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Joined 12 months ago

Don't forget how Biden is being harder on immigration than Trump was but don't worry Biden is totally for minorities

Switched to bitwarden as soon as they tried to charge a sub for multiple devices, I see that was the right choice

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Or the more you know the worse and worse the world seems and your only gift for that knowledge is pain

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Don’t worry we'll live forever too since now we won't have to retire

My absolute stupid idiot orange girl disagrees

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He's born to real estate developers, probably helps tremendously with connections

I will break far before I'm allowed to retire

Stop I'm close

Giant dude approaching me doing my job on someone else's property, shoving a phone in my face, I think I'd feel pretty damn threatened.

I just switched jobs, I'm gonna have like $15 in my account when my car insurance gets taken out today lmao, it's rough till you get that first paycheck

I have a tiny 4k lumen flashlight with a "defense strobe" mode. Just max brightness really disorienting. I could totally see it working

That isn't misinformation

I'm making way more money as an EE than when I was a teen making minimum wage at a factory. That shit is grueling and far from no effort

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Yeah definitely, I remember sailing in the ocean when I was in Sea Scouts and one of our leaders had his battery let out the magic smoke on his phone, no lithium fire luckily

Literally fucking anything that seems more pleasant than thing I'm procrastinating

Ooh I have this as one of my wallpaper engine backgrounds

Love my orange girl, she's a psycho

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I don't see why I wouldn't want my fellow man who is struggling in the system to do better just because I went into huge debt to be an EE

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Liked it as a kid and really enjoyed a proper watch through as an adult

Ok grandpa

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The people at the top are literally the best/winners at capitalism. They won the game, the game that's designed to funnel capital

Don't think I've seen anyone mention sea of thieves, always loved how pretty it was and the complete like of hud is great

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Damn crazy how your anecdotal experience doesn't change what the majority of christians stand for

You're trolling right? What a wild statement

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Hell yeah just made an account

God I hope it reduces my fertility

Sure would be convenient for the government if everyone was forced to have a universal online profile

I spent about $80 for 4 people to see Oppenheimer coming up. I've also been seeing deals of 2tb m.2 drives for less than 100

Haven't installed fresh windows in a few years but I distinctly remember the past few times I installed Windows 10 I had the weirdest issues trying to download Firefox or chrome, like the webpage or download button was broke. I had to get my browser through ninite

My pixel 5 was awesome but then they started making their phones big again

I'll probably just go for that, if it's already photography focused that sounds great

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Don't act all high and mighty, half the products you purchase are probably still child labor produced

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And there's still a large amount of not-republicans in those states

Been watching etho for at least a decade if not more, one of my all time favorites

I just got into photography and wanted to post some stuff to Flickr. Any idea how pixelfed is for that? I really like being able to sort by camera or lens and seeing the exact settings used right under the pic

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Trailers are 300k here in Colorado, at least where I'm at with jobs. If you want an actual house it's 450-600k

My childhood home with 3 bedrooms and a finished basement was like 130k and that was purchases in the 2000s

Was told this nonstop through college, took me a year to find a job paying me way less than most people's engineering starting wage

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What exactly is this evil propaganda? I've seen people be critical of our current wave of feminism but it's fascinating that you think first and second wave is bad too. I don't get it, do you just hate women? What lies are they spreading?

Really incredible to claim their experience fictitious immediately after saying you live in a diverse area

Ah that's actually my bad, I thought you were replying to a different comment in reference to hexbear