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As someone who has designed and used telemetry systems, I’ll never quite understand the strong aversion some people have to them. Telemetry is what lets me tell my boss “yes people really do use our software this way and we can’t break it” or “90% of crashes happen right after the player uses a grenade”. And despite what some conspiracy theorists would have you believe, telemetry data for software from reputable companies does not get sold or used for marketing purposes. Our lawyers make sure of it, and also make us go through privacy reviews to make sure that data isn’t leaking PII.

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I have 7 trees on my property. If you pay me $700 I’ll promise not to cut them down for five years, and you can subtract 35 tons of CO2 from your environmental balance sheet.

That’s how carbon offsets work. They’re bullshit.

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This is the third post I’ve seen on Lemmy recently where people seem to overwhelmingly think the word “scam” just means “something I don’t like”. To be a scam, something needs to be dishonest in its representation, usually either by falsifying the true cost to the buyer, or lying about what is being provided in return.

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union leaders and truck drivers said would save hundreds of thousands of jobs

There might be good reasons to have human drivers in autonomous trucks, at least for a while. But “saving jobs” is not one of them.

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Figure 1: Human discovers that hosting a web service for hundreds of thousands of users is expensive.

They've built a library of small building blocks for character movements. These blocks can be combined in various ways to create a wide range of animations. … Instead of designing separate animations for each of these situations, they use these building blocks to put together the character's movements naturally.

This sounds like shape keys, which is a technique already widely used in games and animation today. When you get shot in Battlefield, your character model plays a “getting shot” animation. When your character runs, it plays a “running” animation. When your character gets shot while running, these two animations are combined - it’s not a separate “shot while running” animation.

Would love to know if there’s actually some novel aspect to this “invention” but it seems more likely that this is yet another bullshit patent approved by a clueless clerk who did zero searches for prior art.

Edit: Read the patent. Not only does it describe nothing novel, it doesn’t even document what they did. All it says is basically “we created animation blocks and combine them”. The details are just a bunch of bullshit jargon spew:

attributes can include conditions, properties, events, flags, graphs, values, references, and variants

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Deplorable (adjective): Dishonorable or deserving of strong condemnation.

Vermin (noun): Noxious or disgusting wild animals that are difficult to control.

Barriers that were normally placed across the bridge entrance were missing due to vandalism

vandalism? What were these “barriers”, a handful of orange cones? At minimum they should have put some concrete jersey barriers there.

The first hack I ever did was to remove the security add-on my middle school put on our macs so we couldn’t play games. The attack vector was the file APIs in VBScript executed via a word doc. Fun times!

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No one makes christmas lists that are short like Gaston!

If the client is blocking OS fingerprinting by returning generic navigator.appVersion and userAgent values you should probably just assume Linux in the first place.

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Deliberately using software encryption mode is slow; no shocker there. Their same testing showed no significant difference when hardware encryption mode was used.

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The average net worth in the US is $121k. Elon Musk’s net worth is $231B, or about 1.9M times the average. A $350K fine for Musk would equate to about 18 cents for the average American.

Even worse, many components will ignore the XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR var so even if you manually change it to $HOME/downloads (lower-case) it will often break things.

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many software developers

Most individuals care about security, but most companies’ reward structure does not reward proactive security measures. Alice will get a much bigger bonus if she spends 20 hours straight fixing a zero-day exploit in the wild than if she had spent a week implementing proper safeguards in the first place.

I still don’t believe the avocado comic is one-shot AI-generated. Composited from multiple outputs, sure. But I have not once seen generative AI produce an image that includes properly rendered text like this.

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Say it with me everyone - CORPORATIONS ARE NOT PEOPLE

Not quite; movie’s only 35 years old. First colonoscopy is recommended at age 45.

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That’s by draining the battery, not by sustaining a charge. If it gets 710km in the sun and 660km in cloudy weather, it probably gets 610 without any solar panels at all.

”On a scale of 1 to 10, how often do you think about killing yourself?”

“Uhhh… 3?”

”That’ll be $40”

Honestly it’s refreshing to not see the word “slammed” for once…

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3 nanometer

That’s a silicon lattice just six atoms thick. What a time to be alive!

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Me who can’t do a single pull-up: I guess I’m a woman now?

Oh no! Anyway…

Get yourself a little something! See new listings for 3mm machine screws!

This is a joke: Fun thing: players don’t trust a smooth loading bar. The stutters and pauses show you that the load is ‘biting’. I’ve worked on games where we artificially faked it.

Article: the above is not a joke

Strongly disagree. Current draw is a well-known design consideration for a device like this. Unless otherwise stated, devices are generally assumed to function at full performance for the lifetime of the device. It’s expected that battery life will degrade over time, but not processing performance and responsiveness. Most manufacturers will account for degradation in peak current by limiting TDP to the peak demand for the device’s future current capacity. Throttling the SOC is not something customers expect, which is why the case has succeeded.

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Insurers aren’t really to blame here. Florida is a fundamentally high-risk place to build and live now, and will continue to get worse for the foreseeable future due to climate change. Even a non-profit insurer would need to price Florida insurance at a premium, lest its funds be exhausted when the inevitable category-6 hurricane hits the state.

Arguably the ones most to blame (after the fossil fuel industry, for putting us in this position in the first place of course) is corrupt politicians and developers who allow such shoddy construction in the state in the first place.

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Through the travail of the ages,
Midst the pomp and toil of war,
I have fought and strove and perished
Countless times upon this star.

In the form of many people
In all panoplies of time
Have I seen the luring vision
Of the Victory Maid, sublime.

I have battled for fresh mammoth,
I have warred for pastures new,
I have listened to the whispers
When the race trek instinct grew.

I have known the call to battle
In each changeless changing shape
From the high souled voice of conscience
To the beastly lust for rape.

I have sinned and I have suffered,
Played the hero and the knave;
Fought for belly, shame, or country,
And for each have found a grave.

I cannot name my battles
For the visions are not clear,
Yet, I see the twisted faces
And I feel the rending spear.

Perhaps I stabbed our Savior
In His sacred helpless side.
Yet, I’ve called His name in blessing
When in after times I died.

In the dimness of the shadows
Where we hairy heathens warred,
I can taste in thought the lifeblood;
We used teeth before the sword.

While in later clearer vision
I can sense the coppery sweat,
Feel the pikes grow wet and slippery
When our Phalanx, Cyrus met.

Hear the rattle of the harness
Where the Persian darts bounced clear,
See their chariots wheel in panic
From the Hoplite’s leveled spear.

See the goal grow monthly longer,
Reaching for the walls of Tyre.
Hear the crash of tons of granite,
Smell the quenchless eastern fire.

Still more clearly as a Roman,
Can I see the Legion close,
As our third rank moved in forward
And the short sword found our foes.

Once again I feel the anguish
Of that blistering treeless plain
When the Parthian showered death bolts,
And our discipline was in vain.

I remember all the suffering
Of those arrows in my neck.
Yet, I stabbed a grinning savage
As I died upon my back.

Once again I smell the heat sparks
When my Flemish plate gave way
And the lance ripped through my entrails
As on Crecy’s field I lay.

In the windless, blinding stillness
Of the glittering tropic sea
I can see the bubbles rising
Where we set the captives free.

Midst the spume of half a tempest
I have heard the bulwarks go
When the crashing, point blank round shot
Sent destruction to our foe.

I have fought with gun and cutlass
On the red and slippery deck
With all Hell aflame within me
And a rope around my neck.

And still later as a General
Have I galloped with Murat
When we laughed at death and numbers
Trusting in the Emperor’s Star.

Till at last our star faded,
And we shouted to our doom
Where the sunken road of Ohein
Closed us in its quivering gloom.

So but now with Tanks a’clatter
Have I waddled on the foe
Belching death at twenty paces,
By the star shell’s ghastly glow.

So as through a glass, and darkly
The age long strife I see
Where I fought in many guises,
Many names, but always me.

And I see not in my blindness
What the objects were I wrought,
But as God rules o’er our bickerings
It was through His will I fought.

So forever in the future,
Shall I battle as of yore,
Dying to be born a fighter,
But to die again, once more.

    - General George S Patton

This map is completely meaningless. The local value of “one money” in each country’s currency varies massively. A Coke might cost 1 dollar in Australia but cost 1000 won in South Korea, but Australians make 50,000 dollars per year while South Koreans make 3,500,000 won per year.

Just read both Al Jazeera and The Jerusalem Post and take the average.

the district drawn was motivated by politics, not by race

If this argument is allowed, then the entire 14th Amendment can be circumvented using any attribute with high correlation to the targeted class. Don’t want to serve black people? Just say you only serve people with a skin albedo above 0.2 - it’s about aesthetics, not race! Don’t wan to employ women? Just make short hair a requirement for the job.

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while(amazon_price < GetCompetitorPrice()) {
  amazon_price += 1;
our_price = GetCompetitorPrice() - 1;

”SeCrEt AlGoRiThM!!!!1” - The Verge

It means that Aspartame is going to be added to the “Group 2B” classification list. It’s worth noting that “Red Meat” and “Alcohol” are in the much more severe “Group 1” list, so you should probably give up steak and beer before you ditch your favorite diet soda.

Leading theoretical physicist Michio Kaku

I wouldn’t listen too closely to discount Neil deGrasse Tyson these days, especially in domains in which he has no qualifications whatsoever.

the probability that the satellite debris will not be completely burned during the fall and cause injury or death to people on the ground is 0.6 per year. This means it would happen once every two years

That doesn’t mean it will fucking hit someone. The surface area of the planet is 510e12 m^2. There are about 8B people on the planet. Even if we conservatively assume that everyone is lying flat on their back in the middle of an open field, that’s only about 8B m^2 of vulnerable surface area. At that rate, you’d expect an injury interval of 510e12 / 8e9 / 0.6 = 1 injury every 106 thousand years. Yes there is some correlation of common orbits and human population, so we can be conservative and put it at 50,000 years.

TIL a single T-72B3 costs less than $2M.

When you’re listening on a shitty bluetooth speaker or earbuds it really doesn’t matter.

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this seems like a recipe for disaster

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I think most rational people understand it was more than an inconvenience. But weighed against the fact that some areas literally had to bring in refrigerated semi trailers to store dead bodies because there wasn’t anywhere else to put them, and how much worse it could have been without some restrictions, many people think it was a reasonable temporary trade-off.