Metal Zealot

4 Post – 373 Comments
Joined 12 months ago
I can be a bit of a dink sometimes, I'm trying to work on that.
Here, have a spinning mouse I made.

I can advise Pichai to lick my nuts

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"y'know, maybe Reddit and Twitter are on to something"
-Unity CEO, probably

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If you look closely, you'll notice the Unity logo is constructed of 3 arrows, all pointing in the directions that their user base is going

Guess what!
There's a whole generation of old men about to pass away, most of them tradesmen. And in my experience, crotchety and unwilling to teach.

Because this generation generally has less interest in trades, likely from being viewed down upon (see above), there is going to be a severe shortage of people working in the trades.

This will possibly mean two things:
Companies are going to scramble desperately to get new apprentices, so -good news- more jobs. But, expect a startling lack of quality in the years to come.

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How... how could you possibly start trying to profit off of a major resource for accessibility to movies. That's scummier than scummy. Fuck you OpenSubtitles, you're the fucking Elon Musk and Steve Huffman of deaf people everywhere. Get absolutely fucked.

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Why was Epic even interested in Bandcamp in the first place??

This fucking blows. Start downloading all your music you've bought, you soon won't be able to own anything online anymore.

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"but you need to hear BOTH side of the arg-"
No we don't.

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Tell me you don't speak French without telling me you don't speak French

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-This article brought to you by Alphabet Inc

You're already unpopular, Linus. You swept a workplace sexual harrassment scandal under the rug, were called out for your lack of proper testing, and your data is constantly incorrect.

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My wife is deaf, and I take this VERY fucking personally. This is predatory to an already (unfortunately) overlooked demographic of movie lovers, I will absolutely rally against this bullshit.

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The new "Social Creddit Score"

Oh, no harm done then, lets keep allowing every online resource to implement shitty money grabbing tactics

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I have a feeling people here like Linux...

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Everyone in that thread has Stockholm syndrome. They're so used to being force fed shit that they couldn't possibly believe that an online platform could be run any differently than Reddit.

And, everyones total misunderstanding of the fediverse. Yea, no wonder it's all tech people here, dumbass

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Linus' fan base allegedly drove a little boy to suicide, and the mother subsequently took her own life as well.

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Most average game of the year.
Bethesda hasn't innovated in years, they depend nearly entirely on the name alone

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Remember when games were insanely optimized because the resources available were extremely limited?
Devs have gotten lazy with taking full advantage of the hardware they're developing for..

Granted, the technology is always advancing, probably faster than people can get accustomed to now. Especially with harsh deadlines and horrid work environments. But AAA companies have no problem unloading half-baked schlock, and blaming your hardware

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Bro, remember when VR was all the rage? EVERYTHING was pushing VR, so much so Facebook Meta went all in on it.

Now it's a fucking novelty at best.

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I mean I'm drunk and this was thr wrong post

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THEN ASK PEOPLE TO DONATE, how tone-deaf can you be about your own community?? What the fuck do they think Wikipedia is doing?
I've found pirates & FOSS enthusiasts are FAR more likely to donate into something they use regularly and appreciate, this is a blatant slap in the face to those people.

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"and how can they say they pirates when have no boats???"

After ruminating on the amount of class time he had missed, the student in question was overheard stating to other classmates "but then my homework was never quite like this".

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I left Facebook to get away from the brain rot. Please don't bring their demographic to spread here.

Allowing threads to federate is like allowing a virus to enter the system.

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True enough. I can only hear "NoBoDy WaNtS tO WoRk AnYmOrE" so many times before i figure who's to blame for that

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The priority of advertisers experience, over user experience, should say it all

Could you imagine Laptop manufacturers saying "do NOT download apps from other websites. ONLY download from the Windows App Store"

Like, fuck off Pichai, you're insane

Are phones the only devices out there that receive such scrutiny in the tech world?? My laptop can literally do the exact same thing but better

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No gameplay, no hype, thems the rules

Does she even know her kids name?

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"W00T, THE BARE MINIMUM, TAKE THAT GOOGLE" *Apple fans, still stuck, like, in 2017

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Oblivion's Horse Armor dlc has more worth than this

Gonna keep talking about Peertube until it starts to take off.

Seriously, how great would it be for your fave youtubers to have their own Peertube instance, and know that your donations go DIRECTLY to support them and maintain their server? With NO advertisements or possibility of Google shutting you down just cuz they dont like you

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Can we not give developers the impression that it's OKAY to release a pile of shit, then spend the next 2-3 years saying "No guys, look, we fixed it, this is totally worth $80 now"

If Tina Turner were still here, she'd kick this fucker right in the head with her gazelle length legs

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Repost bots are a soulless, sad attempt to bloat Lemmy with content.

Looks at ! vs !

Both are clones of their Reddit counterpart, but Superbowls has actual fresh content from users here on Lemmy, and is quite active as a result.
Capybaras is just sad reposting from Reddit. Each post has little to no engagement

Poor Blizzard, they must be failing on hard times, after being bought for 69 billion dollars

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Remember when King tried to trademark the word Candy?

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"It's a technical wonder, never seen before in the industry. Completely unique dialog trees and interactions with NPCs. Elaborate upgrade system. Crafting mechanics. Full open world sandbox experience. Planned DLC for the next 2 years. BattlePass"

Holy fuck I'm tired of this shit

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Are we really letting companies get away with "better to ask for forgiveness, than permission"?

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