He is a Hard Worker

SagXD@lemm.ee to Memes@sopuli.xyz – 1295 points –

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True enough. I can only hear "NoBoDy WaNtS tO WoRk AnYmOrE" so many times before i figure who's to blame for that

Exactly. Nobody wants to work for unliveable wages. It's a wage shortage, not a labour shortage.

Or, after being tired of being lowballed for work and offers to be paid in exposure, "fuck you, pay me."

A local (and very well off) welding company wanted me to pay for my own courses and equipment when I applied. It would have been hundreds of dollars out of my pocket, for MAYBE a chance to be taken on as an apprentice, if I withstand being the shop bítch for long enough.



Those “small business” owners:

“Buying my third luxury car is so expensive, why are prices going up? Must be the government”

This is so crazy to me. I got into a low voltage trade and everything was paid for. I brought minor hand tools, but everything over 100$ was provided. And that is like standard around me (for new guys). Also amazing wages once you're a well experienced worker. (Talking 5 years or so).

Maybe not welding, or electrician, but pipefitters, plumberd, fire guys, all great trades.

What kind of work is that if I were to go looking? I really enjoyed control wiring for HVAC systems, didn't enjoy lugging boilers up flights of stairs or brazing compressors in place in Manhattan with 1/2sqft of space to work in...

My work specifically i very company dependant, but data wire, access control, fire, cameras, all the fun "low voltage" stuff. Normally you'll find Access, Security, and Cameras bundled. Sometimes with Fire, sometimes Data. All depends on who ya look for!

The school I went to, you were basically sold to the employer LOL. They paid for your school when they hired you. You just had to agree to work there for a couple of years.

Most trade jobs don't pay enough. As an auto tech The offerings are not good, because most dealers keep most of the profits. Nurses are getting screwed left and right too. I tried switching over to being a truck driver and they actually pay less now than they used to, this is after the supposed shortage and I was out 14hrs a day.

???? How can they have a shortage of workers, but try to justify paying people less???

I swear to fucking god, the mental gymnastics these fuckers do is phenomenal

I'm a former auto tech who got into sales, after seeing my complete moron coworkers who knew nothing about their jobs and wrote bad checks that I was supposed to cash, making twice as much money as me.

Or in my case: "cool no one wants to pay me, I guess I'm taking the $1000 out of savings and starting my own businesses." It's way more stress, but I'm making enough money that I can think about buying a house and retiring before I die.

Waiting for Lemmy anti-capitalists in 3… 2…

He started a business with a grand and got lucky. How many people wouldn't be successful with that grand? How many people don't even have that money to spare?