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You stop seeding because you are selfish.

I stop seeding because I am selfish.

We are the same.

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3 hours later

“Pythagoras issues an apology video for stealing his crowning achievement from a piece of clay”

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Meanwhile, Monty Python’s Life of Brian literally had a male character who identifies as female and everybody in the movie is cool with it

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actively discouraged the COVID vaccine and iirc pushed the horse deworming medicine and bleach

“I was not in line with the acceptable narrative at the time”

Color me shocked she got public backlash when using her fame as a platform to spout anti-vax BS.

Bush did a hell of a lot more harm with his war on terror and basically lying about why we wanted to go to war , but Trump single-handedly paved a very dangerous road for the US to become fascist and have crony capitalism (or at least, make it much more apparent and much worse).

Dubya was an asshole politician who wasted thousands upon thousands of lives for oil - and I would still say he’s less bad than Trump because Trump wanted to make the US into something more akin to China and Russia.

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Meanwhile, Baldur’s Gate 3 be like “any% sex speedrun WR 2:18”

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I wish we could hold people who do stuff like this with their social media platform accountable and make it so whoever does this kind of stuff would get deplatformed immediately or something.

It’s gross that some people think it’s genuinely okay to practically sic their fans on people who just… don’t like what they do, or might disagree with something they said. The fact the TikTok person also said “love will always outshine being a hater, I hope I taught you that today” is a fucking disgusting and twisted line of thinking because he’s encouraging his fans to hate on the critic - where’s the “love” in that?

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Honest-to-God question: is Elongated Muskrat intentionally screwing up Twitter so people can’t use it as a means to communicate? It sounds like a tinfoil hat conspiracy theory, but it’s the only logical thing I could think of at this point that explains this kind of stuff they’re pulling.

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Kid: “I’m trans.”

Senator Carden Summers: “What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.”

Cyberpunk 2077 sorta explores this a bit.

There’s a vending machine that has a personality and talks to people walking by it. The quest chain basically has you and the vending machine chatting a bit and even giving the vending machine some advice on a person he has a crush on. You eventually become friends with this vending machine.

When it seems like it’s becoming more apparent it’s an AI and is developing sentience, it turns out the vending machine just has a really well-coded socializing program. He even admits as much when he’s about to be deactivated.

So, to reiterate what you said: predictive text and LLMs are not alive nor a mind.

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The conspiracy theorist in me says Unity planned this whole thing out to get less resistance on this thing they actually wanted to roll out; announce a super shit change that will intentionally outrage everybody, then say “ok, we won’t do it if you agree to use this other shitty model instead”.

Anyways, big shoutout to Godot for existing as an open-source alternative.

You can legally create, own, and use your own flamethrower in the majority of the US.

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US Defaultism at its finest lol

Try reading the title again.

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Unfortunately, the United Corporations of America loves milking kids for money because they hope and bank on kids annoying the shit out of their parents to spend money on whatever is being marketed towards them

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I mean, you can argue that Google actually has a monopoly on web browsers right now. iirc Firefox takes a ton of money from Google, so if the choices are “Google’s proprietary browser” or “a non-Chromium browser backed by Google” (EDIT: unless you’re on Apple hardware and use Safari), then Google comes out on top either way.

Wish we could get another good browser engine that isn’t Chromium, WebKit, or Quantum.

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Which is why I’m hesitant to actually call those greedy fucks “capitalists”, because they’re the very antithesis of capitalism. They literally break the system for their own benefit, and thanks to US politicians to being corrupt enough to allow themselves to be bought out for a few bucks from said greedy fucks, nobody in power is incentivized to actually do something.

Capitalism works with money flowing constantly, and it needs that to work well. When you have some Warren Buffet and Elongated Muskrat kind of people just hoarding wealth… well, you get the shitshow that is the the US today. $300B circulating in the system would be awesome, and I would think that is a good indicator of a healthy economy; but when $300B is pretty much tied to one person, then congrats, we missed the point of capitalism.

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Obligatory plug for Godot if you want a FOSS game engine

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For those with Roku TVs or any of their products, I found that a PiHole blocks the ads on the home screen so far. Hoping I could pick up an ONN box in the future so I can just not deal with this shit lol.

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Never forget, it’s actually legal to enslave prisoners according to the 13th Amendment.

If it acts like a Nazi, and sounds like a Nazi…

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Never forget the time Bethesda went after Notch for the word “scroll” being used for another one of Notch’s games.

For the uninitiated: https://youtu.be/Kppx4bzfAaE

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Crypto and NFTs are complete scams, change my mind.

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I think people forget that the Democrats literally chose Hillary instead of Sanders - like, the Democratic Party purposefully chose Hillary despite the fact Bernie was actually more popular amongst people.

Not gonna start saying why because there’s probably a myriad of reasons, but the fact that the Democratic party had a chance to put in somebody who was at least saying really progressive stuff for the people of America that the people really liked and just chose a fucking Clinton instead should say something about the party.

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I think we should also include term limits for these offices in addition to the age limit.

You can’t be president for more than 8 years, but you can be in the same political office more or less for almost 40? That doesn’t make a lot of sense to me lol.

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They’re offering $1 per day? That’s $1 for every 24 hours you go back, which is around $0.04 per hour, which can be broken down even further to around $0.0007 per minute.

I’d give them 1 penny to go back 15 minutes in time, find a penny on the ground, then find them again to go back the same 15 minutes in time over and over until I can figure out how to kidnap them in 15 minutes.

After I successfully kidnap them, I will go on a bank heist and keep the time person near me so I can keep trying to rob a bank until I do so successfully. Then because they’re an accessory to the crime, I can blackmail them to let me rewind time for free at any time I wish so I can become a crime lord, otherwise I’ll give them to the police and let them know he can time-travel.

EDIT: Just saw OP’s one-time offer clause, so I am assuming this means the time person retains their memory.

I won’t immediately take them up on their offer - instead, I would take them out on a date or five first. Get to know them a bit better; where they lived growing up, how they grew up, how old they are - that kind of stuff.

Then I would figure out how much money I can use to go back in time to my youngest point of life that also meets their youngest point in my same lifetime, and I’ll track them down from all the details they gave me while they were pegging me. I’ll become best friends with them, and convince them that we could be using their powers to become the dopest crime lords in history.

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Because America, by large, has been built upon immigrants coming over and shutting the door behind them so others can’t get their success.

We’ve done it as English colonists, we’ve done it during the Industrial Revolution, we’ve done it in the early 1900s, and we’re doing it now. It’s sadly a trend that we, as a country, never grew out of.

I don’t want her tainting my TNG rewatch.

That’s when you learn to separate the art from the artist. Gunian has some rather wise words to say; Whoopi says some banal shit at times.

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Yeah, but then both OP and The Verge wouldn’t have such a juicy headline for sick internet points and clicks.

It’s more accurate to say “~15,000 Roku users were hacked due to reused passwords”, and reusing passwords is one of the worst things you can do security-wise because if your password got leaked on one website (doesn’t even need to be the full password, just the hash would work), you are now entirely compromised everywhere you reuse that password.

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Steve Jobs was 21 when he got Mike Markkula to invest a ton of money into incorporating Apple.

Bill Gates was 20 when he realized he came from a rich family thanks to his dad being a good lawyer and his mom was on a ton of Executice Boards.

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I feel like there’s some cosmic irony about a gay dating app not supporting their workers that I quite can’t put my finger on

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Probably not for a while if it even does, but at least it’s a step in the right direction towards not having everything owned by Blackrock.

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Forget small cars, we should be embracing non-motorized ways of transit. Make things human-sized again and allow us to walk and/or bike to destinations rather than having to have a motorized vehicle to get around.

Public transit is obviously a good thing to have, but I think it’s also important to have alternate forms of transit as well.

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A computer is just a really hot pile of sand.

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If a game copies what another game does but does it better and/or gives it own spin on things (which PalWorld arguably does, considering that you can have your Pokemon Pals fight with machine weaponry and also enslave capture people as Pals), I don’t see how that can be a bad thing. Otherwise, people should be up in arms about every roguelike Metroidvania or Soulslike game.

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How surprising: the CEO who runs the company that owns Axios Media, the richest man in Georgia, has his media outlet write why slaving away in your elder years is “good for the economy”.

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Love how the courts are framing this. “ROMs are illegal software.” “Emulators are for playing pirated software.”

Ngl I kinda want them to use this logic and see what happens when they try to apply it to Nintendo’s own Virtual Console, which are emulators playing ROMs basically.

Hell, the games you can play in Animal Crossing are literal emulators with ROMs since they found iNES data in the headers.

Guys, he’s demonstrating gun safety the same way Detective Raphaël Ambrosius Costeau from Disco Elysium shows it. Minus the “blowing out your own brains” bit.

I would then be convinced that we are in a timeline where The Onion controls the universe

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