
1 Post – 200 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


Only the original 4 who murdered George Floyd were charged. None of the other police in Mpls who shot citizens, instigated riots, and actively harmed peaceful protesters haven't, and will never be charged.

After the protests, the MPLS police gave up. They will now only show up to a call if and I quote "There is a dead body"

Because why?

They have a coupon now for gluten crusts. Make sure to ask if you call in, otherwise it should already be on the app. Could be a local coupon, but im pretty sure I saw it in national coupons.

Okay... Whats it called though?

But why

Doesn't really make sense to let him lose though if your goal is to end the horror in Israel. Only Biden will even attempt at a ceasefire, Trump will just let the area be obliterated.

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I had the opposite happen. I thought a steam deck may help me be more on the go as well, however it just helped me be even lazier in bed...

So they can show ads for 2 minutes, and whats actually behind the glass for about 5 seconds.

Yeah just like Microsoft Recall right? An AI that has access to every single thing you do (and would also be recording, otherwise how does it know "you") can never be private by design. Its literal design is to know everything about you, your actions, and your habits. I wouldn't trust anyone to be able to create an actually secure piece of software that does the above. It will always be able to be stolen/sold/abused.

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Won't trump also continue the genocide? So aren't the options Genocide A, or Genocide B? But Genocide A is also a convicted felon.... So. Yeah, easy choice.

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140$ to have all streaming apps, on many different app, is not reasonable.

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When this was posted years ago it was posted without music and you could just hear the guys having fun. Don't know why people think they need to add music.

You should be able to get insurance on your tools. I know a few of my locksmith buddies have done this. Keep a well itemized list of your tools.

It really sucks, and I for one don't even do this. If it is a huge worry though, it should be something you can look into.

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Hasnt played the game, but knows its bad? Sounds like you don't play good games 🤔

I simply don't, and wouldn't trust Apple. They will tell you they are all about privacy, and happily sell your data behind your back. Just like any other company.


I personally enjoy that he is behind the scenes so to speak. What is really telling however is that the media never actually reports on these things. Atleast in your face about it, and why would they? It helps them to make others think Biden isnt helping the people.

I get the checkbox even on mobile sometimes, I imagine as long as you're not perfectly hitting the center pixel it knows you're human.

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You can copy the entire game folder and run it that way, as long as the game is actually DRM free it should work just fine.

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In which case, as long as the cop wasn't lying, or making an excuse, could be easily proven. People might be more likely to trust that they were speeding if cops didn't lie at every interaction.

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And yet they never once called you dude. You were just so happy and excited to shit on someone, that you failed to have any compassion and understand what they were actually saying.

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This is a thread about Nintendo suing a completely legal Emulator. I do believe you're the one who should "get out of here", if you're going to say Nintendo has every right to do this, when everyone else here disagrees.

China afaik is currently doing exactly that, as well as a few companies in the United States. Its not something just as easy as "experimenting yourself" (although, that is a very simplified way to look at it.) This is decades of research, with billions of dollars. Countries like China can socialize some of these aspects, and seems to be doing very well. It still takes time and money, and research. All the while, the current leading companies are still also furthering their own research.

But posting to say so was worth your time...?

no, just no.

I think he just meant that children are the most likely to uhhh, find a way.

Or maybe, start campaigning for you choice about 4 years ago. Get us all on the same page, 4 years ago. Or, crazy idea, go with the guy who won't quite literally end democracy on day one.

One of the two candidates said "I'll be a dictator for a day, just one day". My vote is for the guy who doesn't want to openly be a dictator (and also isn't a convicted felon)

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Is it though? I'd love to know who the other options are in a First Past the Post democracy.

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I've lived in the hood. BRANDISHING which is what this law for, would have you shot dead. Get the fuck outta here.

Does it say I need insurance to own a shotgun, that is kept in my home? Because thats what I'd be using if I lived in the hood and felt afraid in my home

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I mean if you think about it, you're doing unpaid labor to prove you're a human.

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Damn for real? Growing up id always heard even the tiniest bubbles can put you into shock/death. Made me terrified for a long while growing up... 20cc is a lot of air!

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Would love to hear other issues on why you think the Steam Software is a mess? I've personally found it better in every way when compared to a PC, Laptop, or any other hardware, tho I'm hardly someone who uses it more than for streaming and gaming. Which has worked exceptionally well for being the forefront of handheld desktop gaming.

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Is there someone else you would recommend?

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Generally if the lock is horizontal its supposed to mean locked. You can flip this on most common locks, but then its backwards. It makes sense from a visual perspective to have vertical unlock, horizontal lock.

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Youre completely right! Yet crypto really doesn't seem like the right answer here either. Using more energy than several nations for an unstable currency is just not something thats gonna take off. Even if we had unlimited energy, crypto will continue to require more and more making it entirely infeasible.

Some may say even those in their 20s are here!

Funny how OP just explained above you, and id wager a good chunk of us feel the way he does. The real question is, why would you condone their actions?

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Blows my mind with the responses on here. I use YouTube maybe once a month, if something interesting pops up? Or for a music video or a science related subject. Reading is just so much more pleasant than trying to go through all the spam, trash, ads, and bad videos. I don't know how you all stand youtube personally.

You know, now that a good portion of people are on Lemmy, it just might be the perfect place to start organizing, whatever you feel that may be...