navigating the exact same environments with more responsive controls.

That'd be like playing Goldeneye 64 on a PC with mouse look. It'd be hilariously easy because all of the enemies are tuned to be handleable with the primitive control scheme.

I take it you didn't play the recent GoldenEye rerelease with modern gamepad controls?

Which one? I played the one that was released on Switch, which is just the OG and had the same controls. What do you mean recent? You mean the 2010 remake?

Nah that's the one. January 2023. On Xbox it has options for modern controls. I didn't play it on the switch.

Oh wow, how's it hold up? I think the Xbox version of that 2010 remake came out in 2011, the original was a Wii game. I assume that means they made it backwards compatible.

That's a full on reimagining of the original game, new Bond and everything, so the balance wouldn't be comparable to playing the actual original with modern controls, but I heard it was a better game than you'd expect from messing with the original Goldeneye.

I was talking about the original Goldeneye 64 that came out on Switch's NSO N64 games.

I don't know anything about the 2010 bond game. Blood stone? I had to go look it up, never even heard of it.

What I'm talking about is just a rerelease of the OG N64 Goldeneye. It came out on switch and Xbox earlier this year.

It'd be hard to find because it's just called GoldenEye 007 link

I didn't even know there was a modern control scheme in that, wow! How's that mess with it?

lara croft's boobs gonna go from 6 triangles to 6000000 if they use unreal

That would be a remake.

They're remastering the graphics (at least somewhat, doesn't look super amazing), and they're leaving a toggle that lets you swap back to the glorious triangle boob graphics at the flip or a switch.

I hope they will modernize the controls and camera.

In a way, the tank controls were part of the challenge.

Hopefully they give you the option to use classic or modern controls.

Yeah, would spend ages as a kid lining up for a jump, only to end up jumping off to the left into a pit of wolves. Good times.

Oh, in game too.

Can we just… not get remasters and remakes anymore? I’d rather just have the OG games re-released digitally as-is, and let AAA companies explore new IPs or allow them to be creative in the universe of already-existing IPs.

AAA companies aren’t making these remasters, they are typically handled by small studios that specialize in exactly this kind of work.

Most of the work of re-releasing these old games is porting the old code to new platforms. Making them run at higher resolutions and frame rates is usually not all that much effort in comparison, so you might as well do it.

Frankly it’s kind of weird to complain about the existence of a product nobody is forcing you to buy.

Exactly, this game I believe is being done by Aspyr. While KOTOR was a remake obviously, it was the last time they tried to do a big game and it apparently was a disaster.

Makes sense, some of their port jobs on switch I would consider as disasters. If they really remade KOTOR and completely boned it I'd hate them even more than I already do. That sounds a little harsh, some of their ports are passable.

People don't buy games as-is. They need at least some modern conveniences to be palettable. And frankly this is about as close to what you are asking as is reasonable.

Can we just… not get remasters and remakes anymore?

I'd like to have HD versions of a number of older 2D games that I enjoy re-released.

Honestly, I'd like to have HD versions of some newer games that were originally done with low-resolution graphics, like Binding of Isaac and Caves of Qud. Nothing wrong with low-resolution graphics -- I think that it enables shifting resources to developing gameplay, and that that's often a good tradeoff -- but those games did well, and I'd be willing to pay for flashier graphics.

If you look at Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead, it's gone from ASCII to graphics to significantly-prettier tilesets. Dwarf Fortress did something similar. I think that that shows that there's demand for it.

I appreciate that not everyone wants that, but I would.

If they really stick to the source and just update it, it could be great.

So you mean actually remaster instead of remake?

Can you not stick close to the source material but make it all new and nicer? Lol God this place is just as pedantic as reddit and annoying as reddit. It really is a human problem and not a platform problem.

I'm usually one to say games are fine as is and don't need a remaster... but these show their age